


1、Some newspapers refused delivery to distant suburbs probably because().【阅读理解A】

A.readers threatened to pay less

B.newspapers wanted to reduce costs

C.journalists reported little about these areas

D.subscribers complained about slimmer products


答案解析:A. 读者威胁少付款;B. 报纸想减少成本;C. 记者关于这些地区的报道很少;D. 订阅者抱怨报纸变薄文章第三段最后一句中these measures是说前面的是一系列的措施:裁减记者;售价上调,内容缩水;拒绝向偏远地区配送。显然,这么做的共同目的是减少成本,故B为正确答案。

2、It can be inferred from the last paragraph that outside directors().【阅读理解A】

A.may stay for the attractive offers from the firm

B.have often had records of wrongdoings in the firm

C.are accustomed to stress-free work in the firm

D.will decline incentives from the firm


答案解析:A. 可能因为公司的诱人条件而留下;B. 在公司里往往留下劣迹;C. 习惯于公司里没有压力的工作;D. 会拒绝公司的激励Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives.(想要在困难时期留住外部董事,公司必须创造激励),所以A为正确答案。B和C两项为无中生有,D正好与文章信息相反。

3、According to Paragraph 1, Ms. Simmons was criticized for().【阅读理解A】

A.gaining excessive profits

B.failing to fulfill her duty

C.refusing to make compromises

D.leaving the board in tough times


答案解析:A. 获得过高利益;B. 没能履行自己的职责 ;C. 拒绝做出妥协;D. 在艰难时期离开董事会文章第一段But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman’s compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked?(然而到2009年底,她却因任职于高盛公司薪酬委员会而受到攻击:她怎么能没有注意到那些巨额奖金的发放呢?)说明她没有能够履行自己的职责,故B是正确答案。







答案解析:A.  invited受邀;B.  appointed受任;C. allowed被允许;D.  forced强迫They argue that all Internet users should be (20) to register and identify themselves, in the same way that drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads.(他们要求所有网络用户应该被注册认证,如同所有司机都要有驾驶证一样),可见这里应该是表示强制性的行为,只有force由此含义。因此答案为D。

5、By saying “Newspapers like … their own doom” (Para. 1), the author indicates that newspaper().【阅读理解A】

A.neglected the sign of crisis

B.failed to get state subsidies

C.were not charitable corporations

D.were in a desperate situation


答案解析:A. 无视危机信号;B. 没有得到政府救助;C. 不是慈善公司;D. 处于不利的处境Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom(诸如《洛杉矶纪事》的报纸都记录着自己的厄运)doom一词表明报纸业处境不利。因此D选项为正确答案。







答案解析:A.  on在...上;B.  after在...后 ;  C.  beyond超出;D. across贯穿原文the infrastructure (15) which the transaction runs中,which引导定语从句,修饰前面the infrastructure,与infrastructure搭配的介词应该是on,表示在交易平台上,因此答案为A。

7、Terence Stephenson agreed that【阅读理解B】

A."fat taxes” should be imposed on fast-food producers such as McDonald’s

B.the government should ban fast-food outlets in the neighborhood of schools

C.“lecturing” was an effective way to improve school lunches in England

D.cigarette-style warnings should be introduced to children about the dangers of a poor diet

E.the producers of crisps and candies could contribute significantly to the Change4Life Campaign

F.parents should set good examples for their children by keeping a healthy diet at home

G.the government should strengthen the sense of responsibility among businesses


答案解析:第七段,“we might even begin to think of high-calorie fast food in the same way as cigarettes — by setting strict limits”与选项D概念一致。


A.In vain

B.In effect

C.In return

D.In contrast


答案解析:A.  In vain无用的;B.  In effect事实上;C.  In return作为回报; D.  In contrast相反此处起到承上启下的作用。前两段指出the approach的运行原理。此处指出其效果,因此答案为B。

9、According to the researchers from Ohio University after an outside director’s surprise departure, the firm is likely to().【阅读理解A】

A.become more stable

B.report increased earnings

C.do less well in the stock market

D.perform worse in lawsuits


答案解析:A. 变得更稳定;B. 申报增加的收益;C. 股市表现不佳;D. 在诉讼案件中表现不佳文章第三段They found that after a surprise departure, the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increased by nearly 20%. The likelihood of being named in a federal class-action lawsuit also increases, and the stock is likely to perform worse. (他们发现外部董事蹊跷离职后,公司随之重申收入的可能性增加了20%。在联邦法院受理的集体起诉案件中被涉及的可能性也会增加,在股市表现会更糟糕),故答案选C。

10、Compared with their American counterparts, Japanese newspapers are much more stable because they().【阅读理解A】

A.have more sources of revenue

B.have more balanced newsrooms

C.are less dependent on advertising

D.are less affected by readership


答案解析:A. 有更多的收入来源 ;B. 更均衡的新闻编辑部;C. 不太依赖广告;D. 不太受到读者的影响文章第四段Fully 87% of their revenues came from advertising in 2008... In Japan the proportion is 35%. Not surprisingly, Japanese newspapers are much more stable. (其岁入的87%来源于广告,这一比例在日本为35%。无怪乎日本报纸更稳定)可见日本报业稳定的原因在于对广告依赖少。故答案为C。

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