



ACCA是"英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)的简称,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA会员资格得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。

英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)简称ACCA,成立于1904年,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA总部设在伦敦,在美国洛杉矶、加拿大多伦多、澳大利亚悉尼建有分会,在世界上70多个城市均设有办事处。






当学员完成Knowledge部分——Accounting in Business, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting这三门考试,并且通过基础阶段道德测试,即可获得商业会计证书。如已免试,无法获得此证书。


当学员完成Skill部分——LW, PM, TX, FR, AA, FM六门考试,并且完成道德测试模块,即可获得高级商业会计证书。如全部免试将无法获得此证书。






通过13门考试,即可获得ACCA准会员证书。累计三年工作经验,即可申请转为正式ACCA member


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Assess the extent to which social responsibility issues could and should affect his decision to move into the

new product area. (8 marks)

(b) Recent corporate scandals have increased the critical awareness of the need for business to operate ethically and in a socially
responsible way. This is seen largely in the context of large firms and their governance but as the Concrete Solutions scenario
shows small owner-managed firms are not immune from taking difficult decisions that have differing and significant impacts
on the firm’s stakeholders and their expectations. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington see corporate social responsibility as
‘concerned with the ways in which an organisation exceeds the minimum obligation to stakeholders specified through
regulation and corporate governance’. They argue it is useful to distinguish between contractual stakeholders including
customers, suppliers and employees, who have a legal relationship with an organisation and community stakeholders – such
as local communities – who do not have the same degree of legal protection as the first group. Clyde’s local community and
its representatives will face a dilemma – jobs v pollution – not an easy choice! Clearly there will be considerable negotiation
between the key stakeholders and Clyde as the owner/manager should act ethically and with integrity in reaching a decisionhaving profound effects for all parties concerned.

(iii) A statement on the importance of confidentiality in the financing of the early stage working capital needs

and an explanation of how this conflicts with the duty of transparency in matters of corporate

governance. (6 marks)

Professional marks for layout, logical flow and persuasiveness of the statement. (4 marks)

(iii) Importance of confidentiality in the financing of the project and the normal duty of transparency.
I have been asked to include a statement in my remarks on the balance between our duty to be transparent whenever
possible and the need for discretion and confidentiality in some situations. In the case of our initial working capital needs
for the Giant Dam Project, the importance of confidentiality in financing is due to the potential for adverse publicity that
may arise for the lender. It is important that R&M have the project adequately financed, especially in the early stages
before the interim payments from the client become fully effective.
In general, of course, we at R&M attempt to observe the highest standards of corporate governance and this involves
adopting a default position of transparency rather than concealment wherever possible. We recognise that transparency
is important to underpin investor confidence and to provide investors with the information they need to make fund
allocation decisions.
Whilst it is normal to disclose the amount of debt we carry at any given point (on the balance sheet), it is rarely normal
practice to disclose the exact sources of those loans. In the case of the financing of initial working capital for the Giant
Dam Project, I’m sure you will realise that in this unique situation, disclosure of the lender’s identity could threaten the
progress of the project. For this reason we must resist any attempts to release this into the public domain. We are aware
of one pressure group that is actively seeking to discover this information in order to disrupt the project’s progress and
we shall be taking all internal measures necessary to ensure they do not obtain the information.
Thank you for listening.

(ii) Calculate the probability of the net profit being less than £75 million. (2 marks)


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