美国学术能力评估考试(SAT) 问题列表
问题 单选题A piece of legislation is considered ______ when it is supported by some members of both parties.A indifferentB biasedC bipartisanD prudentE lackadaisical

问题 单选题Company A, Company B, and Company C are three Internet providers in a certain area of the country. The ratio of subscribers of A to B to C is 2:5:6. If there are a total of 65,000 subscriptions, how many of the 65,000 use Company A and Company C?A 55, 000B 40, 000C 35, 000D 30, 000E 25, 000

问题 单选题The main purpose of the essay is to describe the life cycle of the lobsterA describe the life cycle of the lobsterB explain the problems that arise when raising captive lobstersC show that no matter what hatcheries do, they cannot help the lobstersD convey the need for more funding for lobster hatcheriesE illustrate how and why lobster hatcheries work to maintain the lobster population

问题 问答题James, like many parents, believes that if a child can read at a very young age, they will grow to have exceptional                                     A      B         Cliterary talent. No error    D      E

问题 单选题The word appreciate in line 7 most nearly means ______.A admireB be grateful forC be fully aware ofD increase in valueE test

问题 单选题John buys a cake at a bakery and a hammer at a hard-ware store. If there are five hardware stores and three bakeries, in how many different combinations of stores can he purchase the cake and the hammer?A 20B 15C 8D 5E 3

问题 单选题If 3d-2q=17 and 2q+2d=-32, what is the value of q?A 9B 6C 0D -3E -13

问题 单选题Though Brian Greene's book The Elegant Universe eventually received widespread critical acclaim, some conventional scientists initially spoke of its revolutionary theory of physics with ______.A approbationB omniscienceC profundityD obsolescenceE disparagement

问题 单选题The primary purpose of lines 1-8 ('Why are you prying' ,. the boy's eyes) is to ______.A illustrate Michelangelo's concern about the pace of Ghirlandaio's instructionB establish Ghirlandaio as a wrathful taskmasterC raise the question of Michelangelo's right to pry into the bundleD convey Michelangelo's interest in drawing for its own sake and indifference to creating frescoesE relate an incident foreshadowing Michelangelo's future role as the greatest artist of his era

问题 单选题The data mentioned in line 13 most likely include information regarding ______.A the literacy levels of different countriesB the best methods for teaching infants to speakC the ability of primates and other mammals to communicateD the structure of the human brainE the intricacy of the expression of human language

问题 单选题Barely able to speak because of the cold, the communication among the two explorers had to be done through gestures.A the communication among the two explorers had to be done through gesturesB the communication between the two explorers had to be done through gesturesC the two explorers had to communicate through gesturesD the two explorers had to communicate between themselves from gesturesE gestures were used to communicate between the two explorers

问题 单选题Though the giraffe seems rather heavy and awkward in a zoo, that same creature ______ surprising speed and agility when fluidly galloping across African grasslands, leading some to call it the most ______ of animals.A manifests, nimbleB demonstrates, specialC empowers, dangerousD engenders, versatileE lacks, graceful

问题 单选题Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.A Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.B Though genetically similar, animals, nevertheless, display some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.C Some animals that are genetically similar nevertheless display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.D Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, they are genetically similar, nevertheless.E Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits and are genetically similar.

问题 单选题If n8 = 480 and n7= 12m, what is the value of 3mn?A 30B 60C 90D 120E 480

问题 单选题A local newspaper company prints 520 pages of the newspaper every 30 minutes. How many pages will it print in 5 hours?A 2,600 pagesB 86.7 pagesC 5,200 pagesD 10,400 pagesE 1,300 pages