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服务用语"Good evening"指()。

  • A、晚上好
  • B、下午好
  • C、早上好
  • D、您好


更多 “服务用语"Good evening"指()。A、晚上好B、下午好C、早上好D、您好” 相关考题
考题 英语中正确的道别语是()。A.See you later!B.Good evening!C.Have a nice day!D.Have a good trip!

考题 一Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?--- ____.A.I'm fine,thank youB.Yes, I amC.Yes, that’s a good idea

考题 - Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?--- ____A. I'm fine, thank youB. Yes, I amC. Yes, that's a good idea

考题 Tom said he ______ a good dream yesterday evening. A dreamB dreamedC haveD has

考题 A: Good night, Susan. B: Good evening.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 A:How about seeing a film this evening? B:Yes, ( ).A. that's a good ideaB. pleaseC. that's right

考题 – Why don’t we go to the theater this evening? -- ______________.A、I think so.B、Good idea!C、I agree with you.D、It’s fine.

考题 A:Good evering!Valley Hotel.B:Good evening, who is that speaking,please?() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 下面哪些句子是见面打招呼用语:() A、Good night.B、Hi.C、Good afternoon.D、Good morning.E、Hello.F、Good evening.

考题 ---Good evening. I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh, good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come

考题 Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()Athank youBnot at allCthanksDlet it alone

考题 英文“evening make up”是指晚妆。

考题 “早上好”的英文表达是“Good evening”。

考题 Good evening!的意思是:()!

考题 早上好!的英语表达是()。A、Good afternoon!B、Good morning!C、Good evening!

考题 Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()A、thank youB、not at allC、thanksD、let it alone

考题 Shall we hold a party this Saturday evening?()A、Quite rightB、Good ideaC、Let'sD、Certain

考题 服务用语五忌指哪五忌?

考题 “Good evening.”的意思是()。A、早上好B、中午好C、下午好D、晚上好

考题 英语中正确的道别语是()。A、See you later!B、Good evening!C、Have a nice day!D、Have a good trip!

考题 与别人初次见面时最恰恰相反当的问候语应是()。A、How do you do?B、How are you?C、Good morning.D、Good evening

考题 根据铁路旅客运输的特点,客运服务语言由两大内容构成:即()A、社交用语和服务行业用语B、基本礼貌用语和服务行业用语C、基本礼貌用语和客运服务专业用语D、社交用语和客运服务专业用语

考题 外宾乘车下车,应该说()。A、早上好B、good morningC、good byeD、good evening

考题 服务用语"Good bye"指()。A、再见B、好的C、明天见D、下午见

考题 单选题Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()A thank youB not at allC thanksD let it alone

考题 问答题服务用语五忌指哪五忌?

考题 问答题服务行业文明用语主要是指什么?