


Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. __1__the turn of the century when jazz (爵士乐) was born, America had no prominent__2__of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was__ 3__, or by whom. But it began to be__4__in the early 1900s. Jazz is America\'s contribution to__5__music. In contrast to classical music, which__6__ formal European traditions. jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy,__7__ moods, interests and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz__8__like America. And__9__it does today.

The__10__of this music arc as interesting as the music__11__, American Negroes , or blacks, as they are called today were the Jazz__12__. They were brought to the Southern states__ 13__ slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long__14__. When a Negro died his friends and relatives__15__a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the__ 16__. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion.__17__on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their__18__, but the living were glad to be alive. The band played__19__music, improvising(即兴表演) on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes__20__at the funeral. This music made everyone wan to dance. It was an early form of Jazz .

1. A) By B) At C) In D) On

2. A) music B) song C) melody D) style

3. A) discovered B) acted C) invented D) designed

4. A) noticed B) found C) listened D) heard

5. A) classical B) sacred C) Popular D) light

6. A) forms B) follows C) approaches D) introduces

7. A) expressing B) explaining C) exposing D) illustrating

8. A) appeared B) felt C)seemed D) sounded

9. A) as B) so C) either D) neither

10. A) origins B) originals C) discoveries D) resources

11. A) concerned B) itself C) available D) oneself

12. A) Players B) fo llowers C) fans D) pioneers

13. A) for B) as C) with D) by

14. A) months B) weeks C) hours D) times

15. A) demonstrated B) composed C) hosted D) formed

16. A) demonstration B) procession C) body D) march

17. A) Even B) Therefore C) Furthermore D) But

18. A) number B) members C) body D) relations

19. A) sad B) solemn C) happy D) funeral

20. A) whistled B) sung C) presented D) showed


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A

11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.C


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For months Twitter,the micro-blogging service,has received the kind of free attention of which most companies can only dream.Politicians,corporate bosses,activists and citizens(1)the plat form to catch every tweet of America's new president,who has become the service's(2)"The whole world is watching Twitter,"(3)Jack Dorsey,the company's chief executive,(4)hepresented its results on February 9th.He has little else to brag about.But Donald Trump has not provided the kind of boost the(5)firm really needs.It reported(6)revenue growth and a loss of s 167m.User growth has been sluggish,too:it added just 2musers in that period.Facebook added 72m.The day of the results,shares in Twitter dropped by 12%.(7)news outlets around the world already report(8)Mr Trump,'s most sensational tweets,many do not feel compelled to join the platform to(9)them.Others are(10)by mobs of trolls and large amounts of misinformation And not(11)Mr Trump could change the cold,hard truth about Twitter:that it can never be Facebook.True,it has become one of the most important(12)for public and political(13)among its 319m monthly users.It played an important role in the Arab spring and(14)such as Black Lives Matter.But the platforms freewheeling nature makes it hard to spin gold from.(15),really trying to do soby packing Twitter feeds(16)advertising,say-would drive away users Twitters latest results are likely to encourage those who think it should never have become a(17)listed company,and want it to consider alternate models of ownership,such as a co-opera-tive.They(18)1Twitter as a kind of public utility-a"people's platform"the management of which should concern public(19)rather more than commercial ones.If the company were coop-eratively owned by users,it would be(20)from short-term pressure to please its investors and meet earnings targets.(13)选?

名词辨析题。A.contact接触,联系;B.communication交流;C.connection连接;D.community社区。该空前面的形容词public and political“公共的和政治的”是重要提示,根据搭配B.最合适,而且推特本身就是一个为公众提供交流的平台,故本题选择B


C.丙(15 岁)租车将在体育课上昏倒的同学送往医院救治
无因管理的成立要件 根据《民法通则》第93条的规定,构成无因管理须具备以下要件:客观上管理了他人事务;主观上有为他人利益的意思;管理人没有法定或约定的义务。A选项中,甲主观上缺乏为他人利益的意思,不构成无因管理。B选项中,乙虽然主观上有避免自家受损的意思,但也有使邻居利益免受损失的意思,且有客观管理行为,也无约定或法定义务,故构成无因管理。C选项中,尽管丙为限制行为能力人,但无因管理人并不以具有完全行为能力为必要,因此丙救助同学的行为应构成无因管理。D选项中,丁自购井盖铺上的行为使对井盖负有管理职责的部门免受因路人跌伤造成的不利益,应构成无因管理。



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