


Various accounts have traced the Big Apple expression to Depression-Era sidewalk apple vendors a Harlem night club and a popular 1930s dance known as the Big Apple. One fanciful version even links the name with a notorious 19th-century procuress!

In fact it was the jazz musicians of the 1930s and 40s who put the phrase into more or less general circulation. If a jazzman circa 1940 told you he had a gig in the Big Apple,” you knew he had an engagement to play in the most coveted venue of all Manhattan where the audience was the biggest hippest and most appreciative in the country.

The older generation of jazzmen specifically credit Fletcher Henderson one of the greatest of the early BigBand leaders and arrangers with popularizing it but such things are probably impossible to document. Be that as it may the ultimate source actually was not the jazz world but the racetrack.

As Damon Runyon (among many others) cheerfully pointed out New York in those days offered a betting man a lot of places to go broke. There were no fewer than four major tracks nearby and it required no fewer than three racing journals to cover such a lively sceneThe Daily Racing Form (which still survives on newsstands today) and The Running Horse and The New York Morning Telegraph (which do not)and the ultimate credit for marrying New York to its durable catchphrase goes to columnist John J. FitzGerald who wrote for the Telegraph for over 20 years.

Despite its turf-related origins by the 1930s and 40s the phrase had become firmly linked to the citys jazzscene. Big Apple was the name both of a popular night club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem and a jitterbug-style group dance that originated in the South became a huge phenomenon at Harlems great Savoy Ballroom and rapidly spread across the country. (Neat cultural footnote the great African-American cinema pioneer Oscar Micheaux liked to use the Big Apple as a venue for occasional screenings of his latest feature film or documentary.)

A film short called The Big Apple came out in 1938 with an all-Black cast featuring Herbert Whitey Whites Lindy Hoppers Harlems top ballroom dancers in the Swing Era. In a book published the same year bandleader Cab Calloway used the phrase Big Apple to mean the big town the main stem Harlem. Anyonewho loved the city would have readily agreed with Jack FitzGerald: “Theres only one Big Apple. Thats New York.

The term had grown stale and was in fact generally forgotten by the 1970s. Then Charles Gillett head of the New York Convention & Visitors Bureau got the idea of reviving it. The agency was desperately trying to attract tourists to the town. Mayor John Lindsay had dubbed Fun City,” but which had become better-known for its blackouts strikes street crime and occasional riots. What could be a more wholesome symbol of renewal than a plump red apple?

The citys industrial-strength campaign was launched toward the end of the Lindsay administration in 1971 complete with a cheerful Big Apple logo in innumerable forms (lapel pins buttons bumper stickers refrigerator magnets shopping bags ashtrays ties tie tacks, “Big Apple T-shirts etc.)

Apparently Gillett was on to something because at this writing over 35 years later the campaign he launchedit won him a Tourism Achievement award in 1994 by the wayis still going strong.

1. Read the first paragraph and then choose the correct one.

[A] Big Apple is a name of New York.

[B] There are many reasons for the name Big Apple”……

[C] People are likely to call New York City Big Apple

[D] The name Big Apple is a name of New York City in the history.

2. According to the author whats the reason for the name Big Apple?

[A] He thought that the name Big Apple could not be traced as many peoples saying.

[B] He thought that the name Big Apple was something about jazz musicians.

[C] He thought that initially the name Big Applewas a name for Manhattan not for New York City.

[D] He thought that the name Big Apple was named by jazz musicians.

3. According to Cab Calloways book whats the meaning of the phrase Big Apple?

[A] A name of club in his book.

[B] A name of drama mentioned in his book.

[C] It meant the big town the main stem Harlem.

[D] It was just a name and had no means.

4.How did they revive the name Big Apple by the 1970s?

[A] By announced a new slogan.

[B] By announce that a plump red apple is a symbol of health.

[C] By put an end to New Yorks occasional riots.

[D] By put an end to New Yorks street crimes.

5.Whats the industrial-strength campaigns effect which was launched toward the end of the Lindsay

administration in 1971?

[A] It led to a trend of widely used of the phrase Big Apple”。

[B] It made the phrase Big Apple have new meanings.

[C] The campaign is good for the reviving of the name Big City”。

[D] The campaign lead to the names widely use which was good for its reviving.


1.[B]段意归纳题。本题的干扰项在 C 项。纽约市被称为大苹果是我们的常识,所以很多考生会选择这个选项。但陷阱往往就在这里。我们把这种陷阱称为“真理式陷阱”。该类干扰项的共同特点在于,孤立的看,这个选项挑不出任何毛病,而且往往能使我们联想起我们日常生活中的常识。但有至关重要的是该类选项在目标段落中没有被谈到,所以需要被排除。

2.[B]选项中 A 项讲的是上一段说的内容,因此不能选。C 项说大苹果最初是曼哈顿名字这点说的不正确。文中提到曼哈顿只是说它与我们的命名有关,但没说这名字给了曼哈顿了。D 项说作者认为大苹果这个名字是爵士乐音乐家给起的,也不正确。这个名字虽然与爵士乐家有关,但不是由爵士乐家们专门为纽约市取的名字。


4.[B]C D 项干扰意图明显,可以很容易被排除。A 项虽然没有错,但相对而言,B 项说得更具体些。

5.[D]该题的迷惑性在于如何区分几个相近选项。B 项是可以首先排除的。接下来看 AC.从一定意义上说,AC 都有道理。但根据选择最佳方案法,我们发现,D 项说得最全面。所以,这里把 AC 排除而选择 D.


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。



使血清白蛋白(pI 为 4.7)带正电荷的溶液 PH 值是
A 4.0
B 5.0
C 6.0
D 7.0



“三舍法”是北宋王安石在“熙宁兴学”期间创立的一种学校管理制度,是对太学的一种改革。 (1)具体内容:将太学生员分为外舍、内舍、上舍三个等级,生员依学业程度,通过考核,依次升舍。初入学为外舍生,相当于预科生或旁听生。外舍升内舍,内舍升上舍。 (2)历史意义:“三舍法”是在太学内部建立起的严格的升舍考试制度,对学生的考察和选拔力求做到将平时行艺与考试成绩相结合,学行优劣与对他们的任职使用相结合,这有利于调动学生学习的积极性,提高太学教学质量。同时又把上舍考试与科举考试结合起来,融养士与取士于太学,无疑提高了太学的地位。总之,“三舍法”是中国古代大学管理制度上的一项创新,它不仅对宋朝的学校教育产生了积极作用,而且对后来元、明、清的教育也有深远的影响。

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