


1、Bottled water, chewing gum and skin moisturizers are mentioned in Paragraph 5 so as to().【阅读理解A】

A.reveal their impact on people’s habits

B.show the urgent need of daily necessities

C.indicate their effect on people’s buying power

D.manifest the significant role of good habits


答案解析:A. 显示它们对人们生活习惯的影响;B. 显示人们对于日常必需品的迫切需求;C. 显示它们对于人们购买力的影响;D. 证明出好习惯的重要作用文章第四段:If you look hard enough, you’ll find that many of the products we use every day—chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers,health snacks, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins —are results of manufactured habits. (如果仔细观察会发现,很多我们日常使用的产品——嚼口香糖,润肤霜,消毒湿巾,纯净水,健康小吃,洁牙剂,织物柔软剂,维生素等都是“制造”出的习惯的结果),这些产品以前只吸引特定人群,如今在广告的推动下,成为人们的生活习惯。可见它们对人们生活习惯的影响。故正确答案为A。

2、Judging from the context, the phrase “wreaking havoc”(Para.2)most probably means().【阅读理解A】

A.generating motivation

B.exerting influence

C.causing damage

D.creating pressure


答案解析:A. 产生激励;B. 产生影响;C.  造成伤害;D. 造成压力第二段大意:男性在公共场合比女性说话多,但在家里却说得很少,这一模式对婚姻_______。第三段作者进一步引用社会学家的发现, most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.(多数女性认为缺乏沟通是她们离婚的原因,但很少男性这样认为)。可见缺乏沟通对婚姻产生破坏作用。故答案为C。

3、Which of the following statements is NOT true?()【阅读理解A】

A.Sales of contemporary art fell dramatically from 2007 to 2008

B.The art market surpassed many other industries in momentum

C.The art market generally went downward in various ways

D.Some art dealers were awaiting better chances to come


答案解析:A.  在2007-2008年间,当代艺术作品的交易量有大幅下滑;B. 艺术市场的发展势头超过了其他行业;C. 总体上,艺术品市场从多方面开始走下坡路;D. 一些艺术品商人正等待更好的机会2008年艺术品销售额大幅下降,C选项与A选项一致,D选项在文章末句有体现。文章第二段首句The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003.(在2003年急剧上升后,艺术品市场正在丧失其发展势头),没有体现艺术品势头超过其他,故答案为B。

4、From the text we know that some of consumers\' habits are developed due to().【阅读理解A】

A.perfected art of products

B.automatic behavior creation

C. commercial promotions

D.scientific experiments


答案解析:A. 产品的完美艺术性;B. 自动的行为习惯;C. 广告促销;D. 科学实验文章最后一段开头:there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through relentless advertising.(习惯的形成与持续不断的广告有关)。故答案选C。

5、All of the following are true EXCEPT().【阅读理解A】

A.men tend to talk more in public tan women

B.nearly 50 percent of recent divorces are caused by failed conversation

C.women attach much importance to communication between couples

D.a female tends to be more talkative at home than her spouse


答案解析:A. 男性在公共场合比女性更健谈;B. 最近离婚事件中,接近50%是由于沟通失败造成的;C.女性更看重夫妻间的交流;D. 女性在家庭里比丈夫更喜欢说话文章只说了the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent,即目前美国离婚率为50%,并没有说50%的离婚率是因为缺乏沟通造成的,B选项是无中生有,故正确答案为B。

6、In the following part immediately after this text, the author will most probably focus on?()【阅读理解A】

A.a vivid account of the new book Divorce Talk

B.a detailed description of the stereotypical cartoon

C.other possible reasons for a high divorce rate in the U.S

D.other possible reasons for a high divorce rate in the U.S


答案解析:A.生动描述Divorce Talk一书;B. 详细描述这一老套漫画;C. 阐述美国离婚率高的其它原因;D. 简单介绍政治家Andrew Hacker文章最后一段作者描述了一个能代表这种婚姻危机的典型漫画:丈夫在餐桌上读报纸,妻子在他背后怒目而视,欲言又止。根据篇章的连贯性和一致性等语段特征,作者接下来应该是继续围绕漫画特点展开描述,因而答案为B。

7、After the Jury Selection and Service Act was passed,().【阅读理解A】

A.sex discrimination in jury selection was unconstitutional and had to be abolished

B.educational requirements became less rigid in the selection of federal jurors

C. jurors at the state level ought to be representative of the entire community

D.states ought to conform to the federal court in reforming the jury system


答案解析:A. 陪审员挑选中性别歧视违背宪法的,应该废除B. 在选择联邦陪审员时,教育背景的要求没有那么严格了C. 州级陪审员应该代表整个社会D. 各州应该遵从联邦法院的规定进行陪审团制度改革文章第四段第二两句话:This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community. (该法废除了联邦陪审员的教育要求,规定从整个社区的代表中随机选取),因而,该法颁布后,陪审员的教育背景不再严格。故答案选B。

8、(13)      【完形填空】






答案解析:A. imparted告知;B. immersed浸没;C. injected注射;D. infected感染In the U. S. it has(13) more than one million people, and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.(在美国,H1N1已经 (13)超过一百万人,造成600多例死亡,6000多人住院),H1N1是疾病,和人的关系只能是感染,因此答案为D。

9、The practice of selecting so-called elite jurors prior to 1968 showed().【阅读理解A】

A.the inadequacy of anti-discrimination laws

B.the prevalent discrimination against certain races

C.the conflicting ideals in jury selection procedures

D.the arrogance common among the Supreme Court judges


答案解析:A. 反歧视法的不完备;B. 对某个种族的普遍歧视;C. 陪审员挑选过程中的理念冲突;D. 最高法院法官中的普遍傲慢文章第二段末句:the practice of selecting so-called elite or blue-ribbon juries provided a convenient way around this and other anti-discrimination laws(这种挑选所谓的精英陪审团为绕过种族歧视法和其他反歧视法提供了便利)。可见,这种做法钻了法律的空子,表明反歧视法不完备。故答案选A。

10、(1)      【完形填空】



C. commented



答案解析:A.  criticized批评;B. appointed任命;C.  commented评论;D. designated指定,认定文章首句The outbreak of swine flu … was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. (猪流感首先在墨西哥被发现,于2009年6月11日被宣布为全球性瘟疫)。 第2句话It is the first worldwide epidemic (1) by the World Health Organization in 41 years.(这是41年来世界卫生组织(1)的第一起世界性瘟疫)。这两句话之间没有转折词,是递进关系。可见这应该是世界卫生组织“认定”的第一起世界性瘟疫。故答案为D。

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