


The eradication of poverty is a shared responsibility for the international communityindeeda moral imperative.This task has become no less urgent in the last decadein spite of rapid economic growth in many parts of the world.While the percentage of the worlds population living on less than $1 per day has fallen from 28.3%to 24.0%between 1987 and 1998population growth(815 million) has kept the absolute number of poor steady at some 1.2 billion.If we take a higher cutoff point of $2 per daythe poor have increased by 250 million over the same time periodencompassing 2.8 billion peopleor almost half of the worlds population.Nor do World Bank projections lend undivided hope for the future.Under thebusiness as usualscenariothe number of poor on the $1 per day scale will not change during the projection period up to 2008.Howevershould policy measures be taken to boost economic growth and make the growth process more inclusive to the poorthe World Bank reckons that 500 million people could be brought out of extreme poverty by 2008.Even under this more optimistic scenarioLatin America and the Caribbeanand especially Sub-Saharan Africa would see littleif anyprogress.The same pattern emerges under the higher cutoff point of $2 per day.

In the light of these dire statistics and projectionsit is easy to appreciate the growing public concern that not enough is being done to address poverty and poverty-related social illnessessuch as poor work conditionsa lack of respect for human rightsand natural resource degradation.Indeedsuch concerns have been vented with increasing frustrationincluding at the Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Seattle last yearand more recently at the joint spring meeting of the IMF and the World Bank.

One problem facing governments in poverty-stricken countriescivil societyand international organizations is that poverty is a multidimensional problem with no simple solutionnot least because of its sheer scale.The causes and expressions of poverty are not the same everywherealthough some common terms can often be foundincluding a lack of access to educationbasic health careand unequal distribution of productive assets(1andlivestockcreditsetc.) Moreoverrural communitieswhich are often the hardest hit by povertyface their own development problems related to poor infrastructure (roadselectricitytelecommunicationetc.)which make it more costly to participate in the national and global economy.Another factor that perpetuates poverty is that the poor often lack political leverage to influence the policies and priorities of governments.

1.By saying that the eradication of poverty is amoral imperative”,the author means____.

[A] it is a moral responsibility to do away with poverty

[B] it is closely related to the formulation of moral standard

[C] raising moral standard is the only solution to poverty

[D] it is morally impossible to find a solution to poverty

2.Between 1987 and 1998the number of people living on two dollars a day____.

[A] actually increased

[B] fell slightly

[C] was cut down greatly

[D] kept rising steadily

3.What might happen in the year 2008 if proper policies for economic growth were made?

[A] 500 million more people would join the extremely poor.

[B] No drastic change would happen to the life of the poor in the present poor regions.

[C] The number of the poor on the $1 per day scale would be greatly cut.

[D] The number of the poor living on $2 dollars per day would be drastically decreased.

4.Why is it not easy to solve the poverty problem?

[A] Because the international community hasnt made enough effort at it.

[B] Because the governments in poor countries do not give enough attention to it.

[C] Because solving the problem is beyond the means of the poor countries.

[D] Because it is a problem that involves multiple factors.

5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an obstacle to the solution of poverty?

[A] The enormous size of the poor population.

[B] Slower economic development in extremely poor regions.

[C] The government policy in poverty-stricken countries.

[D] The classification of the poor population.


1.[A] 意为:消除贫困是一种道义。imperative这里是一个名词,意为“必须履行的责任”。



4.[D] 意为:因为这是一个涉及很多因素的问题。最后一段提到,贫困国家的政府、文明社会(指相对发达的社会)和国际组织面临的一个问题是:贫困是一个多方面的问题,没有简单的解决方案——由于涉及面广更是如此。造成贫困的原因和贫困的形式各地不尽相同,虽然我们可能从中找出一些基本特征,如教育落后、基本医疗条件缺乏、生产资料分配不均等。


5.[D] 有关[A]参阅第23题题解。有关[B][C]参阅最后一段。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


A.葡萄糖 B. 6-磷酸葡萄糖 C. 1-磷酸葡萄糖
D. 1,6-二麟酸果糖 E. 5-磷酸核糖

以下是嘌呤核苷酸合成的大致过程,可见由磷酸戊糖途径产生的5-磷酸核糖是合成嘌呤核苷 酸的直接原料,因此最直接联系核苷酸合成与糖代谢的物质是5-麟酸核糖。

A.化痰降气,健脾益肺 B.清肺化痰,降逆平喘
C.涤痰,开窍,息风 D.温肾健脾,化饮利水

本题旨在考査考生对肺胀不同证候治法的掌握情况。肺胀痰热郁肺证是由痰浊郁而化热,或寒邪入里化热,或风热入里,热与痰结而成。其治法宜清肺化痰,降逆平喘。化痰 降逆,健脾益肺法适于肺胀痰浊阻肺证治疗;涤痰,开窍,息风适于肺胀痰蒙神窍证;温肾健脾, 化饮利水适于肺胀阳虚水泛证的治疗。



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