


Digital television(by satellite or cable)allows literally hundreds of channels.Many people expect this to change fundamentally the nature of television programming and viewingfrom a broadcast medium(dominated by big networks like Britains BBC and ITV and the big U.S.networksshowing a mixture of programme types with something for everyone)to a narrowcast medium more like todays magazines and radio.On this narrowcast modeleach channel would specialize in a particular nicheone programme type aims at one specific target market.

One widely assumed benefit of this approach is thatas with magazinesthe audiences of these niche channels would be strongly segmentedso thatfor instancethe gardening channel would be mostly watched by home owners with gardensmany of whom would be relatively affluent retired people.The argument is thatas with gardening magazines todaysuch a channel could generate revenue both from subscriptions(since it would be tailored to that target audience)and from advertising(not just for gardening productsbut also for other products and services such as cruise holidays and financial services aimed at the same target market)

Some of this is happening alreadyespecially in countries with high cable penetrationnotably the USA where the average family already has fifty channels.Howevereven in homes with fifty channelshalf the viewing is still of the four national terrestrial networks or of localpublic or cable channels showing general mixed programming.

More importanteven for the niche channels the degree of audience segmentation and involvement is surprisingly low.For instancewhereas U.Sradio stations are typically listened to by relatively few people but for many hours per weekthe niche TV channels are watched only occasionally by those who watch them at all.

This reflects a fundamental difference between radiowhich people mostly listen to as a secondary activity while working or drivingand television whichalthough watched fairly passively and often combined with desultory eating or conversationis a primary activity.People listen to radio to take their minds off what they are doingthey watch television to take their minds off what they are not doing.

1. The narrowcast model is based on the idea that____.

[A] digital transmission will change the nature of television broadcasting

[B] the target market is segmented according to peoples interests

[C] channels that show a mixture of programme types are no longer popular

[D] specialists like television channels with no advertising in them

2. It is implied in the second paragraph that todays magazines are run with____.

[A] payment from subscribers

[B] money earned from advertising

[C] financial support from the rich retired people

[D] both A and B

3. Surveys indicate that the most often watched programme in the United States is____.

[A] the narrowcast [B] the general type

[C] the particular type [D] the gardening channel

4. The wordsegmentationin the first sentence of the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to____.

[A] division [B] preference

[C] subscription [D] activity

5. It seems the chief difference between watching television and listening to radio lies in____.

[A] the number of the audience

[B] the availability of the media

[C] the domain of interest

[D] the degree of attentiveness


1. [B] 意为:根据人们的兴趣对目标市场进行划分。参阅第一段最后一句。该句的意思是:在这种小范围播送模式中,每个频道有一个专门领域,即向某个特定的目标市场播送某种电视节目。

2. [D] [A]意为:订阅者付的款。参阅第二段第二句。

3. [B] 第三段第二句提到,即使家里有50个频道,美国人一半时间都是在看那四个全国性地面电视网络,或当地的和公共的频道,或有线电视频道,这些频道播送的都是综合节目。另外,第四段提到了专门频道(the niche channels)收视率低。

4. [A] 该词意为“划分”、“分割”。

5. [D] 意为:注意力集中的程度。最后一段提到了看电视和听收音机的区别,指出,听收音机对多数人来说是一项次要的活动,人们在工作和驾车(当属主要活动)过程中可以听收音机;而看电视属于重要活动——虽然人们看电视也有时相当被动,并且经常看电视时吃东西或交谈。人们听收音机的目的是将注意力从正在做的事情上移开,他们看电视的目的是不去想没在做的事情。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。



A.上半规管 B.外半规管 C.后半规管 D.椭圆囊和球囊

①急性肾炎多有“上感”前驱症状,与本例不符。②肾癌高发年龄为50 ~70岁,间 歇性无痛性肉眼血尿为常见症状,一般为全程血尿。也与本例不符。③血尿是肾结核的重要症状,常为 终末血尿。.但肾结核一般很早就会出现尿频、尿急、尿痛等膀胱刺激症状,其中尿频往往是最早出现的 症状。本例无尿频、尿痛,故可除外肾结核的诊断。④膀胱癌发病年龄大多数为50 ~ 70岁,男性多发。 吸烟是最常见的致癌因素。血尿是膀胱癌最常见和最早出现的症状,常表现为间歇性肉眼血尿,多为全 程血尿,但膀胱三角区、膀胱颈部癌则表现为终末血尿。尿频、尿急、尿痛多为膀胱癌的晚期表现,早期 一般无膀胱剌激征。故本例诊断为膀胱癌,其确诊首选膀胱镜。⑤胸片示陈旧肺结核是干扰项,不要据 此诊断为肾结核。




A.瞳孔开大 B.气道阻力增加 C.血压降低 D.血糖降低

①肾上腺素能受体分α受体和β受体两种,α受体又分α1和β2受体两种亚型,β 受体则分β1β2β3受体三种亚型。肾上腺素能受体在组织器官上的分布不同,其生理功能也就不一样。②α1受体主要分布于虹膜辐射状肌、血管(包括皮肤黏膜血管、腹腔内脏血管、冠状血管)、支气管腺体上,兴奋后可导致虹膜辐射状肌收缩(扩瞳)、血管收缩(血压升高)、腺体分泌受抑制。因此,阻断 α1受体可导致瞳孔缩小、血压降低、支气管腺体分泌增加。由于支气管平滑肌及糖酵解组织无α受体分布,因此阻断α1受体对气道阻力及血糖无明显影响。③队受体局限分布于心脏上,其兴奋后可导致心率加快、传导加快、心肌收缩力加强、血压增高,阻断β1受体将导致心率减慢、心肌收缩力减弱、血压 降低。虹膜环形肌及虹膜辐射状肌、支气管平滑肌均无β1受体分布,糖酵解组织主要为β2受体分布, 因此阻断β1受体对瞳孔、气道阻力及血糖均无明显影响。

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