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What is a characteristic of Network Time Protocol?()

  • A、NTP updates are sent in the timezone they are collected in,and the syslog server will adjust based  on the input time.
  • B、NTP authentication verifies the source,not the recipient.
  • C、NTP authentication requires that the recipient has multiple strata clocks to ensure accuracy.
  • D、Secure NTP can be configured to use SHA-1 hashing,since NTP is very insecure.
  • E、A stratum 0 clock should be configured at the core of every network,so it can connect to an accuratetime source.


更多 “What is a characteristic of Network Time Protocol?()A、NTP updates are sent in the timezone they are collected in,and the syslog server will adjust based  on the input time.B、NTP authentication verifies the source,not the recipient.C、NTP authentication requires that the recipient has multiple strata clocks to ensure accuracy.D、Secure NTP can be configured to use SHA-1 hashing,since NTP is very insecure.E、A stratum 0 clock should be configured at the core of every network,so it can connect to an accuratetime source.” 相关考题
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考题 以下与库函数strcpy(char *p, char *q)功能不相等的程序段是()。 A.strcpy1(char *p, char *q){ while ((*p++=*q++)!='\0')}B.strcpy2( char *p, char *q){ while((*p=*q)!='\0'){p++ q++}}C.strcpy3(char*p, char *q){ while (*p++=*q++)}D.strcpy4(char *p, char *q){ while(*p)*p++=*q++}

考题 下面判断正确的是A.char*a="china";等价于char *a;*a="china";B.char str[5]={"china"};等价于char str[]={"china"};C.char*S="china";等价于char *S;S="china";D.char c[4]="abc",d[4]="abc";等价于char c[4]=d[4]="abc";

考题 下列判断正确的是( )。A.char a="ABCD";等价于char*a:*a="ABCD";B.char str[10]={"ABCD"};等价于char str[10];str[]={"ABCD"};C.char*s="ABCD";等价于char s;*s="ABCD";D.char c[5]="ABCD",d[5]="ABCD";等价于char c[5]=d[5]="ABCD";

考题 创建S表时,SNo使用CHAR(5)并且唯一,SName使用CHAR(30),Status使用CHAR(8),City使用CHAR(20)。请在下列用于创建表S的SQL语句空缺处填入正确的内容。CREATE TABLE S(SNo CHAR(5),SName CHAR(30),Status CHAR(8),City CHAR(20),______;

考题 阅读下面程序: include void funl(char a,char b) { char c; c=a;a=b;b=C; } void f 阅读下面程序:include<iostream.h>void funl(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=C;}void fun2(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;}void fun3(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=C;}void main(){char a,b;a='A';b='B';funl(a,b);cout<<a<<b;a='A';b='B';fun2(a,b);cout<<a<<b;a='A';b='B';fun3(a,b);cout<<a<<b;}则该程序的输出为【 】。

考题 建立一个“职员”表,表中有5个字段:职员号、姓名、性别、年龄、部门。要求职员号属性的值唯一,并且不能为空值。建立该表的SQL语句可以是______。A.CREATE TABLE 职员(职员号 CHAR(6),姓名CHAR(8),; 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))B.CREATE TABLE职员(职员号CHAR(6)NULL,姓名CHAR(8),; 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))C.CREATE TABLE 职员(职员号CHAR(6)NOT NULL UNIQUE,; 姓名CHAR(8),性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))D.CREATE TABLE职员(职员号CHAR(6)UNIQUE,姓名CHAR(8),: 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))

考题 下列程序输出的结果是()。includesub1(char a,char b){char c:c=a:a=b:b=c; }sub2(char 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> sub1(char a,char b) {char c:c=a:a=b:b=c; } sub2(char*a,char b) {char c:c=*a;”a=b;b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) {char c;c=*a;”a=*b;*b=c;} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B':sub1(a,b);putchar(a):putchar(b): a='A';b='B'; sub2(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B'; sub3(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); putchar('\n'); }A.ABABABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

考题 下列程序的输出结果是______。 #include sub1(char a,char b) {char c; c=a;a=b;b=c;} sub2(char* a,char b) {char c; c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} sub3(char* a,char*b) {char c; c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c;} { char a,b; a='A' ;b='B'; sub3 (a, b) ;putchar (a) ;putchar (b); a='A';b='B';sub2(a,b);putchar(a);prtchar(b); a='A';b='B';sub1(a,b);putchar(a) ;putchar(b); }A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.BABABAD.BAABBA

考题 定义如下变量:char one_char,则语句cin>>one_char等价于C语言中的( )语句。A.printf(one_char);B.prinft("%c",one_char);C.scanf(one_char);D.scanf("%c", one_char);

考题 下面判断正确的是( )。A.char *a="china";等价于char *a;*a="ghina";B.char str[5]={"china"};等价于char str[]={"china"};C.char*s="china";等价于char*s;s="china";D.charc[4]="abc",d[4]="abc";等价于char c[4]=d[4]="abc";

考题 若某企业的数据库系统中有如下所示的员工关系和仓库关系,每个仓库可有多名员工,但只有一名负责人。员工关系(cmployee):仓库关系(warehouse):则创建仓库表结构的SQL语句为(58)。A.CREATE TABLE(employeeID CHAR(2)NOT NULL UNIQUE, name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), pricipallD CHAR(3));B.CREATE warehouse(warehouseD CHAR(2)PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(30), address CHAR(40), pficipalID CHAR(3));C.CREATE TABLE warehouse(warehouselD CHAR(2)PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), pricipalID CHAR(3), FOREIGN KEY(priciPalID)REFERENCES employee(employeeID));D.CREATE TABLE warehouse(warehouselD CHAR(2), name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), pricipalID CHAR(3), PRIMARY KEY(warehouselD), FOREIGN KEY(employeeID)REFERENCES emplo

考题 What does the following function return?char foo(void){unsigned int a = 6;iht b = -20;char c;(a+b 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);return c;}

考题 下列程序输出的结果是()。includesub1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c:}sub2(char* 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> sub1(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c:} sub2(char*a,charb) {charc;c=*a;”a=b:b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) {char c;c=*a;”a=*b;*b=c:} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';sub1(a,b);putchar(a);pA.ABABABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

考题 下列程序输出的结果是()。includeun1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;}fun2(char*a 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> un1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;} fun2(char*a,char b){char c;c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} fun3(char*2,char*b){charc;c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c;} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';funl(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b);A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

考题 下列程序输出的结果是()。includesubl(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c; }sub2(cha 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> subl(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c; } sub2(char*a,char b) {char c;c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) { char c;c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c; } void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';subl(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B';sub2(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B';sub3(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); putchar('\n'); }A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

考题 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 include fun1(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;} fun2 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> fun1(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;} fun2 (char*a,char b) {char c;c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} fun3(char*a,char*b) {char c;c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c;} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B'; fun1 (a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B'; fun2 (a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B'; fun3 (a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); putchar('\n'); }A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

考题 定义如下变量:char one_char;,则语句cout<<one_char;显示结果相当于C语言中的( )语句。A.printf(one_char);B.prinff("%c",one_char);C.scanf(one_char);D.scanf("%c",one_char);

考题 Which two valid declarations of a char? ()A、 Char ch = “a”;B、 Char ch = ‘“‘ ‘;C、 Char ch = ‘cafe‘;D、 Char ch = “cafe”;E、 Char ch = ‘“ucafe‘;F、 Char ch = ‘“u10100‘;G、 Char ch = (char) true;

考题 下列数组的定义不合法的是()A、char c[][]=new char[2][4]B、char c[][]=new char[2][]C、char [][]c=new char[][3]D、int []a[] = new int[5][5]

考题 下列选项中,能有效声明一个字符的语句有()。A、char ch=’a’;B、char ch=’/’’;C、char ch=’cafe’;D、char ch="cafe";E、char ch=’/ucafe’;F、char ch=’/u10100’;G、char ch=(char)true;

考题 What is the numerical range of a char?()  A、 0 . . . 32767B、 0 . . . 65535C、 –256 . . . 255D、 –32768 . . . 32767E、 Range is platform dependent.

考题 The 8859-1 character code for the uppercase letter A is 65. Which of these code fragments declare and initialize a variable of type char with this value?()  A、char ch = 65;B、char ch = ’¥65’;C、char ch = ’¥0041’;D、char ch = ’A’;E、char ch = "A";

考题 ClassOne.java: 1. package com.abe.pkg1; 2. public class ClassOne { 3. private char var = ‘a’; 4. char getVar() { return var; } 5. } ClassTest.java: 1. package com.abe.pkg2; 2. import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne; 3. public class ClassTest extends ClassOne { 4. public static void main(String[] args) { 5. char a = new ClassOne().getVar();6. char b = new ClassTest().getVar(); 7. } 8. } What is the result?()A、 Compilation fails.B、 Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C、 An exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D、 An exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

考题 ClassOne.java   package com.abc.pkg1;   public class ClassOne {   private char var = ‘a‘;   char getVar() {return var;}   }   ClassTest.java   package com.abc.pkg2;   import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;   public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  public static void main(Stringargs) {  char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   }   }   What is the result?()  A、 Compilation will fail.B、 Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C、 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D、 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

考题 以后哪项是合法的数组声明?()A、char[10]sB、char s[ ]C、char sD、char s [10]

考题 单选题What is the numerical range of a char?()A  0 . . . 32767B  0 . . . 65535C  –256 . . . 255D  –32768 . . . 32767E  Range is platform dependent.

考题 单选题ClassOne.java   package com.abc.pkg1;   public class ClassOne {   private char var = ‘a‘;   char getVar() {return var;}   }   ClassTest.java   package com.abc.pkg2;   import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;   public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  public static void main(Stringargs) {  char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   }   }   What is the result?()A  Compilation will fail.B  Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C  Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D  Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.