


WHAT do you do when everyone hates you? That is the problem faced by America\'s pharmaceutical industry. Despite its successes in treating disease and extending longevity soaring health-care costs and bumper profits mean that big drug firms are widely viewed as exploitative and regarded almost as unfavourably as tobacco and oil firms (see chart) Last week at a conference organised by The Economist in Philadelphia the drug industry was offered some advice from an unlikely source a tobacco firm. Steven Parrish of Altria the conglomerate that includes Philip Morris gave his perspective on how an industry can improve its tarnished public image.

Comparing the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries might seem absurd or even offensive. Their products kill people. Our products save people\'s lives,” says Alan Holmer the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America an industry association. Yet the drug giants currently face an unprecedented onslaught of class-action lawsuits and public scrutiny; industry bosses are being grilled by lawmakers asking who knew what and when. It is all reminiscent of what happened to the tobacco industry in 1994.

Mr Parrish advised drug firms to abandon their bunker mentality and engage with their critics. Rather than arguing about the past he said it is better to move on and give people something new to think about. (Philip Morris now acknowledges for example that cigarettes are addictive and deadly and is trying to develop less harmful products.) Not everyone is open to persuasion so focus on those who are he said. But changing opinions takes time and demands deeds as well as words: “This is not about spin this is about change.

The pharmaceutical industry is pursuing a range of initiatives to mollify its critics Mr Holmer noted in his own speech. But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive since it can give the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel. And too much advertising he said can actually antagonise people further.

The audience was generally receptive claims Mr Parrish. This is not the first time he has offered his thoughts on dealing with implacable critics. At a conference at the University of Michigan last year he offered America\'s State Department advice on improving America\'s image in the Middle East. So does his prescription work? There has been a positive shift in attitudes towards tobacco firms if only a small one. But at least for once a tobacco firm is peddling a cure rather than a disease.

GRAPHUnpopularity contest

Economist; 11/27/2004 Vol. 373 Issue 8403 p64-64 1/3p 1 graph

(1):本文选自Economist; 11/27/2004 p64-64 1/3p 1 graph;

(2):本文习题命题模仿对象第12004年真题text 41题,第2题模仿1994年真题text 31题,第3题模仿1996年真题text 33题,第4题模仿1997年真题text 32题,第52004年真题text 45;

1. Why is Americas pharmaceutical industry so unpopular?

[A] Because it like tobacco and oil firms does harm to peoples health and environment.

[B] Because it fails to cure disease and make people live longer.

[C] Because the prices of its products are too high and its profit margin is too wide.

[D] Because it exploits its employees.

2. Alan Holmer is quoted to illustrate that __________.

[A] the comparison between tobacco and pharmaceutical industries might seem ridiculousor even insulting

[B] the pharmaceutical industries agree that they are similar to tobacco industry

[C] tobacco products do more harm to people than pharmaceutical products

[D] pharmaceutical industries are currently facing lots of problems

3. According to the text Mr. Parrish gives the following suggestions to drug firms except ______.

[A] To acknowledge the problems and try to do something to improve their images.

[B] Not to react to the public in one voice through the drug association.

[C] Not to care about the past.

[D] To try to spend time and energy to persuade the majority of the audience who are open to persuasion.

4. The word mollify (Line 1 Paragraph 4) might mean?

[A] placate.

[B] enrage.

[C] fight.

[D] relieve.

5. What does the author imply by saying This is not the first time he has offered his

thoughts on dealing with implacable critics.?

[A] Mr. Parrish has offered his advice to other on dealing with tough critics for several times.

[B] Mr. Parrish has dealt successfully with other critics himself.

[C] Mr. Parrish has given sound advice to drug firms.

[D] Mr. Parrish has been of help to others on critical moments.

答案:C A C A C


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

男性,30岁,因寒战高热,右上腹胀痛20天入院,体检:体温39°C,消耗病容,右季肋区叩痛,肝大肋缘下3cm,触痛,化验检查血红蛋白80g/L, WBC: 15.6x109/L, N: 0.80,B超检查:肝右叶液性暗区10cmx8cm,这种严重感染的致病菌,最可能来自何种病灶


A.青壮年男性 B.青壮年女性 C.老年男性 D.老年女性




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