


I am a hip-hop head for life. I have tagged my moniker—— “kepo1”——on walls; break-danced on cardboard; bumped elbows with fellow hip-hoppers at legendary clubs like The Rooftop Union Square and Latin Quarter in New York City and done everything from organizing rap shows to working as a hip-hop journalist and managing music producers. This culture has not only rescued the lives of countless masses who look like me but it has empowered more young working-class black and Latino cats than the civil-rights movement.

Yet something peculiar erupts when you\'ve been around hip-hop for a while. Although you still love it you look at its culture from a more critical perspective particularly if you have studied other music genres traveled widely and reflected intensely. You realize that what began as party music has come to be the soundtrack for post-civil-rights America. You realize that hip-hop is urban folk art and as much an indication of the conditions in impoverished areas as bluesman Robert Johnson\'s laments in the 1930s. Naturally you see a connection between the lives of Johnson and Tupac Shakur not to mention a not-so-funny link between the mainstream hyping of Elvis and Eminem as innovators of black music forms. And for sure you wonder loudly if what happened to rock and roll will happen to hip-hop if it hasn\'t already.

That is the external battle for hip-hop today corporate control and cooptation. But there is also a civil war going on within the hip-hop nation. Part of it unquestionably has to do with this corporate stranglehold. Part of it has to do with the incredibly apolitical times in which we live for some white Americans the current economic boom has created the myth that things are swell for all Americans. Not the case; 20 years after the Reagan backlash on civil rights the influx of crack and guns and the acceleration of a disturbing class divide in black America hip-hop has come to symbolize a generation fragmented by integration migration abandonment alienation and yes self-hatred. Thus hip-hop once vibrant edgy fresh and def is now as materialistic hedonistic misogynistic shallow and violent as some of the films and TV shows launched from Hollywood.

It wasn\'t always that way. But unfortunately the golden era of hip-hop——that period in the late \'80s and early \'90s when such diverse artists as Public Enemy N.W.A Queen Latifah MC Hammer LL Cool J and De La Soul coexisted and there was no such thing as positive or negative rap——has long been dead. Gone as well is an embrace of hip-hop\'s four elements graffiti writing the dance element (or what some call break-dancing) DJing and MCing. The MC or rapper has been singled out to be his own man in this very male-centered arena and the formula for a hit record is simple fancy yourself a thug pimp or gangster; rhyme about jewelry clothing and alcohol; denigrate women in every conceivable way and party and b.s. ad nauseam.

(1):本文选自Newsweek; 10/09/2000 p66;

(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2005年真题Text 1;

1.In the opening paragraph the author introduces his topic by

[A]posing a contrast.

[B]justifying an assumption.

[C]explaining a phenomenon.

[D]making a comparison.

2.Paragraph 2 implies that

[A]blues rock and roll and hip-hop are all urban folk music.

[B]the fates of the music represented by these singers are quite similar.

[C]the singers with the same background have the same fate.

[D]a wide knowledge about the lives of singers makes you well understand their music.

3.The music the author has loved for his life has been ruined because of

[A]corporate control and apolitical times.

[B]the Reagan backlash.

[C]the degenerated generation.

[D]the influence of Hollywoods films.

4.Todays hip-hop and some of Hollywoods films and TV shows are quite





5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[A]The four elements of hip-hop have broken up.

[B]The hip-hop has lost its characteristics as vibrant edgy fresh and def.

[C]The MC or rapper is misleading for the youngsters.

[D]The hip-hop will regain its glory in the future.



下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

1996 -32.下列哪味药不属于《神农本草经》记载的反乌头的药物
A.半夏 B.瓜蒌 C.贝母 D.白蔹 E.白及




1998 -90.龙胆泻肝汤与凉膈散的组成药物中含有A.芍药,当归 B_当归,生地 C.生地,木通 D.木通,黄芩 E.黄芩,栀子


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