








答案解析:A. kept保持;B.  borrowed借;C. released释放;D.  withdrawn提取此句大意:支票兑现和资金从发票机构账户中()出来要花好几天时间。“支票兑现”和“资金从发票机构    ”是并列关系,意思是“在支票兑现及钱从帐户取出之前”,所以结合上下文可以得出只有D项符合语境。

2、According to Paragraph 3, to be a successful employee, one has to().【阅读理解A】

A.work on cheap software

B.ask for a moderate salary

C.adopt an average lifestyle

D.contribute something unique


答案解析:文章第三段的倒数第二句“Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra — their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment”,(因此,人人都需要有另外的价值:独特的价值能够让他们在各自的雇佣市场上脱颖而出。) D选项中contribute something unique是文中their unique value contribution的同义复现,因此,正确答案是D选项。选项A“生产廉价的软件”;选项B“要求适当的薪水”;选项C“采取一般的生活方式”均不符合文意。

3、According to the author, to reduce unemployment, the most important is().【阅读理解A】

A.to accelerate the I.T. revolution

B.to ensure more education for people

C. to advance economic globalization

D. to pass more bills in the 21st century


答案解析:文章最后一段“there are many things we need to do to support employment, but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I.Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to post-high school education.(为支持就业我们可以做很多事,但是最重要的是颁布类似于“G.I.Bill”的法案来保障人们接受高等教育的权利)”,可见B选项“保障更多人的教育”是正确答案。A项“加速信息技术产业变革”和C项“促进经济全球化”在文中均未提及。文中虽提及要颁布更多法案,但颁布法案的目的实际是为了保障教育,所以D选项也排除。

4、It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US().【阅读理解A】

A.needs new immigrant categories

B.has loosened control over immigrants

C.should be adapted to meet challenges

D.has been fixed via political means


答案解析:C选项是对原文第二段中最后一句“To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.(首先我们要承认这些生活繁衍在灰色地带的短暂移民的存在,然后解决移民的挑战)”的同义复现。故正确答案为C。A选项“需要新的移民分类”与原文“We don’t need more categories”相悖。B选项“放松对移民的控制”文章“Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants.”我们目前有更加严格的对待移民不符。D选项“被政治方式所修复”。没有提及。

5、The quotation in Paragraph 4 explains that().【阅读理解A】

A.gains of technology have been erased

B.job opportunities are disappearing at a high speed

C. factories are making much less money than before

D.new jobs and services have been offered


答案解析:第四段引用的内容"In the 10 years ending in 2009, [u.s.] factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs—about 6 million in total —disappeared."(2009年之前的10年内,美国工厂裁撤工人速度之快,基本上等于过去70年新增的工人数量;大概三分之一的工作岗位消失了,总计约600万。)。显然是为了说明美国裁员造成工作岗位减少,也就是B选项“工作机会急速消失”,故B选项为正确答案。A选项“科技的成果被消除”和C选项“工厂挣钱更少”在文章中没有体现。D选项与B选项意思相反,不符合文意。







答案解析:A. hide隐藏;B.  express表达;C. raise引发;D. ease缓解此句大意:电子支付手段()安全和隐私问题。  空处明显缺谓语动词,此句依然描述是电子支付手段的弊端,通过最后一个单词concerns得出“电子支付方式引发安全及隐私的问题”。只有C. raise和concerns搭配时符合文意。所以选C。

7、According to Reding, quotas may help women ().【阅读理解A】

A.get top business positions

B.see through the glass ceiling

C.balance work and family

D.anticipate legal results


答案解析:第四段“Quotas get action: they"open the way to equality and they break through the glass ceiling,"according to Reding, a result seen in France and other countries with legally binding provisions on placing women in top business positions.(限定比例起作用了:它们打开性别平的的道路,打破瓶颈:法国和其他国家立法禁止对女性在高层的比例进行限定。)所以A选项”帮助女性获得高层职位“正确。B选项是对原文“break through the glass ceiling”的望文生义。C、D选项属于无中生有。

8、According to the author, today\'s birds of passage want().【阅读理解A】

A.financial incentives

B.a global recognition

C.opportunities to get regular jobs

D.the freedom to stay and leave


答案解析:文章第三段“They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them .They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.”(他们喜欢随着机会的来临,来去都自如。他们可以在一地工作,也可以再另外的地方成家)。因而D选项“来去自如”是正确答案。A项是对原文的片面理解。“They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas”不仅仅是来自金钱的刺激(financial incentives),还有有工作和各种理念。文中只是说道“globaleconomy” ,没有提及B选项“global recognition”,C选项“得到常规工作的机会”没有提及。

9、The European Union\'s intended legislation is ().【阅读理解A】

A. a reflection of gender balance

B.a reluctant choice

C.a response to Reding\'s call

D.a voluntary action


答案解析:第二段“This proposed mandate was born of frustration.(这个强制性题意源于一次挫折)”,后面解释了这个挫折:Reding号召企业进行签名活动保障女性在董事会的席位达到40%,但是她的呼吁失败了。所以欧盟才不得不立法强制实行。因而B选项“不得已的选择”正确。


A.Live like a peasant

B.Balance your diet

C.Shopkeepers are your friends

D.Remember to treat yourself

E.Stick to what you need

F.Planning is everything

G.Waste not, want not


答案解析:本段首句说“it really is a top tip for frugal eaters. (对节俭的人来说,这是最好的小建议)”。随后提到去小卖店买东西的时候要特别友好,这样的话很快你就可以很自在的询问他们是否有一些零零碎碎的你需要的食材,而且很可能都是免费的。故C 选项Shopkeepers are your friends 符合本段主旨,为正确答案。

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