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According to some teenagers and college students, what causes their multitasking?

Overcommitted schedules.


Too much time alone.


Inability to focus.


Fear of being neglected.


更多 “单选题According to some teenagers and college students, what causes their multitasking?A Overcommitted schedules.B Too much time alone.C Inability to focus.D Fear of being neglected.” 相关考题
考题 How much will international students have misconceptions about the U.S.? In an effort to quash some myths, here are the four most common stereotypes regarding college education in the United States.Myth 1: American students are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations.There are more than 3,000 universities in the United States. Some are highly selective, some not at all. The less selective colleges may consist of students who have little concern for their academic well-being, but in the more selective colleges you will find very committed students who will spend countless hours at night on their homework. This is a phrase in the United States called an―all nighter which is used when a student stays up all night to perfect an assignment. In truth, it is an issue of pride.Myth 2: American students party all night and day.While American students do enjoy the freedom to explore a full lifestyle, they are also expected to keep up with very high standards of social behavior. and academic excellence. International students often join clubs or organizations where they can become involved in exciting programs both on and off campus.Myth 3: American students are all rich and can afford a college education.Although a certain percentage of American college students do come from wealthy families and have large expendable incomes, most American college students come from moderate-income families. Most American students enter college knowing they must apply for loans, work part-time, and earn scholarships in order to meet their financial obligations.Myth 4: Most Americans (and college students) live in large cities which are crime-ridden with drugs and drive-by shootings.Of all industrialized nations, the United States has one of the lowest crimerates. College campuses are no exception. Safety is of primary importance to all students, parents, and staff at universities.Universities centered in major cities have endless services to ensure the safety of all students, from campus transportation services to on-campus police officers. Most of universities located outside of the city are very safe, and various precautions are made based on their demographic situation.(1) According to the passage, the word-myth means ().A、taleB、misunderstandingC、mistakeD、story(2) In selective colleges, you will find students ().A、are not as academically driven in comparison to other nationsB、have little concern for their academic well-beingC、spend countless hours on their homeworkD、party all night and day(3) Which of the following is NOT the way most American students pay for their college education?A、Work part-timeB、Apply for loansC、Earn scholarshipsD、Borrow money from their parents(4) College campuses in the United States ().A、are very safeB、are crime-riddenC、have high crime ratesD、are too safe to make precautions(5) According to the passage, what can we learn about American college students?A、Students are tired of staying up all night to perfect an assignment.B、Some students have little concern for their academic well-being.C、They come from wealthy families and can afford a college education.D、International students will not join clubs or organizations.

考题 Some first-generation college students carry __________ hopes and dreams of __________ parents for a better life than they have had. A./, theirB.their, theC.the, theirD.the, /

考题 Some college students have volunteered( )drive buses while the strike lasts. A. inB. atC. toD. with

考题 What made some people different from others according to Confucius?A.FamilyB.PotentialC.KnowledgeD.Community

考题 According to the third paragraph ,which of the following is true?[ A] Five percent of American college students learnt Latin texts.[ B] Students in New England learnt Latin texts in official organizations.[ C] Students were compelled to learn modern European languages.[ D] American college students had to learn Latin grammar by heart.

考题 Some college students may_________ net surfing, which impairs their physical and mental health.A be addicted toBbe supposed toC be added toDbe opposed to

考题 Five hundred college students are interviewed to get accurate data for the ( ) about what are the hottest jobs to college graduates. A、checkB、inquiryC、surveyD、search

考题 AIf you go to a fast food restaurant.you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today,many teenagers are overweight,and some of.this is because of their bad eating habits., Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat,oil,salt,and sugar. People often call this kind of food "junk food".But. bad eating habits go beyond fast food. We find many teenagers eat unhealthily. Some don't have breakfast before they go to school. During the day,some don't have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey at one school,scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn't follow a healthy diet. They didn't like vegetables,and many of them didn't like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt,sugar,or fat.Parents today also worry about their children's diet. Some doctors give the .following ad-vice :★Teenagers shouldn't eat too much junk food.★ Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure(高血压) in the future.★Teenagers should eat food with less fat,oil,and sugar.★Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day: Fruits and vegetables arerich in vitamins(维生素 ) and have little fat.★Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.★Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.( )21."Junk food" contains(包含) a lot of ________.A. milk and sugarB. fruits and sugarC. vegetables and saltD. fat,oil,salt and sugar

考题 Making friends is extremely important to teenagers,and many shy students need the admission of some kind of organization with a supportive adult( )visible in the background.A.particularly B.barely C.definitely D.rarely

考题 According to the last paragraph,the government will__________.A.provide most students with scholarships B.dismiss some financial aid administrators C.stop the companies from making student loans D.go on providing financial support for college students

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. What has the college become known for?A.It's known for its lack of heavy drinking by student B.It's known for heavy alcohol used by student C.It's known for its great teacher D.It's known for its great classe

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. __at the college are required to take the alcohol information course.A.Sophomores B.Freshmen C.Seniors D.Juniors

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. Why does the college want all freshmen to take the alcohol course?A.Only freshmen drink alcoho B.The other students already know about alcohol danger C.They want to reach students as soon as they enter colleg D.Freshmen do not know muc

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. How do officials know that alcohol is a problem at the school?A.Students are getting bad grade B.There are too many bars on the campu C.Only a few students drin D.Several students have died and one is in a com

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. What type of tourist is described at the beginning of the reading?A.A first time touris B.An old touris C.A tourist who has travelled a lo D.Young tourist

考题 College students could accumulate some work experiences during their internship.A:spend B:collect C:control D:exchange

考题 单选题According to the first paragraph, college students and graduates find it most essential to _____A get an entry-level job.B provide flee service.C do an internship.D pay for the privilege of getting a job.

考题 问答题Topic 2:My View on College Students’ Use of Mobile Phones  Questions for reference:  1) What is the phenomenon of college students’ using mobile phones?  2) What might be the advantages and disadvantages of their using mobile phones?  3) What could be done to this problem?

考题 单选题According to the passage, what is the main purpose of entrepreneurship education?A To prepare students for future academic life.B To prepare students to find opportunities and seize them.C To prepare students for overseas career.D To prepare students to develop interpersonal skills.

考题 单选题According to the third paragraph, which of the following is true?A Five percent of American college students learnt Latin texts,B Students in New England learnt Latin texts in official organizations.C Students were compelled to learn modern European languages.D American college students had to learn Latin grammar by heart.

考题 单选题Some college students in China maintain a casual correspondence with their former high school teachers.A occasionalB indifferentC carelessD frequent

考题 问答题Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  In the United States today, many people want a college education. However, almost half of the people who go to college now do not attend a four-year college. Instead, they go to a community college.  The community college offers a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects. It prepares some young people to go on to a four-year college. It trains others for jobs in business, government, or industry.  Some people choose a community college because of cost. The tuition for a semester at a community college can be less than half the cost of a semester at a four-year college. Also, since these colleges are located in large communities, their students can save money by living at home.  Community colleges are also useful for people who have jobs and who do not have time for a traditional four-year college. Some of these people take night courses at community colleges. Others complete long-distance courses, in which they stay at home and use video-tapes, audiotapes, and the Internet.  Community colleges also serve high school graduates who only achieved low grades. Many of these students would not be admitted to a four-year college. If they do well, they may go on to a four-year college.  Today, the country’s 1,500 community colleges have more than 10 million students. These colleges are making it possible for more and more people to continue their education.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does theyin paragraph 1 refer to?  3.In which fields does a community college provide job training?  4.Why do people often prefer to go to a community college?  5.What does the word tuitionin paragraph 3 mean?

考题 问答题Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Which view do you agree with and why?

考题 单选题Go Ask Alice as mentioned in the passage is ______.A a side effect caused by some prescription drugsB intended to counsel college students on mental problemsC a collection of medical responses from students the world overD meant to describe the various signs of mental disorders

考题 单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _____.A society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesB high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationC toe many students have to earn their own livingD college administrators encourage students to drop out

考题 单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that______.A society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesB high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationC toe many students have to earn their own livingD college administrators encourage students to drop out

考题 单选题According to the passage, what have some school done to help their students get enough sleep?A Educating their students about the importance of sleep.B Monitoring their students' late-night activities.C Delaying school start times.D Setting strict rules.