



ACCA是"英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)的简称,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA会员资格得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。

英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)简称ACCA,成立于1904年,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA总部设在伦敦,在美国洛杉矶、加拿大多伦多、澳大利亚悉尼建有分会,在世界上70多个城市均设有办事处。






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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) analytical procedures, (6 marks)

might appropriately be used in the due diligence review of MCM.

(ii) Analytical procedures
Tutorial note: The range of valid answer points is very broad for this part.
■ Review the trend of MCM’s profit (gross and net) for the last five years (say). Similarly earnings per share and
■ For both the National and International businesses compare:
– gross profit, net profit, and return on assets for the last five years (say);
– actual monthly revenue against budget for the last 18 months (say). Similarly, for major items of expenditure
such as:
– full-time salaries;
– freelance consultancy fees;
– premises costs (e.g. depreciation, lease rentals, maintenance, etc);
– monthly revenue (also costs and profit) by centre.
■ Review projections of future profitability of MCM against net profit percentage at 31 December 2004 for:
– the National business (10·4%);
– the International business (38·1%); and
– overall (19·9%).
■ Review of disposal value of owned premises against book values.
■ Compare actual cash balances with budget on a monthly basis and compare borrowings against loan and overdraft
■ Compare the average collection period for International’s trade receivables month on month since 31 December
2004 (when it was nearly seven months, i.e.
–––– × 365 days) and compare with the National business.
■ Compare financial ratios for each of the national centres against the National business overall (and similarly for the
International Business). For example:
– gross and net profit margins;
– return on centre assets;
– average collection period;
– average payment period;
– liquidity ratio.
■ Compare key performance indicators across the centres for the year to 31 December 2004 and 2005 to date. For
– number of corporate clients;
– number of delegates;
– number of training days;
– average revenue per delegate per day;
– average cost per consultancy day.

The group have now decided to convert their business idea into reality.

(b) What elements should a marketing plan contain to achieve a successful launch of their restaurant?

(8 marks)

(b) The launch of any new business is a critical event and a marketing plan a vital ingredient in achieving launch success. Most
companies will associate a marketing plan with the ever-popular 4 Ps. However, the marketing mix can only be decided once
some fundamental marketing decisions have been taken. Firstly, the group need to clearly identify which segments of the
market they are seeking to attract. Segments are made up of groups of customers with similar needs and expectations. If they
are identifying the student market as an important segment they should recognise that there are very different segments within
this group. They are most likely to want to target those students willing and able to pay for a high quality meal and experience.
They are not in the market for low priced/fast food. This requires them to recognise how they are trying to position their
restaurant – high quality and moderate prices looks to be a combination, which will deliver an attractive service and added
value to the customer. The relationship between the customers’ perception of added value and the price charged is, in terms
of Bowman’s strategy clock, likely to be that of a focused differentiator.
For the Casa del Mediterraneo getting the product or service right will involve a complex co-ordination of many different
activities – from buying the right food through to delivering the orders efficiently. As a service, there may be many more things
that potentially can go wrong and it really does come down to the people delivering the service. This involves one of the
additional ‘P’s, involved in delivering services, namely processes, which together with the physical evidence in the shape of
the restaurant, will have a major say in the success or otherwise of the launch. Clearly, the place and the physical evidence
are one and the same thing and the right location will also affect the success of both the launch and the whole venture.
Pricing in a competitive market will be important and many upmarket restaurants price on the basis of what the market will
bear. There needs to be a clear relationship between the price and the value offered. Finally, promotion is perhaps the key
element in the effective launch of the new restaurant. There will need to be a correct choice of media to reach the targetaudience including the use of web-based advertising to get the restaurant known.

(b) As a newly-qualified Chartered Certified Accountant, you have been asked to write an ‘ethics column’ for a trainee

accountant magazine. In particular, you have been asked to draft guidance on the following questions addressed

to the magazine’s helpline:

(i) What gifts or hospitality are acceptable and when do they become an inducement? (5 marks)


For each of the three questions, explain the threats to objectivity that may arise and the safeguards that

should be available to manage them to an acceptable level.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three questions above.

(b) Draft guidance
(i) Gifts and hospitality
Gifts and hospitality may be offered as an inducement i.e. to unduly influence actions or decisions, encourage illegal or
dishonest behaviour or to obtain confidential information. An offer of gifts and/or hospitality from a client ordinarily gives
rise to threats to compliance with the fundamental principles, for example:
■ self-interest threats to objectivity and/or confidentiality may be created if a gift from a client is accepted;
■ intimidation threats to objectivity and/or confidentiality may arise through the possibility of such offers being made
public and damaging the reputation of the professional accountant (or close family member).
The significance of such threats will depend on the nature, value and intent behind the offer. There may be no significant
threat to compliance with the fundamental principles if a reasonable and informed third party would consider gifts and
hospitality to be clearly insignificant. For example, if the offer of gifts or hospitality is made in the normal course of
business without the specific intent to influence decision making or to obtain information.
If evaluated threats are other than clearly insignificant, safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to
eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level.
Offers of gifts and hospitality should not be accepted if the threats cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable
level through the application of safeguards.
As the real or apparent threats to compliance with the fundamental principles do not merely arise from acceptance of
an inducement but, sometimes, merely from the fact of the offer having been made, additional safeguards should be
adopted. For example:
■ immediately informing higher levels of management or those charged with governance that an inducement has
been offered;
■ informing third parties (e.g. a professional body) of the offer (after seeking legal advice);
■ advising immediate or close family members of relevant threats and safeguards where they are potentially in
positions that might result in offers of inducements (e.g. as a result of their employment situation); and
■ informing higher levels of management or those charged with governance where immediate or close family
members are employed by competitors or potential suppliers of that organisation.

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