


Europe is often one of the first places people think of when racism is discussed. From the institutionalized racism especially in colonial times when racial beliefseven eugenicswere not considered something wrong to recent times where the effects of neo-Nazism is still felt. Europe is a complex area with many cultures in a relatively small area of land that has seen many conflicts throughout history. (Note that most of these conflicts have had trade and resource access at their core but national identities have often added fuel to some of these conflicts.)

Racism has also been used to justify exploitation even using pseudo-science”。

Debates over the origins of racism often suffer from a lack of clarity over the term. Many conflate recent forms of racism with earlier forms of ethnic and national conflict. In most cases ethnic-national conflict seems to owe to conflict over land and strategic resources. In some cases ethnicity and nationalism were harnessed to wars between great religious empires (for example the Muslim Turks and the Catholic Austro-Hungarians) As Benedict Anderson has suggested in Imagined Communities ethnic identity and ethno-nationalism became a source of conflict within such empires with the rise of print-capitalism.

In its modern form racism evolved in tandem with European exploration and conquest of much of the rest of the world and especially after Christopher Columbus reached the Americas. As new peoples were encountered fought and ultimately subdued theories about race began to develop and these helped many to justify the differences in position and treatment of people whom they categorized as belonging to different races.

Another possible source of racism is the misunderstanding of Charles Darwins theories of evolution. Some took Darwins theories to imply that since some races were more civilized there must be a biological basis for the difference. At the same time they appealed to biological theories of moral and intellectual traits to justify racial oppression. There is a great deal of controversy about race and intelligence in part because the concepts of both race and IQ are themselves controversies.

A short review from the Inter Press Service highlights the rise of neo-Nazism in 2000 in Europe and suggests that far from being a fringe activity racism violence and neo-nationalism have become normal in some communities. The problems need to be tackled much earlier in schools and with social programs.

Ethnic minorities and different cultures in one country can often be used as a scapegoat for the majority during times of economic crisis. That is one reason why Nazism became so popular.

In France May 2002 the success of far right politician Le Pen in the run for leadership (though he lost out in the end) sent a huge shockwave throughout Europe about how easy it was for far right parties to come close to getting power if there is complacency in the democratic processes and if participation is reduced.

In various places throughout Western Europe in 2002 as Amnesty International highlights there has been a rise in racist attacks and sentiments against both Arabs and Jews in light of the increasing hostilities in the Middle East.

In 1997 Human Rights Watch noted that,“The U.K. has one of the highest levels of racially-motivated violence and harassment in Western Europe and the problem is getting worse. In April 1999 London saw two bombs explode in predominantly ethnic minority areas where a Nazi group has claimed responsibility. The summer of 2001 saw many race-related riots in various parts of northern England.

Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities according to the BBC. Anti-immigrant sentiment has long been high especially against ethnic Albanians who form the largest minority. Until the 1990s the BBC notes Greece had been an extremely homogenous society. With the fall of communism many immigrants from Eastern Europe came to Greece. Albanians especially have been targeted by a lot of racist sentiment. Some hostage taking by a few Albanians in recent years has not helped the situation.

1. What does the author mainly talk about?

[A] Racism in the world.

[B] Racism in the western world.

[C] Racism in Europe.

[D] Racism in the countries other than the western world.

2. When did the theories about race begin to develop?

[A] After the New World was discovered.

[B] After the USA was established.

[C] Before the First World War.

[D] During the colonial times.

3. According to the author what is the second possible source of racism?

[A] The colonial people began to be ultimately subdued.

[B] The misunderstanding of Darwinism.

[C] The development of human beings.

[D] None of the above.

4. One of the reasons that Nazism became very popular is that .

[A] ethnic minorities have small impact in the whole world

[B] various cultures cannot so-exist harmoniously

[C] ethnic minorities and different cultures are used as a scapegoat for the majority during times of economic crisis

[D] none of the above

5. Which country in the EU has the worst record for racism against ethnic minorities?

[A] The United Kingdom

[B] Greece

[C] Albania

[D] Australia


1.[C] 通读全文,可以总结出作者主要是在讨论欧洲的种族歧视问题。第一段的第一句就给全文大意做了个总结。

2.[A] “新世界”就是指哥伦布发现美洲大陆的时候所用的名字,文章中明确指出了实在这一事件之后,“种

族“这一观念开始产生了。因此正确选项为 A.

3. [B] 作者在谈到种族主义的起源时说到,另一种可能的来源是对达尔文的进化论的误解。解答此题注意文中细节。

4. [C] 这是一道细节题,根据原文不难看出,一个国家的少数民族和非主流文化往往被大多数人用来作为经济危

机时期的牺牲品。因此 C 为正确选项。

5. [B] 文章最后一段指出,希腊是欧盟国家中对少数民族持有种族偏见最严重的国家之一。由此不难看出,正确

选项应该为 B.


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