


Admittedly minor accidents and sup-ups continue to shake public confidence in nuclear power.Given the unquantifiable risks that nuclear power carriesit is only right that the industry be subjected to the test of public opinion and due political process. Howeverthis argues for exceptional vigilanceregulatory scrutiny and accountability——and not for bans or shut downs.

Those nuclear operators with a good safety record deserve to have their licenses renewedso that existing plants may run to the end of their useful lives.The Bush administrations enthusiastic support goes a lot further than thishowever.It also wants to see new plants.Proponents of new nuclear power stations make three arguments in their favor.They will enhance energy security by lessening dependence on fossil fuels;far from being environmentally harmfulthey will be beneficial because they will reduce the output of greenhouse gases;andmost cruciallythe economics of nuclear power has improved from the days when it was wholly dependent on bail out and subsidy.

Yet these arguments do not stand up to scrutiny.The claim that governments should support nuclear power to reduce their vulnerability to the OPEC oil cartel is doubly absurd.Little oil is used in power generationwhat nuclear power displaces is mostly natural gas and coalwhich are not only more plentiful than obut also geographically better distributed.Security is enhanced not by seeking energy self sufficiency but through diversification of supplies.Creating lots of fissile material that might be pinched by terrorists is an odd way to look for security anyway.What about the argument that climate change might be the great savior of nuclear power? Global warming is indeed a risk that should be taken more seriously than the Bush administration has so far done.Nuclear plants do not produce any carbon dioxidewhich is the principal greenhouse gas.Howeverrushing in response to build dozens of new nuclear plants would be both needlessly expensive and environmentally unsound.It would make far more sense to adopt a carbon tax which would put clean energy sources such as solar and wind on an equal footing with nuclearwhose waste poses an undeniable(if remote)environmental threat of its own for aeons to come.Governments should also dismantle all subsidies on fossil fuels——especially for coalthe dirtiest of a11.They should adopt reforms that send proper price signals to those who use powerand so reduce emissions.Global warming certainly provides one argument in favor of nuclear powerbut it is not sufficient on its own to justify a nuclear renaissance.

1.What\'s the publics opinion about nuclear industry?

[A]People have little confidence in nuclear power for the potential disaster of nuclear accidents.

[B]People think it important to exercise strict monitoring and effective management of the existing plants.

[C]People believe the best way to avoid nuclear disaster is to shut down all the nuclear power stations.

[D]People agree to prohibit the existing nuclear plants from running to the end of their useful lives.

2.The most important reason why the Bush administration support more new nuclear power plants is that—————————

[A] they will increase energy security

[B]they help lessen dependence on fossil fuels

[C]they are environmentally friendly

[D] they need little government financial support

3.According to the author energy security can only be achieved by———————。

[A]using less oil in power generation

[B]replacing fossil fuels with more nuclear power

[C] seeking energy self sufficiency

[D] expanding the sources of power supply

4.According to the passagewhich of the following measures is the least helpful in protecting the environment?

[A]Encouraging the use of clean energy sources.

[B]Cutting off subsidies on all fossil fuels.

[C]Adopting price reform to reduce emission.

[D]Promoting the resurgence of nuclear power.

5.Its implied that——。

[A]nuclear power stations may become the targets of terrorist attack

[B]the Bush administration doesnt give due weight to environment protection

[C]carbon dioxide is the principal source of greenhouse gas

[D]nuclear waste will turn to be all environmental threat in the long-run term


slip vi.犯错误,滑倒 scrutiny n.详细审查 subsidy n.补助金

pinch vt.偷窃


Given the unquantifiable risks that nuclear power carriesit is only right that the industry be subjected to the test of public opinion and due political process.

[点津]该句包含一个让步状语从句,句子的主干是It is right that…。第一个that 引导的是以







1.B推断题。由题干关键词publics opinion定位文章第一段。该段着重描述了大众对核电技术的种种忧虑和看法,群众所要求的并非禁止或关闭所有核电站,而是强调“高度警惕”以及“定期检查评估”,对于运行安全的核反应堆可以续发执照,以便充分利用现有的核电资源,故正确答案为B.其余选项A(由于核事故的潜在危险,人们对核能几乎没有信心)与文中的shake public con6dence(动摇公众的信心)不相符,C(人们认为避免核灾难最好的方法是关闭所有的核电站)D(人们同意禁止现有的核电厂运转到有效期结束)与文意相悖,故错误。

2.D细节题。由题干关键词But administration定位第二段。该段列举了布什政府支持建设更多核电站的三个主要原因。在提到第三个原因时,用了most crucially(最具决定性的),表明现任政府支持核电发展最主要的原因是核电站的建设和运营已不再完全依赖政府的财政援助,故答案应为D.

3.D细节题。由题干关键词energy security时定位文章第三段。该段着重探讨了核电的发展是否有助于实现能源安全的问题。该段中有几处关键信息表明作者认为:能源安全不是通过寻求能源的自足来加强的,而是通过供应的多元化来实现的。由此可以排除选项c,确定D项为答案。


5.B推断题。在第三段中作者借Global warming is indeed a risk t11at should be taken more seriously than the Bush administration has so far done含蓄批评了布什政府的环境政策,因此选项B正确。而选项AcD所涉及的内容,作者在文章中直截了当地阐述了,故不合题意。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.急性肾小球肾炎 B.慢性肾小球肾炎 C.慢性肾衰竭 D.肾小管间质疾病

尿比密是指在4?条件下尿液与同体积纯水的重量之比,可粗略地判断肾小管的浓缩和稀释功 能。尿比密增高见于血容量不足导致的肾前性少尿、糖尿病、急性肾小球肾炎、肾病综合征等。尿比密 降低见于大量饮水、慢性肾小球肾炎、慢性肾衰竭、肾小球间质疾病、尿崩症等。





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