2021年 四川 职称英语(理工)如何报名


2021年 四川 职称英语(理工)如何报名


下面小编为大家准备了 职称英语(理工) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Easy Learning

Students should be jealous.Not only do babies get to doze their days away,but they've also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.
By the time babies are a year old they can recognize a lot of sounds and even simple words. Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland suspected that they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake.
To test the theory,Cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first days of their lives. They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds一one that sounds like "oo",another like"ee"and a third boundary vowel peculiar to Finnish and similar languages that sounds like something in between. EEG recordings of the infants brains before and after the session showed that the newborns could not distinguish the sounds.
Fifteen of the babies then went back with their mothers,while the rest were split into two sleepstudy groups.One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels,while the others listened to the other,easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds.
When tested in the morning,and again in the evening,the babies who'd heard the tricky boundary vowels all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognize this sound.They could identify the sound even when its pitch was changed,while none of the other babies could pick up the boundary vowel at all.
Cheour doesn't know how babies accomplish this night-time learning,but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults,babies don't"turn off" their cerebral cortex while they sleep.The skill probably fades in the course of the first years of life,she adds,so forget the idea that you can pick up the tricky French vowels as an adult just by slipping a language tape under your pillow. But while it may not help grown-ups,Cheour is hoping to use the sleeping hours to give remedial help to babies who are genetically at risk of language disorders.

Babies can learn language even in their sleep.
C:Not mentioned
相关信息在第一段:Students should be jealous.Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they've also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.学生们应该感到嫉妒。婴儿们不仅整天睡觉,而且他们掌握了在睡眠中学习的技艺。Not only… but also=not only…but…,意思是“不但……而且……”。
第二段第一句提到:By the time babies are a year old they can recognize a lot of sounds and even simple words.但问题句中提到的是vowels(元音),之后也没有相关信息。因此判断该问题句为“没提到”。
第三段第二句提到:They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds一one that sounds like"oo",another like"ee"and a third boundary vowel peculiar to Finnish…因此该句是正确的。
第六段第一句:Cheour doesn' t know how babies accomplish this night-time learning,but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults,babies don't "turn off" their cerebral cortex while they sleep.该句在语意上和题干一致,因此判断问题句的说法正确。
第六段第二句:The skill probably fades in the course of the first year of life, she adds,so forget the idea that you call pick up tricky French vowels as an adult just by slipping a language tape under your pillow.该句在内容上与问题句(If an adult wants to learn a language faster, he can put a language tape under his pillow)内容相反,因此判断该问题句的说法错误。
借助常识,判断该题的说法错误,文章中通常不会提出没有用的东西来浪费读者的时间。在文章最后部分,也可以找到答案相关句:But while it may not help grown-ups, Cheour is hoping to use the sleeping hours to give remedial help to babies who are genetically at risk of language disorders.it才旨代前句中的the skill,即the night-time-learning( Cheour的发现内容)。该句内容与问题句内容不一致,因此判断该题的说法错误。

Giant Structures
It is an impossible task to select the most amazing wonders of the modern world since every year more______(1)constructions appear. Here are three giant structures which are worthy of our admiration______(2)they may have been surpassed by some more recent wonders.
The Petronas Twin Towers
The Petronas Towers were the tallest buildings in the world when they were completed in 1999.______(3)a height of 452 metres,the tall twin towers,like two thin pencils,dominate the city of Kuala Lumpur. At the 41st floor,the towers are______(4)by a bridge,symbolizing a gateway to the city. The American architect Cesar Pelli designed the skyscrapers.
Constructed of high-strength concrete,the building______(5)around 1,800 square metres of office space on every floor. And it has a shopping centre and a concert hall at the base.Other______(6)of this impressive building include double-decker lifts,and glass and steel sunshades.
The Millau Bridge
The Millau Bridge was opened in 2004 in the Tarn Valley,in southern France. At the ______(7)it was built,it was the world,5 highest bridge,______(8)over 340m at the highest point. The bridge is described as one of the most amazingly beautiful bridges in the world. It was built to ________ (9) Millau's congestion(拥堵)problems. The congestion was then caused by traffic passing from Paris to Barcelona in Spain. The bridge was built to with-stand the______(10) extreme seismic(地震的)and climatic conditions. Besides , it is guar- anteed for 120 years!
The Itaipu Dam
The Itaipu hydroelectric power plant is one of the largest constructions of its kind in the world.
It______(11)of a series of dams across the River Parana,______(12)forms a natural border between Brazil and Paraguay. Started in 1975 and taking 16 years to complete, the construction was carried out as a joint project between the two______(13).The dam is well-known for both its electricity output and its size. In 1995 it produced 78% of Paraguay's and 25% Of Brazil's______(14)needs. In its construction,the amount of iron and steel used was equivalent to over 300 Eiffel Towers.It is a______(15)amazing wonder of engineering.

A: place
B: map
C: time
D: view
根据上下文,此处要表达的是每年都会有更多绝妙的建筑物出现,A项 wonderful表示“绝妙的,极好的,精彩的”,故选A项。
在双子塔的41层,两座塔被一条桥连接着,就像是通向城市的通道,故选 D项。
根据上下文可知,此处说的是米约高架桥的建造是为了缓解交通拥堵,C项 relieve表“解除,减轻”,故选C项。
根据上下文可知,伊代普水电站包括在巴拉那河上的一系列小水坝,A项 consist表示“包括,组成”,故选A项。
根据句意和句式分析,这里是一个非限制性定语从句,引导词只能用 which,用which来代替前面提到的伊代普水电站,故选D项。

The Robot Man
According to Hans Moravec,universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in,leaving us with little to do.Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings.In new situations they'll be able to adapt,unlike today's mobile industrial robots.These robots will have the computing power to cope with simple speech and text recognition,and will be used for tasks such as domestic clean-ing.
The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn .Second generation robots are programmed with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide"pleasure"and"pain"stimuli .For example,a collision provokes a negative response,a completed task would be positive.
Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three.This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before beginning a task,it can imagine what will happen in order to predict problems.If it has a free moment,it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of如ing things next time .It could even observe a person or another robot performing a task and learn by imitation.For the first time,we have here a robot that can think.
By the time we get to generation four in 2040,Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour;generalise abstract ideas from specific experience;and, conversely,compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as"earn a living"or "make more robots".
The Moravec manifesto(宣告)runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one,they'll begin to take on many tasks in industry.Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force,the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become lowcost commodity items.So much so that they'll move into the home,where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.
With increasing automation in generations two and three,the length of the average working day will plummet,eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry,but the service economy too.Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations.
These future machines will be our"mind children".Like biological children of previous generations,they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future.

What will be the distinctive feature of the second generation robots?
A: They will be able to recogilize speeches and texts.
B: They will be able to learn by themselves.
C: They will be able to predict problems.
D: They will be able to match human reasoning and behaviour.
问题是:第二代机器人的显著特点是什么?本文第二段的第一句话是:" The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn.”因此,第二代机器人的显著特点是具有“自主学习”的能力,他能根据设定的程序提供“快乐”或 “痛苦”的刺激。A项没有提到;C和D讲述的是第三代和第四代机器人的特点。

本文第五、六段阐述了未来机器人的能力。第五段的最后一句是“... where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.”其余三个选项与文中内容不符。

作者的写作目的显然不是描述Hans Moravec的生平,而全文都是客观地论述了未来几代机器人的趋势,没有任何主观色彩。所以,A和C显然不对;选项D没有提到。

" plummet”是“急速下降”的意思。也可根据后面的“... eventually to near zero"(最终降到零)判断,stretch , extend , grow的意思是“伸展”,“扩大”,“增长”,因此都不对。

本文最后一段“These future machines will be our ‘ mind children ’ like biological children...”说明了未来机器人是懂得我们思想的孩子。like biological children意思是(在懂得我们思想方面)他们像我们生的孩子,并不是“they look like previous biological children"(长得像);C、D没有提到。

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