







  二、正确灵活地分析问题。除了使用适当的回答技巧,我们还应该注意考试问题中的一些细节。通常,对这些细节的处理将直接决定第一部分答案的质量。因为口语考试的特点是学生在考官提出问题后需要立即回答,太长时间思考也会导致失分。因此,在考官提出问题后,考生需要立即做出分析说出正确的答案。  在考场上,考生答题偏题的现象时有发生,除了考生对语言水平问题的误解外,很多错误都是由于考生对问题细节的不了解造成的。所以,我们需要对考题中的细节做一个详细的梳理,需要了解在答题过程中需要掌握什么内容。

  三、在回答的最后要着重强调。在商务口语中,很多问题都带有最高级,例如:What\'s the best time of a day.对于这种题目,无论考你用哪种拓展方式,都必须在最后给出回答重点,也就是“最为……的是……”。大家不要在说了一大堆之后,没有在最后对某一点进行强调说明。


下面小编为大家准备了 商务英语考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

You can go to every part of America from this city.


? Read this part of a note from Emma Jackson, boss of a French travel agency.

We are thinking of printing a brochure to introduce tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe. Please contact the major hotels and scenic spots and the like and invite them to make advertisements.

? Write a letter to Hotel Mecure:

? giving a brief self-introduction

? saying what kind of brochure you are going to print

? stating the rate of advertising

? asking for a prompt reply.

? Write 60-80 words.

? Write on your Answer Sheet.

正确答案:Dear Manager We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading travel agencies in France. We are going to print a brochure to introduce some tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe for distribution at Hong Kong International Tourist Fair this year. Would you like to advertise your hotel in our brochure? The rate is 1000 for 1/2 page. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully
Dear Manager, We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading travel agencies in France. We are going to print a brochure to introduce some tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe for distribution at Hong Kong International Tourist Fair this year. Would you like to advertise your hotel in our brochure? The rate is 1,000 for 1/2 page. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

— You are the manager of the marketing department in your company. A new assistant manager has recently been appointed and will start work soon.

— Write an email to all staff in the department:

— explaining the need for the appointment

— saying when the assistant manager will start work

— describing the experience the assistant manager has.

— Write 40 - 50 words.

From: Candace Woodward

To: All marketing staff

Subject: New assistant manager

正确答案:To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys concentrating on the Far East.
To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets, a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed, and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys, concentrating on the Far East.

Financial Planning: the factors involved in deciding on appropriate pricing strategies

正确答案:Suggested answers: a.In any single market three basic factors determine the boundaries of the pricing decision. The price floor or minimum price is bounded by product cost. The price ceiling or maximum price is bounded by competitive prices for comparable products and ability of customers to pay. Between the floor and ceiling for every product there is an optimum price which is a function of the demand for the product and the cost of supplying the product. The international executive must develop a pricing system and pricing policies that 'address these fundamental factors in each of the national markets in which his company operates. b.In addition to developing a pricing system the system must also be consistent with a number of uniquely international constraints. In addition to the diversity of national markets in all three basic dimensions—cost competition and demand—the international executive is also confronted by conflicting governmental tax policies and claims as well as government controls such as dumping legislation resale price maintenance legislation price ceilings and general review of price levels. Other factors affecting the international pricing decisions are the often surprisingly high international transportation costs middlemen in elongated international channels of distribution and multinational accounts demanding equal price treatment regardless of location. c.Pricing decisions have a major impact on a number of societal groups: consumers customers employees stockholders the public interest and of course the competition. These interest groups are affected by pricing decisions which in turn constrain the international executive. A widespread effect of international business is to lower prices. Within the corporation there are many interest groups and frequently conflicting price objectives. The divisional vice-president is concerned about profitability at the divisional level. Regional executives are concerned about profitability at the country level. d.The direction of international marketing seeks competitive prices in world markets.. The controller and financial vice-president are concerned about profits. The manufacturing vice-president seeks long runs for maximum manufacturing efficiency. The tax manager is concerned about compliance with government transfer pricing legislation and company counsel is concerned about the antitrust implications of international pricing practices. With such a large number of divergent and often conflicting interests combined with the limitations of our existing measures of demand it is premature to expect that we should be able to determine“optimal”prices in international marketing. A more feasible objective for the international executive is to formulate international pricing strategy and policy that will contribute rather than detract from company sales and profit objectives worldwide.
Suggested answers: a.In any single market three basic factors determine the boundaries of the pricing decision. The price floor, or minimum price, is bounded by product cost. The price ceiling, or maximum price, is bounded by competitive prices for comparable products and ability of customers to pay. Between the floor and ceiling for every product there is an optimum price, which is a function of the demand for the product and the cost of supplying the product. The international executive must develop a pricing system and pricing policies that 'address these fundamental factors in each of the national markets in which his company operates. b.In addition to developing a pricing system, the system must also be consistent with a number of uniquely international constraints. In addition to the diversity of national markets in all three basic dimensions—cost, competition, and demand—the international executive is also confronted by conflicting governmental tax policies and claims as well as government controls such as dumping legislation, resale price maintenance legislation, price ceilings and general review of price levels. Other factors affecting the international pricing decisions are the often surprisingly high international transportation costs, middlemen in elongated international channels of distribution, and multinational accounts demanding equal price treatment regardless of location. c.Pricing decisions have a major impact on a number of societal groups: consumers, customers, employees, stockholders, the public interest, and, of course, the competition. These interest groups are affected by pricing decisions, which in turn constrain the international executive. A widespread effect of international business is to lower prices. Within the corporation there are many interest groups and frequently conflicting price objectives. The divisional vice-president is concerned about profitability at the divisional level. Regional executives are concerned about profitability at the country level. d.The direction of international marketing seeks competitive prices in world markets.. The controller and financial vice-president are concerned about profits. The manufacturing vice-president seeks long runs for maximum manufacturing efficiency. The tax manager is concerned about compliance with government transfer pricing legislation, and company counsel is concerned about the antitrust implications of international pricing practices. With such a large number of divergent and often conflicting interests combined with the limitations of our existing measures of demand, it is premature to expect that we should be able to determine“optimal”prices in international marketing. A more feasible objective for the international executive is to formulate international pricing strategy and policy that will contribute rather than detract from company sales and profit objectives worldwide. 解析:constrain强迫,强制,束缚。optimum price最适当价格。 dumping倾销。antitrust反托拉斯。divergent分歧的,分开的。detract from贬低,减损。premature早熟的,仓促的。

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