


Section VII: English-Chinese Translation

Translate the following passage carefully and then translate the sentences underlined into Chinese. (20 points)

People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive.

Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. (61) They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from each other. The controversy is often conveniently referred to as nature vs. nurture.

(62) Those who support the nature side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors. (63) That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.

Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is pre-determined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.

Those who support the nurture theory, that is, they advocate education, are often called behaviorists. They claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist, B. F. Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. (64) The behaviorists maintain that, like machines, humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior.

Let us examine the different explanations about one human characteristic, intelligence, offered by the two theories. (65) Supporters of the nature theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined. Needless to say: They dont believe that factors in the environment have much influence on what is basically a predetermined characteristic. On the other hand, behaviorists argue that our intelligence levels are the product of our experiences. (66) Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.

The social and political implications of these two theories are profound. (67) In the United States, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some nature proponents to conclude that blacks are biologically inferior to whites. (68) Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.

Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior.


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


宗教改革运动产生于16世纪初,其矛头直指天主教会,其实质是企图以 一种新的宗教去取代原有的旧的宗教。可以说,宗教改革运动是文艺复兴运动在宗教领域的继续。宗教改革运动与文艺复兴中的人文主义运动相比,是一场更广泛、更深刻的社会改革运动,它的意义绝不仅在于"宗教"的改革,而是触及社会生活的各个主要层面。宗教改革与文艺复兴相比,带有广泛的群众性,参加者涉及社会各阶层,故对教育的影响更为深远。积极方面: (1) 出现了公立的学制和实施普及小学义务教育的思想与法令; (2) 各级学校(尤其是平民小学)有了较 大发展; (3) 中等学校开始按一定的规章制度办学, 班级授课制产生; (4) 出现了教育调查、学校视导、教师检查考核及师资培养的萌芽; (5) 欧洲主要国家(英、法、德)文字基本定型,对普及初等教育有重要意义。 消极方面: (1) 在新、旧教的学校中宗教仍占据重要 地位; (2) 新、旧教均接受了古典文化,要求宗教信仰与人文学科结合; (3) 近代双轨学制初现端倪。

A. 100% B. 97% C. 87%
D. 77% E. 67%


肺与肾在生理方面的相互关系,主要表现为(  )


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