英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试 问题列表
问题 单选题The expression “separate the wheat from the chaff in the teaching profession” is closest in meaning to ______.A distinguish better teachers from less capable onesB differentiate young teachers from old onesC tell the essential qualities of good teachingD reevaluate the role of senior teachers

问题 问答题Passage 2  A new form of cloning to provide every baby with an embryonic “twin”, from which spare body parts could be grown and life threatening diseases treated is expected to be approved within weeks by senior government advisers on medical ethics.  If their report is accepted by ministers, it would mean that Britain—which 20 years ago pioneered the test tube baby and last year produced Dolly, the world’s first cloned mammal—could be the first to clone a human embryo.  A working party from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and the Human Genetics Advisory Commission is expected to come down firmly against reproductive cloning, the process of replicating a living human being. It is expected to recommend government support of so called stem ceils. Stem cells are extracted and used to grow spare parts, treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s or address the debilitating effects of cancer, strokes and heart attacks.  Dr Austin Smith, the scientist likely to be granted the first licence for the work, said that within the next 12 years it would be routine for every baby to have an embryonic clone.  “All it takes now is financial investment,” said Smith, director of Edinburgh University’s centre for genome research. The crucial discovery of embryonic stem cells, from which skin, bone, muscles, nerves and vital organs grow, was made earlier this month by scientists in America.  In a submission to the HFEA, Smith said that in order to isolate these cells it is only necessary for the embryo to develop in the laboratory for six days, well within the 14-day limit of current regulation.  The cells would then be grown and manipulated to make anything from blood or brain cells to tissue for repairing damaged organs and, ultimately, parts that could be transplanted without fear of the host body rejecting them.  The development is likely to meet strong opposition from the church. Dr Donald Bruce, Director of the Society, Religion and Technology Project of the church of Scotland Said that creating an embryo in the knowledge that it would then be destroyed was “very disturbing” to most people.  Father Paul Murray, secretary to the Catholic bishops joint bio-ethics committee, said that whatever the potential benefits, it should be regarded as “intrinsically evil” because the research depended on the use of foetal material.  However, Professor Christine Gosden, professor of genetic medicine at Liverpool University, one of the four senior government advisers on the cloning sub-committee, said there would be no opportunity for abuse.  For many years, patients with Parkinson’s disease who did not respond to drugs have been treated with brain cells extracted from aborted foetuses, a practice approved by a committee led by the Rev Dr John Polkinghorne, the prominent ethicist.  Gosden said the arguments for the use of aborted foetal cells and therapeutic cloning were similar: “Before you have a disease, it is easy to say, ‘I would not use cells derived from a foetus’, but if you suffer from that disease, and that is your only hope, your approach can be quite different.”  1. What is the new form of cloning discussed in the passage? What is the purpose of such cloning?  2. Summarise the different views on embryo cloning discussed in the passage.  3. Explain the statement “All it takes now is financial investment.” in para. 6.  4. What is the significance of the discovery of embryonic stem cells?

问题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A Politicians are obsessed with inputs and outputs, targets and controls.B short-termism leads to the pursuit of immediate and quantifiable measurements.C Center-right political parties have long focused on the increase of GDP.D The cause of building GWB can be led by the center-left political parties.

问题 单选题What is NOT the result brought by this attack?A It proves Pakistan’s vulnerability to militant attacks.B It shows some Pakistan officials’ indifference to strike the Taleban militant group.C It is another blow to the government’s credibility.D It has brought an end to South Asian cricket.

问题 单选题According to the author, seniority pay favors ______.A good teachers’ with master’s degreesB young and effective teachersC experienced and effective teachersD mediocre teachers of average quality

问题 问答题Practice 7  从火车上遥望泰山,几十年来有好些次了,每次想起“孔子登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下”那句话来,就觉得过而不登,像是欠下悠久的文化传统一笔债似的。杜甫的愿望:“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”,我也一样有,惜乎来去匆匆,每次都当面错过了。而今确实要登泰山了,偏偏天公不作美,下起雨来,淅淅沥沥,不像落在地上,倒像落在心里。天是灰的,心是沉的。我们约好了清晨出发,人齐了,雨却越下越大。等天晴吗?想着这渺茫的“等”字,先是憋闷。盼到十一点半钟,天色转白,我不由喊了一句:“走吧!”带动年轻人,挎起背包,兴致勃勃,朝岱宗坊出发了。(李健吾——《雨中登泰山》)

问题 单选题The expression “fared best” in the sentence “During the 1960s and 1970s, and again after 1992, the poorest groups fared best.” in para. 8 can be paraphrased by which of the following?A obtained higher incomeB lived a better lifeC enjoyed more equalityD paid lower income tax

问题 单选题What has happened to the SUV as to the third paragraph?A It has more advantages when the gas price is rising.B There is a selling dropping of all sizes of it.C Its place is replacing by more economical cars.D Its best-selling time is coming.

问题 单选题Wherever you are in the U. S., the most important factor in surviving cardiac arrest is ______.A to keep tracking outcomes of the cases.B to have very well-organized EMS system.C to make people well-informed before an emergency.D to have rapid treatment with as little delay as possible.

问题 单选题According to the passage, the “fatwa” diaries (para.7) ______.A were not included in the archive sold to the Emory UniversityB will not be open to the public in the near futureC were all about the writing of The Satanic VersesD will soon be published to expose the persecution of Islamic extremists

问题 单选题We can conclude from the passage that “binge drinking” means ______.A a period of excessive indulgence in drinkingB group drinking in the streetC drinking for love affairD mixed strong alcohol drinking

问题 单选题Dr Iyaid Sarraj ______.A believes only a small proportion of them are interested in militant activityB thinks the generation that saw their fathers beaten by Israeli troops would grow more violentC senses more Palestinians strengthen their view that only violence can fight back IsraelD believes his rich experience will make treatment easier

问题 单选题What can NOT be concluded from Brown’s visit to the US last month?A Brown was not warmly welcomed.B Obama is coming to make up for the cold reception that Brown got.C There was no formal news conference.D Brown made a speech on the American Congress.

问题 问答题Practice 7  中国的传统节日文化内涵丰富,历史悠久,是我们中华民族灿烂文化的重要组成部分。我国古代的这些节日,大多和天文、历法、数学,以及后来划分出的节气有关。大部分节日在先秦时期,就已初露端倪。节日的风俗活动和原始祭拜、迷信禁忌有关;神话传奇故事为节日子添了几分浪漫色彩;还有宗教也对节日有冲击与影响;一些历史人物被赋予永恒的纪念渗入节日,使中国的节日有了深沉的历史感。节日发展到唐代,已经从原始祭拜、禁忌神秘的气氛中解放出来,转为娱乐礼仪型,成为真正的佳节良辰。

问题 问答题Passage 6  They weren’t exactly Hollywood’s idea of a power couple: Disney CEO Robert Iger, once derided as a “suit,” and studio chief Richard Cook, who got his start as a monorail operator at Disneyland. But last week Iger and Cook dropped a bomb bigger than any of the explosions you’ll see in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.” Just weeks after the record-smashing release of the sequel—soon to be the highest-grossing film in Disney history—Cook fired studio president Nina Jacobson and announced Disney was slashing 20 percent of its studio staff and cutting the number of films it makes each year by a third.  As usual, Hollywood thought it was all about them. “People are concerned that if Disney is cutting back on live-action movies, then what are other companies going to do,” says Jim Wiatt, chief executive of the William Morris Agency. The unflappable Iger’s response: “We’re focused on our own issues and strategies. If it has an effect on the industry, so be it. But it really is about us.”  Not bad for two guys who were considered perpetual bridesmaids. Iger and Cook both spent years toiling in the shadow of larger-than-life CEO Michael Eisner, who ran Disney like his personal kingdom. When Eisner’s reign came to a Shakespearean end after a shareholder revolt led by Walt Disney’s nephew, Iger found himself having to audition for his boss’s job. Cook, who came up through the marketing ranks, had to endure similar Tinseltown tongue-clucking from those who assumed the affable bear of a guy didn’t have teeth.  No one’s saying Iger and Cook aren’t “sexy” anymore. In short order, Iger made up with shareholders and Pixar honcho Steve Jobs, who’ d had an epic battle with Eisner, even persuading Jobs to sell the animation company to Disney. Cook, meanwhile, had been turning theme-park rides into movies and getting Disney back to its family roots. “Dick and Bob go by their own beat,” says Oren Aviv, who was promoted to president of production last week. “They’ re not interested in fanfare or press or what other people think.” (Mostly not interested: Iger did tell NEWSWEEK once, “I hate being called a suit.”)  What people think now is that Disney is setting the pace for the industry. The film business has been on shaky ground: U. S. box office is flat, DVD sales have stalled and the cost of making movies is soaring. Family films seem like the only sure bets these days, and Disney is in a prime position to meet the demand. “Disney is the only real brand name in the movie business around the world,” says Cook. In fact, Iger is taking the name “Disney World” quite literally. He spoke to NEWSWEEK Friday after flying home from a five-day trip to Asia, where he attended the stage premiere of “The Lion King” in Shanghai. His immediate goal is to build the Disney brand in China and India. Iger has also aggressively embraced technological advances, podcasting and Webcasting episodes of “Lost” and “Desperate Housewives,” hits on Disney’s ABC network. “I don’t see technology as a threat,” he says. “Technology allows us to be in step with the consumer.”  All of which sounds pretty good to Wall Street. Last week’s cuts will save the company between $ 90 million and $100 million a year, according to Cook, and while that wasn’t enough to boost its stock price, it sure doesn’t hurt investor relations. “Iger has stated his goals and stuck to [them]; investors like that predictability,” says analyst Jason Helfstein of CIBC World Markets. “He’s widely regarded in a positive light.” Ironic, since he wasn’t supposed to have the job in the first place.  1. What was the “bomb” that Iger and Cook dropped in Disney Company?  2. What contributions have Iger and Cook done to Disney Company?  3. Why does the author say that “the film business has been on shaky ground”? (Para. 5)  4. Why do people believe now that Disney is setting the pace for the industry? (Para. 5)