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U. S.-led occupation authorities have begun a secret campaign to recruit and train agents with the once-dreaded Iraqi intelligence service to help identify resistance to American forces here after months of increasingly sophisticated attacks and bombings, according to U.S.. and Iraqi officials.

The extraordinary move to recruit agents of former presidents security services demonstrates a growing recognition among U.S. officials that American military forcesalready stretched thincannot alone prevent attacks like the devastating truck bombing of the U.N. headquarters recently, the officials said.

Authorities have stepped up the recruitment over the past two weeks, one senior U.S. official said, despite sometimes firm objections by members of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, who complain that they have too little control over the pool of recruits. While U.S. officials acknowledge the sensitivity of cooperating with a force that embodied the ruthlessness of the overthrown presidents rule, they assert that an urgent need for better and more precise intelligence has forced unusual compromises.

The only way you can combat terrorism is through intelligence, the senior official said. Its the only way youre going to stop these people from doing what theyre doing. He added: Without Iraqi input, thats not going to work.

Officials are reluctant to disclose how many former agents have been recruited since the effort began. But Iraqi officials say they number anywhere from dozens to a few hundred, and U.S. officials acknowledge that the recruitment is extensive.

Were reaching out very widely, said one official with the U.S.-led administration, who like most spoke on condition of anonymity because of sensitivity over questions of intelligence and sources.

Added a Western diplomat: There is an obvious evolution in American thinking. First the police are reconstituted, then the army. It is logical that intelligence officials from the regime would also be recruited.

Officials say the first line of intelligence-gathering remains the Iraqi police, who number 6,500 in Baghdad and 33,000 nationwide. But that force is hampered in intelligence work by a lack of credibility with a belief-broken public, and its numbers remain far below what U.S. officials say they need to bring order to an unruly capital. Across Iraq, walk-in informers have provided tips on weapons hidings and locations of suspected guerrillas, but many Iraqis dismiss those reports as occasional and sometimes motivated by a desire for personal gain.

The emphasis in recruitment appears to be on the intelligence service known as the Mukhabarat, one of four branches in the former security service, although it is not the only target for the U.S. effort. The Mukhabarat, whose name itself inspired fear in ordinary Iraqis, was the foreign intelligence service, the most sophisticated of the four.

1. Americas attitude towards Iraqi intelligence was one of _____

[A] disgust [B] hatred [C] fear [D] resent

2. The word devastating (Line 3, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to _____

[A] destructive [B] regretful [C] frustrating [D] terrible

3. The U.S. officials consider the nature of the recruitments of former security services _____

[A] give-ins to the bombing

[B] setbacks of US-led administration

[C] examples of US-Iraqi cooperation

[D] compromises of some kind

24. Which of the following is true regarding the recruitment of the intelligence?

[A] The new-release people are unwilling to tell anything about themselves.

[B] It is just a preparatory step for the reconstruction of the Iraqi armed forces.

[C] The western world as a whole dislikes the idea of reconstruction in this way.

[D] An obvious connection exists in the reconstructions of the army and the police.

5. A large part of the Iraqi people hold information about weapon hidings as _____

[A] fear-inspired [B] money-driven

[C] unreliable [D] sophisticated


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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A.particularly意为“特别,尤其;详细地,细致地”;B.barely意为“almost not;hardly”(几乎没有);C.definitely意为“明确地,肯定地;限定地”;D.rarely意为“not often”(很少,难得),是频度副词,只能修饰动词或具有动作意味的形容词,如present,angry,late等,不修饰后缀为‐ble的表状态的形容词,本题的关键是in the background。既然是在幕后,就不会在前台露出,所以选bar






事物的发展是一个过程。一切事物只有经过一定的过程才能实现自身的发展。所谓过程是指一切事物都有其产生、发展和转化为其他事物的历史,都有它的过去、现在和未来。自然界、人类社会和思维领域中的一切现象都是作为过程而存在、作为过程而发展的。恩格斯指 出:“世界不是既成事物的集合体,而是过程的集合体。”这是唯物辩证法的“一个伟大的基本思想”。事物发展的过程,从形式上看,是事物在时间上的持续性和空间上的广延性的交替;从内容上看,是事物在运动形式、形态、结构、功能和关系上的更新。坚持事物发展是过程的思想, 就要用历史的眼光看问题,把一切事物如实地看做是变化、发展的过程,既要了解它们的过去, 观察它们的现在,又要预见它们的未来。
(3)恩格斯指出广世界不是一成不变的事物的集合体,而是过程的集合体,其中各个似乎稳定的事物以及它们在我们头脑中的思想映象即概念都处在生存和灭亡的不断变化中,前进的发展。”—辩证哲学推翻了一切关于最终的绝对真理和与之相应的人类绝对状态的想法。在 它面前,不存在任何最终的、绝对的、神圣的东西;它指出所有一切事物的暂时性;在它面前,除 了发生和消灭.无止境地由低级上升到高级的不断的过程,什么都不存在,它本身也不过是这 —过程在思维着的头脑中的反映而已。”A、B、C、D四个选项全部体现了恩格斯关于事物发展 过程性的观点。AB选项是在讲党的思想路线时常提到的观点。

2010 -53.生化汤重用全当归为君的用意是
A.和血止痛 B.养血活血 C.养血润肠 D.养血补肝


法律解释可分为有权解释和无权解释,下列属于无权解释的是(  )。


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