


NO.1: 英语证书 大学英语四、六级证书:极其重要; 专业八级:只有英语专业才有资格考,但很多职位要求,如翻译或者外籍主管的助理;

NO.2: 计算机证书 Office操作是基本技能,不需要证书的。 全国计算机二级证书:有些大城市申请户口时用,必要条件,如上海市。

NO.3: 学校证书 包括:奖学金证书、三好学生、优秀毕业生、优秀学生干部等 奖学金证书非常重要,有的HR看不懂大家给出的各种复杂算法的GPA,但一看是否有奖学金,就有一个大概印象了。

NO.4: 第二外语证书 会一门第二外语,将大大增加进入相关企业的机会。 NO.5: ACCA,在国内被称为“国际注册会计师”考试报名条件:具备以下报名条件之一即可:1 .具有教育部认可的大专以上学历,既可以报名成为ACCA的正式学员。2 .教育部认可的高等院校在校生,且顺利通过第一学年的所有课程考试,既可报名成为ACCA正式学员。3 .未符合以上报名资格的申请者,而年龄在21岁以上,可以遵循成年考生途径申请入会。该途径允许学生作为ACCA校外进修生学习,只须在前两年的四次考试中通过1.1和1.2两门课程,便能以正式学员身份继续参加其它课程考试。

NO.6: 专业资格证书 很多很多,要看专业和行业情况

NO.7: 兼职实习证明 因为没有经验,所以才叫“应届生”,所以工作才难找。 NO.8: 发表论文、专利证书 对于研究生来说,做过相关项目,撰写过有质量的相关论文,被EI/SCI收录,这些发表论文的证明,在寻求相关工作的时候会有极大的帮助。

NO.9: 竞赛获奖证书 大学里或者社会上的各种竞赛,获奖证书也非常受青睐。 NO.10: 毕业证、学位证、第二学位 这是最重要的证书,存在三点区别:一是名牌院校和普通院校的区别;二是热门专业和冷门专业的区别;三是专科、本科、研究生的区别。



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) A sale of industrial equipment to Deakin Co in May 2005 resulted in a loss on disposal of $0·3 million that has

been separately disclosed on the face of the income statement. The equipment cost $1·2 million when it was

purchased in April 1996 and was being depreciated on a straight-line basis over 20 years. (6 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Keffler Co for the year ended

31 March 2006.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) Sale of industrial equipment
(i) Matters
■ The industrial equipment was in use for nine years (from April 1996) and would have had a carrying value of
$660,000 at 31 March 2005 (11/20 × $1·2m – assuming nil residual value and a full year’s depreciation charge
in the year of acquisition and none in the year of disposal). Disposal proceeds were therefore only $360,000.
■ The $0·3m loss represents 15% of PBT (for the year to 31 March 2006) and is therefore material. The equipment
was material to the balance sheet at 31 March 2005 representing 2·6% of total assets ($0·66/$25·7 × 100).
■ Separate disclosure, of a material loss on disposal, on the face of the income statement is in accordance with
IAS 16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’. However, in accordance with IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’,
it should not be captioned in any way that might suggest that it is not part of normal operating activities (i.e. not
‘extraordinary’, ‘exceptional’, etc).
Tutorial note: However, note that if there is a prior period error to be accounted for (see later), there would be
no impact on the current period income statement requiring consideration of any disclosure.
■ The reason for the sale. For example, whether the equipment was:
– surplus to operating requirements (i.e. not being replaced); or
– being replaced with newer equipment (thereby contributing to the $8·1m increase (33·8 – 25·7) in total
■ The reason for the loss on sale. For example, whether:
– the sale was at an under-value (e.g. to a related party);
– the equipment had a bad maintenance history (or was otherwise impaired);
– the useful life of the equipment is less than 20 years;
– there is any deferred consideration not yet recorded;
– any non-cash disposal proceeds have been overlooked (e.g. if another asset was acquired in a part-exchange).
■ If the useful life was less than 20 years, tangible non-current assets may be materially overstated in respect of other
items of equipment that are still in use and being depreciated on the same basis.
■ If the sale was to a related party then additional disclosure should be required in a note to the financial statements
for the year to 31 March 2006 (IAS 24 ‘Related Party Disclosures’).
Tutorial note: Since there are no specific pointers to a related party transaction (RPT), this point is not expanded
■ Whether the sale was identified in the prior year audit’s post balance sheet event review. If so:
– the disclosure made in the prior year’s financial statements (IAS 10 ‘Events After the Balance Sheet Date’);
– whether an impairment loss was recognised at 31 March 2005.
■ If not, and the equipment was impaired at 31 March 2005, a prior period error should be accounted for (IAS 8
‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’). An impairment loss of $0·3m would have
been material to prior year profit (12·5%).
Tutorial note: Unless this was a RPT or the impairment arose after 31 March 2005 a prior period adjustment
should be made.
■ Failure to account for a prior period error (if any) would result in modification of the audit opinion ‘except for’ noncompliance
with IAS 8 (in the current year) and IAS 36 (in the prior period).
(ii) Audit evidence
■ Carrying amount ($0·66m as above) agreed to the non-current asset register balances at 31 March 2005 and
recalculation of the loss on disposal.
■ Cost and accumulated depreciation removed from the asset register in the year to 31 March 2006.
■ Receipt of proceeds per cash book agreed to bank statement.
■ Sales invoice transferring title to Deakin.
■ A review of maintenance expenses and records (e.g. to confirm reason for loss on sale).
■ Post balance sheet event review on prior year audit working papers file.
■ Management representation confirming that Deakin is not a related party (provided that there is no evidence to
suggest otherwise).

(c) Briefly describe three advantages to Bailey’s of counselling. (3 marks)

(c) For Bailey’s the advantages of counselling as a means of understanding and addressing the problems are that it provides a confidential service to the employee to discuss problems away from and not involving management or supervision. There is no obvious human resources policy at Bailey’s and counselling provides an opportunity to develop an appropriate policy from understanding individual problems.
This in turn will demonstrate organisational commitment to the employees that has been lacking in the past at Bailey’s and begin the process of better performance and increase in commitment.
At another level, counselling can provide a link to other external agencies to assist with personal problems that may be deemed too specific for resolution within Bailey’s.

(c) Discuss the usefulness of the managerial grid in assessing the attributes of managers. (5 marks)

Part (c):
This all assumes that leadership styles can be categorised into the two dimensions and that the results can be plotted on the grid.
The position of team management is accepted as the best form. of leadership. This may not be practical or indeed advisable. In
many industries, concern for the task may be more important than concern for people, and vice versa. It will always depend on
the individual situation; behaving in a way which is alien to one’s attitudes will be seen as inconsistent and confusing.
However, if the grid has relevance to leadership skills, it can provide the basis for training and for management development. One
way in which it could be useful is (for example) to support a 9,1 leader with a 1,9 subordinate.
The managerial grid also links in to the motivational ideas of Douglas Macgregor. Theory X assumes that the average person has
an inherent dislike of work. The approach is likely to be task driven, and thus managers will have a high score on the x axis.
Theory Y is based on the idea that the goals of the individual and the organisation can be integrated. In this case, the approach
is likely to be concerned with the individual and thus managers will have a high score on the y axis.

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