


1、(9)      【完形填空】

A.stay up

B.crop up

C.fill up

D.cover up


答案解析:A. stay up熬夜;B. crop up突然出现;C.  fill up充满;D. cover up掩盖As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic, cases began to(9) in New York City, the southwestern United States and around the world.(随着墨西哥城很多地方陷入恐慌,大门紧闭,一些病例开始(9)在纽约,美国西南部以及世界各地。)显然这里应该是病例开始出现,只有crop up 有此含义,因此答案为B。

2、From the text we know that some of consumers\' habits are developed due to().【阅读理解A】

A.perfected art of products

B.automatic behavior creation

C. commercial promotions

D.scientific experiments


答案解析:A. 产品的完美艺术性;B. 自动的行为习惯;C. 广告促销;D. 科学实验文章最后一段开头:there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through relentless advertising.(习惯的形成与持续不断的广告有关)。故答案选C。

3、(3)      【完形填空】






答案解析:A. digits数字;B.  numbers数量;C. amounts数量;D.  sums总量根据空白处前面的并列连词and得知,其前后内容应该一致,即a sharp rise in cases =rising(),即空白处指代cases,A选项指的是阿拉伯数字,C选项多指代不可数名词,D选项复数形式多指款项金额,因此答案为B。

4、Even in the 1960s, women were seldom on the jury list in some states because().【阅读理解A】

A. they were automatically banned by state laws

B.they fell far short of the required qualifications

C.they were supposed to perform domestic duties

D.they tended to evade public engagement


答案解析:A. 州法律自动禁止;B. 她们远远没有达到规定的资格;C. 她们应该去完成家庭职责;D. 她们倾向于逃避公众参与文章第三段末句:This practice was justified by the claim that women were needed at home, and it kept juries unrepresentative of women through the 1960s.(这种做法(排除女性陪审)的解释是家庭需要女性。于是,整个20世纪60年代,女性都被排除在陪审团外。故答案选C。

5、Judging from the context, the phrase “wreaking havoc”(Para.2)most probably means().【阅读理解A】

A.generating motivation

B.exerting influence

C.causing damage

D.creating pressure


答案解析:A. 产生激励;B. 产生影响;C.  造成伤害;D. 造成压力第二段大意:男性在公共场合比女性说话多,但在家里却说得很少,这一模式对婚姻_______。第三段作者进一步引用社会学家的发现, most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.(多数女性认为缺乏沟通是她们离婚的原因,但很少男性这样认为)。可见缺乏沟通对婚姻产生破坏作用。故答案为C。

6、(20)      【完形填空】

A.involved in

B.caring for

C.concerned with

D.warding off


答案解析:A. involved in涉及;B. caring for照顾;C.  concerned with关注;D. warding off避开But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk groups: health care workers, people(20) infants and healthy young people.(但是其他患病高位人群仍可接种此疫苗:护工,儿童(20)人员以及健康的年轻人),婴儿应该被照顾,因此答案为B。

7、From the principles of the U.S. jury system, we learn that().【阅读理解A】

A. both literate and illiterate people can serve on juries

B.defendants are immune from trial by their peers

C.no age limit should be imposed for jury service

D. judgment should consider the opinion of the public


答案解析:A. 有文化和没文化的人都能做陪审员;B. 被告免于被同辈人审判;C. 陪审团工作没有年龄限制;D.判决应该考虑大众的意见文章第一段: that verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law(裁决应该代表社会良知,而不仅仅是法律条文)可见判决应该考虑大众意见。此从句所在句子还表明陪审员应该满足最低年龄和读写能力要求,被告有权利被同龄人审判,故答案为D。

8、According to Dr. Curtis, habits like hand washing with soap().【阅读理解A】

A.should be further cultivated

B.should be changed gradually

C.are deeply rooted in history

D.are basically private concerns


答案解析:A. 应当进一步培养;B. 应当逐步改变;C. 在历史上根深蒂固;D. 基本上属于个人关注的问题文章第二段中:Dr. Curtis指出:There are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hand instead of a soap habit, that remain killers (一些基本的公共卫生问题,如不用肥皂洗手仍然威胁人们的生命),并表示We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically.(我们要向私有企业学习如何创造新的无意识习惯),可见他的观点是用肥皂洗手应该成为人们的习惯,即应该进一步培养。故正确答案为A。

9、In discussing the U.S. jury system, the text centers on().【阅读理解A】

A.its nature and problems

B.its characteristics and tradition

C.its problems and their solutions

D.its tradition and development


答案解析:A. 本质与问题;B. 特点与传统;C. 问题与解决方法;D. 传统与发展主旨题从各段首句进行概括:第二段第一句:But as recently as in 1986, jury selection procedures conflicted with these democratic ideals.(然而,1986年,陪审团挑选程序仍然和这些民主理念相冲突)第三段第一句:The system also failed to regularly include women on juries until the mid-20th century.(在20世纪中期之前,女性也仍未被纳入陪审团成员之中)第四段第一句In 1968, the Congress of the United States passed the Jury Selection and Service Act, ushering in a new era of democratic reforms for the jury.(1968年,美国国会通过Selection and Service Act,开启陪审团民主改革的新纪元)总体来说,本文是讲陪审团原来的传统做法随着年代的流逝而不断完善的一个过程。因而答案选D。

10、Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text?().【阅读理解A】

A.The moral decaying deserves more research by sociologists

B.Marriage break-up stems from sex inequalities

C. Husband and wife have different expectations from their marriage

D.Conversational patterns between man and wife are different


答案解析:A. 道德的沦丧更值得社会学家进行研究;B.  婚姻失败源自男女性别上的不平等;C. 夫妻双方对婚姻有着不同的期待;D. 男性与其妻子的对话模式不一样本文没有提及道德问题,因此排除A。本文认为婚姻失败是夫妻交流失败引起的,不是性别不平等,因而B选项错误。文中只说明妻子期待丈夫在婚姻生活中是善谈者,没有说明丈夫的期待,C选项排除。文中明确指出男性在公共场合更善谈,在家中反而是妻子更多的挑起话题。因而正确答案为D。

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