


Part of the scientific faith of the late nineteenth century was the view that there was one and only one scientific method.This methodargued writers like Karl Pearson in his Grammar of Sciencewas the only sure method for arriving at knowledge in any sphere.The method was easily described collect the facts in the area under study;order them into sequencessuch that law like occurrences could be seen;thenwrite down the laws so identified.According to this viewdisciplines differed only as to subject mattersince the unity of science consisted of its method alone.Alsoaccording to this viewthe results of scientific investigation(that isnew knowledge)will always be embodied in the form of a law connecting the facts in the area under study.

Explanationaccording to this viewis simply accounting for facts on the basis of a deduction from a known law or lawsor accounting for some subordinate law on the basis of a deduction from some more general law or laws.The most influential formulation of this explanation is Carl G Hempels perhaps most accessibly articulated in his articleExplanation in Science and History”。Sometimesaccording to Hempelsuch laws are of a strictly universal form and other times they are of a probabilistic or statistical form.They are assertionsin this latter caseof the kind that if certain specified conditions are realized then an occurrence of such and such a kind will come about with such a probability.

I think that it would be true to say that in the late nineteenth century it was felt that one feature distinguishing physics from history as a discipline was thateven if they shared exactly the same methodphysics had no need for the latter kind of probabilistic explanation——at least in principle——while in history it was unavoidable.

Howeverin the twentieth centurywhatever else may distinguish physics and history as disciplines it is not that physics uses only strictly universal laws and deductive explanations in the nineteenth century sensewhile history does not.The physics of the centuryfrom 1 900 onwardhas been interested in aggregates of certain classes of physical individuals(the particles)and in accounts of the individuals that would enable one to understand the aggregates.As a consequence partly of this interest in statistical data pertaining to the very smallas well as for a number of other reasonsphysicists have tended to formulate the mechanics of the very small in terms of equations in which probabilistic notions are fundamental.

1. According to Karl Pearsononly one scientific method——。

[A J prevailed in every field of study during 1890s

[B]directed the collection and arrangement of facts

[C]served as a unique element uniting all disciplines

[D]made the identification of new knowledge plausible

2. As stated by Hempelgeneral laws are——。

[A]based on detailed accounts of actual facts

[B]composed of subordinate laws by deduction

[C]realized in probabilistic or statistic form

[D]applied to all cases or under certain conditions

3. The author feels sure of the truth that in 19th century———————

[A]physics and history shared a common feature

[B]the same method blended history with ph)rsics

[C]statistical laws were compatible with physics

[D]probabilistic method was inapplicable to history

4. In the 20th century it was true that—————————

[A]universal laws ceased to belong merely to physics

[B]deductive explanations became dominant in history

[C]distinction between history and physics turned obscure

[D]statistical explanations were adopted by physicists

5. In the study of physical particles_____

[A]statistical information accounts for the interest in aggregates

[B]probabilistic conceptions result from their formulation

[C] description of their mechanics is based on statistical data

[D]physical equations are accountable for probabilistic ideas


1. c推断题。由题干关键词Karl Pearson定位文章第一段。根据第二句之后的内容,可立即排除A(流行于每一个研究领域);题干中的According to Karl Pearson相当于第四句的According to this View,因此可将答案锁定在此句,推断可知c与其内容一致,是正确答案;B(指导事实论据的搜集和整理)不全面;D中的plausible(似是而非的)是一种不确定的说法,不合文意。

2. D推断题。由题干中关键词Hempel定位第二段第三、四句,其中的such lawsgeneral laws(普遍规律)。选项D概括了这两句的内容,all cases相当于第三句中的universal from(普遍型)certain conditionsspecified conditions(特定情况)A(基于对事实的详细说明)B(由演绎得出的从属定律构成)两项指的是explanation;C不全面,只是指general laws中的一种,即概率型或统计型。

3. A推断题。题干中的The author feels相当于第三段开头的I think,故答案应在此段之中。A说物理学和历史学有共同特点,即指此段所说的也same method(同样的方法),故为答案。B(同样的方法把历史学和物理学混为一谈)不合逻辑;Ccomparable with(相符的)Dwas inapplicable to(不适用于)皆与句意相悖。

4. D推断题。由题干关键词20m century定位文章最后一段。文中指出用19世纪的普遍规律和演绎性解释来区分物理学和历史学是不对的。由此可知选项A(普遍规律不再只属于物理学)B(演绎性解释在历史学中占主导地位)c(历史学和物理学之间的区别变得模糊)是对文章的故意曲解;文章末句说,物理学家往往用方程式来阐述微观世界的力学原理,而方程式的基础就是概率概念,故推断可知D正确。

5. C推断题。由题干关键词physical particles定位最后一段第二、三句,其中提到20世纪的物理研究兴趣主要在于某些种类的物质个体的总计及对这些物质个体的解释以便人们了解这种总计,由此可知A(统计信息说明人们对总计的兴趣)因果颠倒;文中说物理学家们倾向于用方程式来阐述微观世界的力学原理,而在这些方程式中,有关概率的概念是最基础的,言外之意,微观世界的描述是以概率的概念为基础的,由此可知B(概率的概念由方程式而生)本末倒置,D(物理方程式可以解释概率理念)因果颠倒,而c(对其力学原理的描述基于统计数据)正确。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.正常肠黏膜可吸收三价铁 B.血清铁一般是亚铁离子 C.维生素C能把食物中铁游离化
D.铁主要在空肠下段吸收 E.在肠黏膜细胞内铁离子与去铁铁蛋白结合

参阅【1999N069】。铁主要是以Fe 2+被吸收,而植物中的铁多为Fe 3+,需要还原成Fe 2+后才容 易被吸收(A错)。VitC能使食物中的Fe 3 +还原成Fe 2+ (并非将铁游离化),从而促进铁的吸收。铁的吸收部位主要在十二指肠和空肠上部。铁离子与肠黏膜细胞内的去铁铁蛋白结合而被吸收(E对)。血清铁一般是Fe 3+ 。E项知识点为3版内科学内容,7版内科学未叙及。


(1)平衡预算的财政思想主要分年度平衡预算、周期平衡预算和充分就业平衡预算三种。年度平衡预算要求量人为出,每个财政年度的收支平衡。20世纪30年代大危机以前普遍采用此政策原则.周期平衡预算是指政府在一个经济周期中保持平衡。在经济衰退时实行扩张政策,有意安排预算赤字,在繁荣时期实行紧缩政策,有意安排预算盈余,以繁荣时的盈余弥补衰退时的赤字,使整个经济周期的盈余和赤字相抵而实现预算平衡。这种思想在理论上似乎非常完整,但实行起来非常困难。这是因为在一个预算周期内,很难准确估计繁荣与衰退的时间与程度,两者更不会完全相等,因此连预算也难以事先确定,从而周期预算平衡也难以实现。充分就业平衡预算是指政府应当使支出保持在充分就业条件下所能达到的净税收水平。 (2)功能财政思想强调政府在财政方面的积极政策主要是为了实现无通货膨胀的充分就业水平。为了实现这一目标,预算可以是盈余,也可以是赤字。功能财政思想是凯恩斯主义者的财政思想。他们认为不能机械地用财政预算收支平衡的观点来对付预算赤字和预算盈余,而应从反经济周期的需要来利用预算赤字和预算盈余。当国民收入低于充分就业的收入水平时,政府有义务实行扩张性财政政策,增加支出或减少税收,以实现充分就业。如果起初存在财政盈余,政府有责任减少盈余甚至不惜出现赤字,坚定地实行扩张政策;反之亦然。总之,功能财政思想认为,政府为了实现充分就业和消除通货膨胀,需要赤字就赤字,需要盈余就盈余,而不应为了实现财政收支平衡妨碍政府财政政策的正确制定和实行。 两者的共同点在于它们都是为了使得经济保持稳定,而区别在于,平衡预算的财政思想强调的是财政收支平衡,以此作为预算目标,或者说政策的目的。而功能财政思想强调,财政预算的平衡、盈余或赤字都只是手段,目标是追求无通胀的充分就业和经济的稳定增长。

历史经验表明,经济危机往往孕育着新的科技革命。1857年的世界经济危机引发了电气. 革命,推动人类社会从蒸汽时代进人电气时代。1929年的世界经济危机引发了电子革命,推动人类社会从电气时代进人电子时代,由此证明


科学技术革命是社会动力体系中的一种重要动力。科学技术革命主要是通过促进人们的 生产方式、生活方式和思维方式的深刻变化来推动社会发展的。现代科学技术革命对人类社会发展的影响更加深远,更加强烈。
科学技术像一把双刃剑,既能通过促进经济发展以造福于人类,同时也可能在一定条件下 对人类的生存发展带来消极后果。
(2)自从工业革命开始,科学技术在社会发展中的地位和作用越来越重要。本题通过实 例来考查科学技术和科学技术革命在社会发展中的作用。
(3)A、B项的“根本出路”和“根本标志”是不对的,摆脱社会危机的根本出路是生产力的 发展和变革,而社会形态更替的根本标志是经济制度的变革导致的社会制度的变革,都不是科 技革命,C、D是正确选项,C体现了科学技术产生的必然性,一个新生事物之所以能够产生,原因都是社会实践有了这种需要。D体现了科学技术的重要作用,即可以促进社会经济的快速发展。

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