专升本 问题列表
问题 一对外啮合标准直齿圆柱齿轮,已知模数m=2mm,齿数z1=25,z2=75。求齿距p,全齿高h,分度圆直径d1,d2,齿顶圆直径da1,齿根圆直径df2,标准中心距a和传动比i。

问题 Do you like watching football matches? ()AThank you for inviting me.BI don‘t like watching it on TV, either.CI hear the football match will be put off.DFootball? No.It‘s a waste of time

问题 Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?()AYes, but I‘ll have English classesBSorry. I have an appointment with Dr. BrownCI‘m afraid I have no ideaDI won‘t. it‘s kind of you

问题 ()mineral water is there in the bottle?AHow muchBHow littleCHow many

问题 When I was a child, I used () to the river and bathe in the evening.Ato goingBto goCgoDgoing

问题 简述构件和零件的区别与联系。

问题 ()决定了从动杆的运动规律。A凸轮转速B凸轮轮廓曲线C凸轮形状D凸轮形状和转速

问题 I stopped()last year.AsmokingBsmokeCto smokeDsmoked

问题 零件在轴上的固定形式包括()和()。

问题 Happy birthday to you!()AHappy birthday to you!BI am very glad.CThat's all right.DThank you.

问题 微型机主机包括主存储器和CPU两部分。A对B错

问题 A: What doe he()? B: He is tall and good-lookingAlikeBlookClooklike

问题 齿轮传动的五种主要失效是(),(),(),齿面胶合和齿面塑性变形。

问题 I have passed the English exam.()Congratulations!ASorryBGood luckCCome onDWell done

问题 在Word中,特殊符号是通过()输入的。A专门符号按钮B在特定的输入法下C“格式”菜单中的“插入符号”命令D“插入”菜单中的“符号”命令