


一、科目关联(Relation Diagram)

Management Accounting(MA)《管理会计》课程中的相关知识首先与Performance Management(PM)《业绩管理》和Advanced Performance Management(APM)《高级业绩管理》这两门科目中的知识有所关联。此外,还会涉及到一定的Strategic Business Leader(SBL)《战略商业报告》。

而在MA课程中学到的知识,将会运用到学员后续高阶课程的PMAPM科目的学习中。MA课程中的Part B最后一章节Alternative costing methods会出现在PMPart APart E有关Performance management的部分会出现在PM以及APM课程里。


二、新课程框架和新考纲(New Framework and Syllabus)

整体变化是增加了一个版块,这个版块整合了关于Date analysis and statistical techniques的内容,同时又新增了一些这个内容的其他知识点。


新增版块Data analysis and statistical techniques成为了Part B部分。但是其他版块内容不变,以此往后顺延。由原来的Part A-Part E 5Part的内容;变成了现在Part A-Part F 6Part的内容。


将原来考纲Part C Budgeting中的Statistical techniques这个知识点放在了新考纲Part B Data analysis and statistical techniquesForecasting techniques中。


新增了一部分的知识点。一个是Big data and analysis,放在了Part A The nature,source and purpose ofmanagement informationSources of data;一个是Summarising and analysing data,放在了Part B Date analysis and statistical technique

对于此次考纲的调整,可以看出对Date analysis and statistical techniques进行了一个整合。内容基本不变,我们主要看的就是新增的知识点。

三、新增知识点1Big data and analysis

考纲要求的是Describe the main uses of big data andanalytics for organisations。那也就是需要大家知道和分析大数据在企业中的用途。考试依然最多是以选择题形式进行考察。

四、新增知识点2Summarising and analysing data


a)Calculate the mean,mode and median forungrouped data and the mean for groupeddata.

b)Calculate measures of dispersion including thevariance,standard deviation and coefficient ofvariation both grouped and ungrouped data.

c)Calculate expected values for use in decisionmaking.

d)Explain the properties of a normaldistribution.

e)Interpret normal distribution graphs and tables




Section A是352分的填空选择,一共70;Section B3道大题,每题10分,各来自Part CDE,也是填空选择的形式。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

The following information is available for a manufacturing company which produces multiple products:

(i) The product mix ratio

(ii) Contribution to sales ratio for each product

(iii) General fixed costs

(iv) Method of apportioning general fixed costs

Which of the above are required in order to calculate the break-even sales revenue for the company?

A.All of the above

B.(i), (ii) and (iii) only

C.(i), (iii) and (iv) only

D.(ii) and (iii) only


The method of apportioning general fixed costs is not required to calculate the break-even sales revenue.

Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.

(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with the

underpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevant

calculations. (10 marks)

(b) Late filing of VAT returns
The late filing of two or more VAT returns within the period of one year will give rise to a default surcharge. This occurs when
– The return is late and/or
– The payment is late.
Customs & Excise will serve a surcharge liability notice on the taxpayer when a single return is filed late and/or the VAT due
is paid late. The surcharge period will run from the date of notice to the anniversary of the quarter end of the period in which
the trader is in default.
Any further defaults within the surcharge period will extend the surcharge period.
If there is a late payment of VAT in the surcharge period, a surcharge will be levied at the rate of 2% on the first occasion,
rising progressively to a maximum of 15% if there are several defaults. One complete year of correct compliance is necessary
to escape the default surcharge regime.
For Flop Ltd, the surcharge period originally ran to 31 December 2005 but was extended to 31 March 2006 as the second
return is late. This could be extended again if the June return is late. The second default (31 March return) will give rise to
a 2% surcharge, based on the tax paid late of £24,000. This gives a surcharge of £480. This exceeds the de minimus level
of £400, so will be collected.
To avoid a further surcharge, the VAT return to 30 June 2005 should be submitted by 31 July at the latest. This would save
5% x £8,250 = £412.
In addition, Flop Ltd should obtain a refund of the VAT on the bad debt. Relief is available where;
(i) the debt is more than six months old, and
(ii) the debt has been written off in the creditor’s accounts.
The claim must be made within three years. The amount of VAT repayable is 17·5% of £50,000 = £8,750. If this is claimed
though the VAT return to 30 June 2005, there should be a net VAT repayment of (£8,250 - £8,750) = £500. Even if this
return is submitted late, the fact that no VAT is outstanding means that there will be no surcharge actually payable (as
calculated above), but the surcharge period will nevertheless be extended.

(c) (i) Explain the inheritance tax (IHT) implications and benefits of Alvaro Pelorus varying the terms of his

father’s will such that part of Ray Pelorus’s estate is left to Vito and Sophie. State the date by which a

deed of variation would need to be made in order for it to be valid; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Variation of Ray’s will
The variation by Alvaro of Ray’s will, such that assets are left to Vito and Sophie, will not be regarded as a gift by Alvaro.
Instead, provided the deed states that it is intended to be effective for IHT purposes, it will be as if Ray had left the assets
to the children in his will.
This strategy, known as skipping a generation, will have no effect on the IHT due on Ray’s death but will reduce the
assets owned by Alvaro and thus his potential UK IHT liability. A deed of variation is more tax efficient than Alvaro
making gifts to the children as such gifts would be PETs and IHT may be due if Alvaro were to die within seven years.
The deed of variation must be entered into by 31 January 2009, i.e. within two years of the date of Ray’s death.

5 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Blod Co, a listed company, for the year ended 31 March 2008. Your

firm was appointed as auditors of Blod Co in September 2007. The audit work has been completed, and you are

reviewing the working papers in order to draft a report to those charged with governance. The statement of financial

position (balance sheet) shows total assets of $78 million (2007 – $66 million). The main business activity of Blod

Co is the manufacture of farm machinery.

During the audit of property, plant and equipment it was discovered that controls over capital expenditure transactions

had deteriorated during the year. Authorisation had not been gained for the purchase of office equipment with a cost

of $225,000. No material errors in the financial statements were revealed by audit procedures performed on property,

plant and equipment.

An internally generated brand name has been included in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) at a fair

value of $10 million. Audit working papers show that the matter was discussed with the financial controller, who

stated that the $10 million represents the present value of future cash flows estimated to be generated by the brand

name. The member of the audit team who completed the work programme on intangible assets has noted that this

treatment appears to be in breach of IAS 38 Intangible Assets, and that the management refuses to derecognise the


Problems were experienced in the audit of inventories. Due to an oversight by the internal auditors of Blod Co, the

external audit team did not receive a copy of inventory counting procedures prior to attending the count. This caused

a delay at the beginning of the inventory count, when the audit team had to quickly familiarise themselves with the

procedures. In addition, on the final audit, when the audit senior requested documentation to support the final

inventory valuation, it took two weeks for the information to be received because the accountant who had prepared

the schedules had mislaid them.


(a) (i) Identify the main purpose of including ‘findings from the audit’ (management letter points) in a report

to those charged with governance. (2 marks)

5 Blod Co
(a) (i) A report to those charged with governance is produced to communicate matters relating to the external audit to those
who are ultimately responsible for the financial statements. ISA 260 Communication of Audit Matters With Those
Charged With Governance requires the auditor to communicate many matters, including independence and other ethical
issues, the audit approach and scope, the details of management representations, and the findings of the audit. The
findings of the audit are commonly referred to as management letter points. By communicating these matters, the auditor
is confident that there is written documentation outlining all significant matters raised during the audit process, and that
such matters have been formally notified to the highest level of management of the client. For the management, the
report should ensure that they fully understand the scope and results of the audit service which has been provided, and
is likely to provide constructive comments to help them to fulfil their duties in relation to the financial statements and
accounting systems and controls more effectively. The report should also include, where relevant, any actions that
management has indicated they will take in relation to recommendations made by the auditors.

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