


Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

What\\'s a label worth? A lot, it seems. Michael Hiscox and Nicholas Smyth, two Harvard University researchers, conducted an experiment on two sets of towels in an upmarket New York shop. One lot carried a label with the logo Fair and Square and the following message: These towels have been made under fair labour conditions, in a safe and healthy working environment which is free of discrimination, and where management has committed to respecting the rights and dignity of workers.

The other set had no such label. Over five months, the researchers observed the impact of making various changes such as switching the label to the other set of towels and raising prices. The results were striking: not only did sales of towels increase when they carried the Fair and Square label, they carried on increasing each time the price was raised.

No wonder companies are keen to appeal to ethically (i.e. morally)minded consumers, whether on labour standards or green credentials. Timberland, a New Hampshire outdoor-gear company, is introducing detailed "Green Index labels on its shoes. Tesco, M&S and Wal-Mart have all launched initiatives that bet on the rise of the ethical consumer.

M&S estimates that about three-quarters of British consumers are interested in the green theme in some way. But even the keenest ethical consumer faces complicated situations, and sometimes the apparently obvious ethical choice turns out to be the wrong one. Surely it must be greener for Britons to buy roses from the Netherlands than ones air-freighted from Kenya? In fact, a study showed that related green house gas to the Dutch roses to be six times as large because they had to be grown in heated greenhouses.

Joel Makower, editor of GreenBiz.com, says that, given a choice, most consumers will choose the greener productprovided it does not cost any more, comes from a trusted maker, requires no special effort to buy or use and is at least as good as the alternative. That\\'s almost an impossible barrier for any product, he notes.

So shoppers will still flock to shops selling cheap products of decent quality, ignoring how these are made. They will often buy more if a product is attractively presented, never mind that the packaging may be wasteful. And when companies try to do the right thing, consumers will not always go along with them.

The lesson for companies is that selling green is hard work. And it is no good getting too far ahead of the customer. Half a step ahead is about right. Much more, and you won\\'t sell. Any less, and you won\\'t lead.

21.The experiment on the towels indicated that ______.

[A]consumers liked to purchase labeled products

[B]consumers would buy goods when prices rose

[C]consumption was influenced by green labels

[D]ethical concern may influence consumption

22.According to the text, consumers ethical choice ______.

[A]determines the production of commodities

[B]forces companies to sell green products only

[C]leads companies to modify business activities

[D]leads to higher labour and green standards

23.We may infer from the fourth paragraph that ______.

[A]green buying may be at higher environment cost

[B]green production is actually complicated business

[C]Dutch rose growth is greener than Kenya ones

[D]British consumers actually oppose green farming

24.According to Joel Makower, most consumers will ______.

[A]buy greener products when given a choice

[B]reject greener products for various reasons

[C]pay more attention to the price of a product

[D]refuse to follow the activities of companies

25.Companies may learn the lesson that ______.

[A]it is not worthwhile leading the customers

[B]the customers are not easily to be misled

[C]green policy is not effective for marketing

[D]companies need a balanced green policy


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.肱动脉损伤 B.正中神经损伤 C.创伤性关节炎 D.损伤性骨化

伸直型肱骨髁上骨折近折端向前向下移位,可刺伤前方的肱动脉、正中神经。损伤性骨化多见 于肘关节,尤其是肱骨髁上骨折。肱骨髁上骨折所累及的是肱骨髁上,并不累及肘关节,因此不会发生 创伤性关节炎。




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