


There are certain people who behave in a quite peculiar fashion during the work of analysis. When one speaks hopefully to them or expresses satisfaction with the progress of the treatment they show signs of discontent and their condition invariably becomes worse. One begins by regarding this as defiance and as an attempt to prove their superiority to the physician but later one comes to take a deeper and juster view. One becomes convinced not only that such people cannot endure any praise or appreciation but that they react inversely to the progress of the treatment. Every partial solution that ought to result and in other people does result in an improvement or a temporary suspension of symptoms produces in them for the time being an intensification of their illness; they get worse during the treatment instead of getting better. They exhibit what is known as a negative therapeutic reaction”。

There is no doubt that there is something in these people that sets itself against their recovery and its approach is dreaded as though it were a danger. We are accustomed to say that the need for illness has got the upper hand in them over the desire for recovery. If we analyse this resistance in the usual way then even after fixation to the various forms of gain from illness the greater part of it is still left over; and this reveals itself as the most powerful of all obstacles to recovery more powerful than the familiar ones of narcissistic(admiring ones own self too much) inaccessibility a negative attitude towards the physician and clinging to the gain from illness.

In the end we come to see that we are dealing with what may be called a moral factor a sense of guilt which is finding satisfaction in the illness and refuses to give up the punishment of suffering. We shall be right in regarding this disencouraging explanation as final. But as far as the patient is concerned this sense of guilt is dumb; it does not tell him he is guilty he feels ill. This sense of guilt expresses itself only as a resistance to recovery which it is extremely difficult to overcome. It is also particularly difficult to convince the patient that this motive lies behind his continuing to be ill; he holds fast to the more obvious explanation that treatment by analysis is not the right remedy for his case.

1. According to the author some unusual patients would

[A] openly resist the treatment of the physician.

[B] intentionally hold the physician in contempt.

[C] respond against the physicians expectation.

[D] disregard the appreciation by the physician.

2. For the patients the author describes

[A] a hopeful treatment often leads to a reverse result.

[B] a local treatment improves temporarily their symptoms.

[C] a partial solution betters rather than worsens their illness.

[D] a right solution cures them partially of their illness.

3. The authors study of this syndrome leads him to think that

[A] patients must be convinced of the treatment by analysis.

[B] patients sense of guilt may hinder them from getting well.

[C] patients need to know the final explanations of their illness.

[D] patients should give up the punishment of suffering from their illness.

4. It can be inferred from the text that

[A] certain people behave in a particularly fashionable way.

[B] the need for illness has overcome the desire for recovery.

[C] the patients who are content with their illness are guilty.

[D] the syndrome of inverse reaction to therapy is curious.

5. The root cause of the resistance to recovery lies in the fact that the patients

[A] are apt to refuse the recognization of the physicians authority.

[B] can hardly put up with being praised or appreciated by their doctors.

[C] cling to the unconscious belief in their deserved penalty by sickness.

[D] suffer from a chronic mental disease that offers them a feeling of guilt.


1. C细节题。本题的问题是“根据作者的观点,有些异常的患者可能 ”。题干中的 “Some unusual patients”出自文章第一段第一句话中(文中用的是people who behave in aquite peculiar fashion),表明本题与第一段有关。第一段在提到这些人时指出,如果你充满希望地与他们交谈,或者对治疗的进展表示满意,他们就表现出不满的样子,并且他们的状况总是会变坏;随后指出,你不仅确信这类人不能容忍任何赞扬或评价,你还深信他们会反向回应治疗取得的进展。这说明,这些人可能对医生的希望做出逆向反应。[C] “对医生的期望做出相反的回应”与此意符合,为正确答案。[A]“公开抵制医生的治疗”、[B]“故意鄙视医生”和[D]“漠视医生的评价”都不准确,与文意不符。

2. A细节题。本题的问题是“对于患者,作者描述到 ”。第一段前半部分分析了异常患者之后,在后半部分提到,任何局部治疗方法对他们会导致病情的恶化,他们的病情恶化,而不是好转,他们的表现就是人们所知的“消极治疗反应”。这说明,有效的治疗方法对这些人会起反作用。[A]“一个有希望的治疗通常导致相反的结果”与此意符合,为正确答案。[B]“局部治疗暂时改善了他们的症状”和[D]“正确的治疗方法部分治愈他们的疾病”是针对第一段中“…that ought to resultand in other people does resultin an improvement…”这句话设置的干扰项,明显是误解了该句话的意思;[C]“局部治疗方法使他们的病情好转而不是恶化他们的病情”与第一段中“they get worse during the treatment instead of getting better”这句话的意思相反。

3. 细节题。本题的问题是“作者对这种综合病症的研究导致他认为 ”。作者在第一段介绍了那些患者的异常表现,在第二段提到了患者的抗病性因素,最后一段分析了这种抗病性的原因,指出,我们面对的是一种可能被称做的“道德”因素,一种罪恶感,也就是在疾病中寻求满足,拒绝放弃受难的惩罚。这说明,作者认为,患者的罪恶感导致他拒绝治疗、康复。[B]“病人的罪恶感可能阻碍他们康复”与此意符合,为正确答案。[A] “病人应该相信分析治疗法”是针对最后一段最后一句话设置的干扰项,与文意不符:[C]“病人需要了解对他们疾病的最终解释”是针对最后一段第二句话设置的干扰项,与文意不符;[D]“病人应该放弃患病的惩罚”属于无中生有。

4. D推论题。本题的问题是“根据本文,可以推知 ”。第一段提到,在分析治疗过程中,有些人的表现方式非常特别,接着介绍了这些人的异常表现;第二段提到了抗病性表现,最后一段提到,我们面对的是一种罪恶感,也就是在疾病中寻求满足,拒绝放弃受难的惩罚;就患者来说,这种罪恶感是无意的,这并没有向他表明他有罪、他患病了。由此可知,患者的异常反应令人费解。[D]“对治疗的反向回应综合症是难以理解的”与此意符合,为正确答案。[A]“有些人以一种特别时髦的方式表现”是误解了第一段第一句话中fashion(方式)一词的意思;第二段第二句话提到了[B]“患病的需要超过了恢复的渴望”,但随后的句子说明这种观点不对;[C]“那些满足于患病的患者是有罪的”是误解了最后一段的内容。

5. C细节题。本题的问题是“抵制恢复的根本原因在于这样的事实:患者 ”。题干的“the resistance to recovery”出自文章最后一段第四句话中,表明本题与最后一段有关。最后一段首先提到了罪恶感,接着解释说,他们拒绝放弃受难的惩罚,这种罪恶感是无意的,它只是表现为抵制非常难以克服的恢复,患者深信,通过分析治疗不是治疗他疾病的好方法。这说明,事实是,患者认为他应该受到患病的惩罚。[C ]“坚持‘他们该受疾病惩罚’这种无意识的观点”与此意符合,为正确答案。文中只是说“人们非常难以使患者相信这种动机隐藏于他继续患病的因素之中”,并没有说他们不相信医生的权威,所以[A]“倾向于拒绝承认医生的权威”不对;[B]“难以忍受医生的表扬或评价”与患者的罪恶感没有关系;[D]“患有慢性精神病,这种疾病使得他们有罪恶感”属于无中生有。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


7版内科P56。耐多药结核病的治疗方案为:详细了解患者用药史,尽量用药敏 试验结果指导治疗,治疗方案至少含4种可能的敏感药物。药物至少每周使用6 d。吡嗪酰胺、 乙胺丁醇、氟喹诺酮应每天用药,二线药物根据患者耐受性也可每天一次用药或分次服用;药物 剂量依体重决定;氨基糖苷类或卷曲霉素注射剂类药物至少使用6个月;治疗期在痰涂片和培养 阴转后至少治疗18个月,有广泛病变的应延长至24个月;吡嗪酰胺可考虑全程使用。其治疗方 案通常含两个阶段:强化期(注射剂使用)和继续期(注射剂停用)。


A. 210nm波长 B. 230nm 波长
C. 260nm波长 D. 280nm 波长

[分析]在某些理化因素作用下,DNA 分子中互补碱基对间氢键断裂,致使双螺旋结构松散,变成单链,则碱基外露。而嘌呤和嘧啶碱均含有共轭双键,其对波长260nm左右的紫外光有较强的吸收,故DNA变性后对波长260nm紫外光吸收明显增强。因此可用测定DNA在260nm波长处吸光值的变化作为监测DNA是否变性的指标。





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