


The creation of the PC is the best thing that ever happened,” said Bill Gates at a conference on digital dividends in 2000. He even wondered if it might be possible to make computers for the poor in countries without an electric power grid. The answer is yes and things are going even further. Villagers in a remote region of Laos that has neither electricity nor telephone connections are being wired up to the Internet.

Lee Thorn the head of the Jhai Foundation an American-Lao organisation has been working for nearly five years in the Hin Heup district. The foundation has helped villagers build schools install wells and organise a weaving co-operative. But those villagers told Mr Thorn that what they needed most was access to the Internet. To have any hope of meeting that need in an environment which is both physically harsh and far removed from technical support Mr Thorn realised that a robust computer was the first requirement.

He therefore turned to engineers working with the Jhai Foundation who devised a machine that has no moving and few delicate parts. Instead of a hard disk the Jhai PC relies on flash-memory chips to store its data. Its screen is a liquid-crystal display rather than an energy-guzzling glass cathode-ray tube——an exception to the rule that the components used are old-fashioned and therefore cheap. (No Pentiumsfor example just a 486-type processor.) Mr Thorn estimates that built in quantity each Jhai PC would cost around $400. Furthermore because of its simplicity a Jhai PC can be powered by a car battery charged with bicycle cranks——thus removing the need for a connection to the grid.

Wireless Internet cards connect each Jhai PC to a solar-powered hilltop relay station which then passes the signals on to a computer in town that is connected to both the Lao phone system (for local calls) and to the Internet. Meanwhile the Linux-based software that will run the computers is in the final stages of being localised into Lao by a group of expatriates in America.

One thing that the new network will allow villagers to do is decide whether it is worth going to market. Phon Hong the local market town is 30km away so it is worth knowing the price of rice before you set off to sell some there. Links farther afield may allow decisions about growing crops for foreign markets to be taken more sensibly——and help with bargaining when these are sold. And there is also the pleasure of using Internet telephony to talk to relatives who have gone to the capital Vientiane or even abroad.

If it works the Jhai PC and its associated network could be a widespread success. So far the foundation has had expressions of interest from groups working in Peru Chile and South Africa. The prototype should be operational in Laos this December and it or something very much like it may soon be bridging the digital divide elsewhere as well.

(1):本文选自Economist;9/28/2002 p76 2/3p 1c;

(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2003年真题text 21(1)2002年真题text 412(24)text 34(5)1998年真题text 24(3);

1. The author begins his article with Bill Gates words to________.

[A] show the great prospect of the PC in improving peoples life

[B] catch peoples attention to the importance of the PC

[C] reveal a project that creates miracle

[D] prove the PC can do things even beyond imagination

2. From the second paragraph we learn that_____________.

[A] villagers are isolated from the outside world

[B] Lees work is to improve the life of people living in the countryside

[C] the harsh environment keeps Lee from doing better job

[D] engineers have moved to far-away towns due to the poverty of the villages

3. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Jhai PC?

[A] delicateness

[B] practicality

[C] simplicity

[D] low cost

4. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

[A] The Jhai PC has no expensive parts.

[B] The Jhai PC is powered by solar energy.

[C] The project has gained support from non-resident Laotians.

[D] The software that runs the Jhai PC is a local product.

5. We can draw a conclusion from the text that___________.

[A] Mr. Thorns project may produce a far-reaching influence

[B] the Jhai PC is revolutionizing the PC industry

[C] South Africa is as poor as Laos

[D] digital divide is something caused by pc and network



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A.动脉血压升高 B.中心静脉压降低
C.两者都有 D.两者都无


A.癌胚抗原阳性 B.甲胎蛋白阳性
C.酸性磷酸酶增高 D.碱性磷酸酶和酸性磷酸酶均增高



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