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(难度:中等)Yig是Yet another Index Gateway的简写。()


更多 “(难度:中等)Yig是Yet another Index Gateway的简写。()” 相关考题
考题 中等难度试题的区分度比较高,难度为0.5的题目,区分度最大。(  )

考题 --What are you doing this weekend? --I haven′t decided yet. ____________? --Well, I thought we could have another family party. A.What B.All right C.Why D.Pardon

考题 解决中等难度的问题,最佳的动机强度是()。A、极强B、较强C、中等D、弱

考题 A gateway machine has access to the Internet and is trying to reach a machine on the Internet called cactus.org. Although the gateway machine cannot reach cactus.org, another network across town is able to reach cactus.org. Furthermore, the gateway machine can reach the network across town, but cannot ping the cactus.org. Which of the following tools will best help diagnose the location of the problem?()A、iptraceB、netstatC、tcpdumpD、traceroute

考题 You moved the index EMP_NO_INDX from one tablespace to another and then issued the following command to rebuild the index EMP_NO_INDX:   SQL ALTER INDEX EMP_NO_INDX REBUILD ONLINE;   Which table allows the users to access the EMP_NO_INDX index while performing the rebuild operation?() A、 Index-organized tableB、 Mapping TableC、 Clustered TableD、 Journal Table

考题 You are a DBA of your company. You created a database named SALES on an Oracle 10g instance. You have defined an index named INDEX1 on the database table named INVENTORY. Users are complaining that queries accessing the INVENTORY table are running slow. Upon investigation you determine that the tablespace where the index is located is experiencing high I/O and you decide to relocate the index to another tablespace. Which of these will be the best way to accomplish this objective?()A、 Rebuild the index.B、 Coalesce the index.C、 Drop and re-create the index in the new tablespace.D、 Relocate the index using the ALTER INDEX...MOVE statement.

考题 In which scenarios would you rebuild an index?()A、 when you need to disable the index usageB、 when you need to change storage optionsC、 when you need to enable index monitoringD、 when you need to move the index to another tablespace

考题 单选题You moved the index EMP_NO_INDX from one tablespace to another and then issued the following command to rebuild the index EMP_NO_INDX:   SQL ALTER INDEX EMP_NO_INDX REBUILD ONLINE;   Which table allows the users to access the EMP_NO_INDX index while performing the rebuild operation?()A  Index-organized tableB  Mapping TableC  Clustered TableD  Journal Table

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考题 ( 难度:中等)关于索引(index)的说法哪些是错误?A.创建索引能提高数据插入的性能B.索引应该根据具体的检索需求来创建,在选择性好的列上创建索引C.索引并非越多越好D.建立索引可使检索操作更迅速E.创建索引没有任何坏处

考题 ( 难度:中等)关于主键(primary key)和唯一索引(unique index)的说法哪些是错误的A.一张表只能有一个主键B.一张表只能有一个唯一索引C.唯一索引不能加速查询D.主键不允许为null值