


Is this happening in your neighborhood? Childrennotebook computers stuck under their armsawait the yellow bus for the trip to middle schoo1.On the surfacethe question of computers in schools is a no-brainer.It would be strange to insist that todays technology shouldnt be used to make the classroom experience more individualizedmore effectivemore immediatemore exciting.Computers have been in schools more than 20 yearsand probably even done some good.

But the idea of a personal computer as a necessary daily tool for every American grammar school pupil is altogether a different thing.Beware the superficially attractive vision of 10-year-olds doing most of their workand homeworkon a computer.Its another illusory silver bullet that promises to solve a11 of societys ills through technology.Regardless of whether parents or taxpayers buy the machineryits a bad policy.

Determining the proper role of computers in schools is too important to be left to computer suppliers and educators.An educated public with clear and realistic expectations needs to help determine the right track for technology.

Educators forever seem to seek the ultimate in curricular or teaching tools.They are always preoccupied with innovationjunior high schoolnew mathwhole languageopen classrooms and mastery learningto name a few.Some ideas turned out well and over time have earned permanent positions in our education systems.Others reflected change for changes sake and wound up in the trash binWhere they belong.

Exactly what is to be solved with computers in schools? Are we looking to improve instructional capacity and flexibility? Are we trying to make teachers and aides more productive by letting students take advantage of programmed learning tools? This all sounds goodand much has been accomplished with computer assisted instruction.

But thats not the same as making the computer a symbol of well-tempered educational policy.Theres danger in the message that a child is not fully educated if he or she cant surf the World Wide Web skillfullymove around in Windows or the Finderuse a word processing programor program in Logo or Basic.

These skills can be learned outside the classroom.Worsethe time it takes students to acquire them is time stolen from the legitimate teaching scheduleand thats a bad trade.

And what kind of computers should be purchased? Were not talking brand names.Most school systems dont have the money to replace PCs or Macs on the two-to three-year cycle that shifting technologies demand.On the other hand$ 2500the cost of just one computerinvested in books for the school library produces an asset that hasshall we saya longer shelf life.

And who changes the factory culture of schoolrooms to allow computers to be more effective? And who teaches the teachers? These are the really tough issuesthe ones that more hardware wont solve.

Children are best served when schools contribute to shaping the solid foundations on which their future will be built.The student who can read with curiosity and understandingwho has mastered basic mathematical conceptswho can evaluate ideas criticallyis the one schools should aim to produce.

1. According to the authorteaching computer in the school classroom is bad practice because____.

[A]the computer is too expensive a luxury for school pupils

[B]the pupils are not intelligently mature enough to master the skills

[C]it takes too much time which might has been spent on regular courses

[D]the pupils can learn nothing from computer assisted instruction

2. Ano-brainerin the third sentence of the first paragraph probably means____.

[A]something that is taken for granted

[B]an idea that is brainless and foolish

[C]a proposal that is not worthy of serious consideration

[D]a machine that can never take the place of human brain

3. Who can determine the proper role of computers in schools?

[A]Computer suppliers. [B]Computer educators

[C]The educated public. [D]All of the above.

4. In the last paragraph the author implies that____.

[A]computer skills contribute nothing to proper education

[B]computer teaching is an indispensable part of education

[C]the fundamental purpose of education is being ignored

[D]teachers should be taught how to teach computer skills

5. The authors attitude towards the present way of teaching computer in schools is____.

[A]critical [B]objective

[C]positive [D]optimistic


1. [C]意为:它占用了太多的时间,而这些时间本来可以用于正常课程。 参阅第七段和最后一段。

2. [A] 根据下一句的意思,该词应理解为“无须思考的问题”。

3. [D] 第三段指出,决定计算机在学校中应该起什么作用是一件重要的事,不能仅交由计算机供应商和教育工作者来定,公众也应该有发言权。

4. [C] 最后一段指出,学校的根本任务是为学生的未来打下坚实的基础,学校旨在培养的学生应是具有好奇心和理解力,能掌握数学基本概念。并能对现存的一些观念进行独立评价。言外之意,由于盲目地进行计算机教育,这些基础容易被忽视。

5. [A]意为:批评的。 文章从第二段起就开始对目前的计算机教学提出了批评,并在最后一段强调指出它对培养学生基本能力的不良影响。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。




此题考查的是二项分布的应用。此题n= 100,p=0.5,g=0.5,p=q,np= 20>5,故此二项分布接近正态分布,这时二项分布的x变量(即成功的次数)具有如下性质, 经过计算本题中 也就是说,如果考生随机猜测作答,答对的平均题数是50,标准差为5。据正态分布概率,当Z= 2.33时,该点以下包含了全体的99%(注意这是单侧检验),如果用原始分数表示,则为 如果本题要求的95%的把握排除猜测作答的可能性,那么当Z=1.645时,该点以下包含了全体的95%(单侧检验),那么用原始分数表示,则为。



下列关于《中华民国宪法》(1946年)的表述,正确的有(  )。


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