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Practice 1  Our feverish planet badly needs a cure. It was probably always too much to believe that human beings would be responsible stewards of the planet. Yet make a mess we have. If droughts and wildfires, floods and crop failures, collapsing climate-sensitive species and the images of drowning polar bears didn’t quiet most of the remaining global-warming doubters, the hurricane-driven destruction of New Orleans did. This past year was the hottest on record in the US. The deceptively normal average temperature this winter masked record-breaking highs in December and record-breaking lows in February. That’s the sign not of a planet keeping an even strain but of one thrashing through the alternating chills and night sweats of a serious illness.  A crisis of this magnitude clearly calls for action that is both bottom-up and top-down. Though there is some debate about how much difference individuals can make, there is little question that the most powerful players— government and industry—have to take the lead. Still, individuals too can move the carbon needle. Cleaning up the wreckage left by our 250-year industrial bacchanal will require fundamental changes in a society hooked on its fossil fuels. Beneath the grass-roots action, larger tectonic plates are shifting. Science is attacking the problem more aggressively than ever. So is industry. So are architects and lawmakers and urban planners. The world is awakened to the problem in a way it never has been before.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题Practice 1  Our feverish planet badly needs a cure. It was probably always too much to believe that human beings would be responsible stewards of the planet. Yet make a mess we have. If droughts and wildfires, floods and crop failures, collapsing climate-sensitive species and the images of drowning polar bears didn’t quiet most of the remaining global-warming doubters, the hurricane-driven destruction of New Orleans did. This past year was the hottest on record in the US. The deceptively normal average temperature this winter masked record-breaking highs in December and record-breaking lows in February. That’s the sign not of a planet keeping an even strain but of one thrashing through the alternating chills and night sweats of a serious illness.  A crisis of this magnitude clearly calls for action that is both bottom-up and top-down. Though there is some debate about how much difference individuals can make, there is little question that the most powerful players— government and industry—have to take the lead. Still, individuals too can move the carbon needle. Cleaning up the wreckage left by our 250-year industrial bacchanal will require fundamental changes in a society hooked on its fossil fuels. Beneath the grass-roots action, larger tectonic plates are shifting. Science is attacking the problem more aggressively than ever. So is industry. So are architects and lawmakers and urban planners. The world is awakened to the problem in a way it never has been before.” 相关考题
考题 By quoting (引用) the remark of a being from another planet, the author intends to __________.A. suggest human beings are controlled by a clockB. describe why clocks can rule the planet EarthC. tell readers what clocks look likeD. compare clicks to human beings

考题 If we all work together, I believe we can ____________ our goal. (A) apply(B) seek(C) make(D) accomplish

考题 Why did Isaksen advise people not to have foreign pets?A. They attack human beings.B. We need to study native animals.C. They can’t live out of the rain forest.D. We do not know much about them yet.

考题 What is the problem with human beings according to Amrit Desai?A、We have become addicted and greedy consumersB、We ignore the connection between our demands and the exploitation of Earth.C、We care for our earth a lot.D、We often abuse the natural resources for our well-being.

考题 Much to our regret, the consignment is not fully in conformity with the contract, we suggest that you () make a concession () replace the goods at once.A、either…orB、neither…norC、too…toD、not noly…but also

考题 We should make our reservations as far ( ) as possible to get the flight we want.A. in detailB. in advanceC. in realityD. in practice

考题 Early in the age of affluence that followed World War II,an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed, “Our enormously productive economy...demands that we make consumption our way of life,that we convert the buying and use of Eoods into rituals,that we seek our spiritual satisfaction,our ego satisfaction,in consumption...We need things consumed,burned up,worn out,replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate.” Americans have responded to Lebow’s call,and much of the world has followed.Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values. Opinion surveys in the world’s two largest economies-Japan and the United States-show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent. Overconsumption by the world’s fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth.Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests,soils,water,air and climate. Ironically,high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms,too.The time-honored values of integrity of character,good work,friendship,family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches.Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world,of plenty is somehow hollow-that,misled by a consumerist culture,they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what are essentially social,psychological and spiritual needs with material things. Of course,the opposite of overconsumption-poverty-is no solution to either environmental or human problems.It is infinitely worse for people and bad for the natural world too.Dispossessed peasants slash-and-burn their way into the rain forests of Latin American,and hungry nomads turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland,reducing it to desert.If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much,we are left to wonder how much is enough.What level of consumption can the earth support When does having more cease to add noticeably to human satisfaction It can be inferred from the passage that___________.《》()A.human spiritual needs should match material affluence B.there is never an end to satisfying people’s material needs C.whether high consumption should be encouraged is still an issue D.how to keep consumption at a reasonable level remains a problem

考题 Passage 2 Birds are a critical part of our ecological system. But more than ever, birds are threatened byhuman pollution and climate change. We need the birds to eat insects, move seeds and pollen around, transfer nutrients from sea toland, clean up after the mass death of the annual Pacific salmon runs, or when a wild animal fallsanywhere in a field or forest. How could we enjoy spring without the birds flitting busily in our garden or dropping by tocheck out the flowers in our urban window box Can you contemplate America without the soaringbald eagle, or even those scavengers like the pigeons and gulls that clean up discarded food scrapson our city streets and waterfronts How diminished our lives would be without them Scavenging eagles and condors need hunters to behave responsibly and bury, or remove, theremains of any shot deer peppered with fragments of lead bullets. Loons, ducks and other water birdswill be poisoned by lead bullets and lead fishing sinkers if we allow such objects to drop in theirfeeding space. All sea and shore birds, even the puffins and guillemots of the otherwise pristine Aleutians,need us to make sure that no other heavy metals, like mercury and cadmium, are dumped in riversand make their way across the oceans. Birds like the terns, knots and shearwaters that migrate between the far north and deep, deep,south of our planet need people everywhere to cease and desist from filling in their wetland fuelstops and rest stations, and from constructing golfing resorts and factories in their feeding andbreeding grounds. Seabirds are among the most endangered vertebrate species on the planet, with the InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature classifying 97 species as globally threatened, and 17 in the highestcategory of critically threatened. Of greatest concern are the pelicans of the southern oceans and thespectacular, but slow-breeding albatross. Plastic bags must be eliminated from natural environments so sea and shore birds don′tmistakenly carry such debris back to feed their chicks, with invariably lethal consequences. Thealbatross, cormorants and herons need us to stop over-fishing and compromising their normal foodsupply. The pelicans, penguins and all the birds that inhabit, or visit, our coastlines need us to ensurethat we do not dump oil into gulfs and bays, or release so much carbon dioxide into the atmospherethat the oceans turn acidic and we lose the mussels and oysters, the mass of calcareous plankton thatfeeds so many creatures, and the coral reefs that nurture enormous numbers of edible species. Think about it: We share this small green planet. As they fly, feed and nest, the birds monitorthe health of the natural world for us, provided that we, in turn, make the effort to access that keyinformation. The birds and humans are both large, complex and ultimately vulnerable organisms that inhabitthe top of the food chain. At the end of the day, their fate will be our fate. What does the author intend to do in writing the passage A.To evaluate our needs of birds to save our earth. B.To describe various measures to protect the birds. C.To criticize the effects of human pollution on birds. D.To explain a basic tie between birds and human beings.

考题 To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf′s assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident at Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire and there was no ready hand to set them right. Since technology is a human creation, we are responsible for what is done with it. Pessimists worry that we will use our technology eventually to blow our world and ourselves to pieces. But they have been saying this for decades, and so far we have managed to survive and even flourish. Whether we will continue to do so in the years ahead remains uncertain. Clearly, the impact of technology on our lives deserves a closer examination. Few technological developments have had a greater impact on our lives than the computer revolution. Scientists and engineers have designed specialized machines that can do the tasks that once only people could do. There are those who assert that the switch to an information-based economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution. Yet when we ask why the Industrial Revolution was a revolution, we find that it was not the machines. The primary reason why it was revolutionary is that it led to great social change. It gave rise to mass production and, through mass production, to a society in which wealth was not confined to the few. In somewhat similar fashion, computers promise to revolutionize the structure of American life, particularly as they free the human mind and open new possibilities in knowledge and communication. The Industrial Revolution supplemented and replaced the muscles of humans and animals by mechanical methods. The computer extends this development to supplement and replace some aspects of the mind of human beings by electronic methods. And it′s the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficulties in predicting the impact on society. According to the passage, when will a spear or a robot has the quality of technology?A.When it is utilized by human beings. B.When it is used to produce new products. C.When it has some culture meanings as physical object. D.when it is useful for both man and animal.

考题 To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf′s assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident at Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire and there was no ready hand to set them right. Since technology is a human creation, we are responsible for what is done with it. Pessimists worry that we will use our technology eventually to blow our world and ourselves to pieces. But they have been saying this for decades, and so far we have managed to survive and even flourish. Whether we will continue to do so in the years ahead remains uncertain. Clearly, the impact of technology on our lives deserves a closer examination. Few technological developments have had a greater impact on our lives than the computer revolution. Scientists and engineers have designed specialized machines that can do the tasks that once only people could do. There are those who assert that the switch to an information-based economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution. Yet when we ask why the Industrial Revolution was a revolution, we find that it was not the machines. The primary reason why it was revolutionary is that it led to great social change. It gave rise to mass production and, through mass production, to a society in which wealth was not confined to the few. In somewhat similar fashion, computers promise to revolutionize the structure of American life, particularly as they free the human mind and open new possibilities in knowledge and communication. The Industrial Revolution supplemented and replaced the muscles of humans and animals by mechanical methods. The computer extends this development to supplement and replace some aspects of the mind of human beings by electronic methods. And it′s the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficulties in predicting the impact on society. By using the phrase "the human quality of technology", the author refers to the fact that technology _____________.A.has a great impact on human life B.has some characteristics of human nature C.can replace some aspects of the human mind D.does not exist in the natural world

考题 Many experts believe that in the new world of artificial intelligence(AI)human beings will still be needed to do the jobs that require higher-order critical,creative,and innovative thinking and the jobs that require high emotional engagement to meet the needs of other human beings.The 1 for many of us is that we do not excel at those skills because of our natural cognitive and emotional tendencies:We are confirmation-seeking thinkers and ego-affirmation-seeking defensive reasoners.We will need to overcome those tendencies 2 take our thinking,listening,relating,and collaborating skills to a much higher level.This process of_3 begins with changing our definition of what it means to"be smart."4.many of us have achieved success 5 being"smarter"than other people as 6 by grades and test scores,beginning in our early days in school.AI will change that because there is no 7 any human being can outsmart,8.,lBM's Watson,at least without augmentation.Smart machines can process,9,and recall information faster and better than we humans.10,AI can pattern-match faster and produce a wider array of alternatives than we can.AI can even learn fasrer.In an age of smart machines,our old definition of what makes a person smart doesn't 11.What is needed is a new definition of being smart,one that 12 higher levels of human thinking and emotional engagement.The new smart will be determined not by what or how you know 13 by the quality of your thinking,listening,relating,collaborating,and learning.Quantity is 14 by quality.We will spend more time training to be open-minded and learning to update our beliefs in 15 to new data.We will practice 16 after our mistakes,and we will invest more in the skills traditionally 17 with emotional intelligence.The new smart will be about trying to overcome the two big 18 0f critical thinking and team collaboration:our ego and our fears.Doing so will make it easier to perceive reality as it is,rather than as we 19 it to be.In short,we will embrace humility.That is 20 we humans will add value in a world of smart technology,13选?A.but B.or C.rather D.and

考题 Many experts believe that in the new world of artificial intelligence(AI)human beings will still be needed to do the jobs that require higher-order critical,creative,and innovative thinking and the jobs that require high emotional engagement to meet the needs of other human beings.The 1 for many of us is that we do not excel at those skills because of our natural cognitive and emotional tendencies:We are confirmation-seeking thinkers and ego-affirmation-seeking defensive reasoners.We will need to overcome those tendencies 2 take our thinking,listening,relating,and collaborating skills to a much higher level.This process of_3 begins with changing our definition of what it means to"be smart."4.many of us have achieved success 5 being"smarter"than other people as 6 by grades and test scores,beginning in our early days in school.AI will change that because there is no 7 any human being can outsmart,8.,lBM's Watson,at least without augmentation.Smart machines can process,9,and recall information faster and better than we humans.10,AI can pattern-match faster and produce a wider array of alternatives than we can.AI can even learn fasrer.In an age of smart machines,our old definition of what makes a person smart doesn't 11.What is needed is a new definition of being smart,one that 12 higher levels of human thinking and emotional engagement.The new smart will be determined not by what or how you know 13 by the quality of your thinking,listening,relating,collaborating,and learning.Quantity is 14 by quality.We will spend more time training to be open-minded and learning to update our beliefs in 15 to new data.We will practice 16 after our mistakes,and we will invest more in the skills traditionally 17 with emotional intelligence.The new smart will be about trying to overcome the two big 18 0f critical thinking and team collaboration:our ego and our fears.Doing so will make it easier to perceive reality as it is,rather than as we 19 it to be.In short,we will embrace humility.That is 20 we humans will add value in a world of smart technology,11选?A.follow suit B.fall apart C.stand out D.make sense

考题 Many experts believe that in the new world of artificial intelligence(AI)human beings will still be needed to do the jobs that require higher-order critical,creative,and innovative thinking and the jobs that require high emotional engagement to meet the needs of other human beings.The 1 for many of us is that we do not excel at those skills because of our natural cognitive and emotional tendencies:We are confirmation-seeking thinkers and ego-affirmation-seeking defensive reasoners.We will need to overcome those tendencies 2 take our thinking,listening,relating,and collaborating skills to a much higher level.This process of_3 begins with changing our definition of what it means to"be smart."4.many of us have achieved success 5 being"smarter"than other people as 6 by grades and test scores,beginning in our early days in school.AI will change that because there is no 7 any human being can outsmart,8.,lBM's Watson,at least without augmentation.Smart machines can process,9,and recall information faster and better than we humans.10,AI can pattern-match faster and produce a wider array of alternatives than we can.AI can even learn fasrer.In an age of smart machines,our old definition of what makes a person smart doesn't 11.What is needed is a new definition of being smart,one that 12 higher levels of human thinking and emotional engagement.The new smart will be determined not by what or how you know 13 by the quality of your thinking,listening,relating,collaborating,and learning.Quantity is 14 by quality.We will spend more time training to be open-minded and learning to update our beliefs in 15 to new data.We will practice 16 after our mistakes,and we will invest more in the skills traditionally 17 with emotional intelligence.The new smart will be about trying to overcome the two big 18 0f critical thinking and team collaboration:our ego and our fears.Doing so will make it easier to perceive reality as it is,rather than as we 19 it to be.In short,we will embrace humility.That is 20 we humans will add value in a world of smart technology,1选?A.controversy B.challenge C.opportunity D.compromise

考题 As we all know, drinking too much__________ our health.A.harms B.hurts C.injures D.destroys

考题 From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first 1 , they were like newborn children, unable to use this 2 tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kind’s future 3 and cultural growth increased. Many linguists believe that evolution is 4 for our ability to produce and use language. They 5 that our highly evolved brain provides us 6 an innate language ability not found in lower 7 . Proponents of this innateness theory say that our 8 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, 9 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical 10 times for language development. Current 11 of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. 12 , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in 13 grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being 14 to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the 15 of their first language have become firmly fixed. 16 some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been 17 from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that 18 with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language 19 than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. 20 , children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their child's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones. 请在4处填上正确答案()A、essentialB、availableC、reliableD、responsible

考题 ()we would like to assist you,we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.A、EvenB、AsC、MuchD、Much as

考题 单选题We must find a way to cut prices _____ reducing our profits too much.A withoutB despiteC withD for

考题 单选题The greatest chance for the existence of extraterrestrial life is on a planet beyond our solar system. The Milky Way galaxy alone contains 100 billion other suns, many of which could be accompanied by planets similar enough to Earth to make them suitable abodes of life.  The statement above assumes which of the following?A Living creatures on another planet would probably have the same appearance as those on Earth.B Life cannot exist on other planets in our solar system.C If the appropriate physical conditions exist, life is an inevitable consequence.D More than one of the suns in the galaxy is accompanied by an Earth-like planet.E It is likely that life on another planet would require conditions similar to those on Earth.

考题 单选题What does the author intend to do in writing the passage?A To evaluate our needs of birds to save our earth.B To describe various measures to protect the birds.C To criticize the effects of human pollution on birds.D To explain a basic tie between birds and human beings.

考题 单选题People trusted Freud because ______.A they found it hard to believe the astrologersB Freudian theory sounded reasonableC they couldn’t make a sensible judgmentD they wanted to have insights into human beings

考题 问答题Practice 7  That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far- reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our healthcare is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.  On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.  On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.  This is the journey we continue today. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth. Our workers are no less productive than when this crisis began. Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions - that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America. (Barack Obama: Inaugural Address)

考题 单选题I strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships. As a psychologist for more than twenty years I can tell you that I have never had an adult looking back at her childhood and complaining that her parents were too understanding. And similarly, I have met many divorced people who still love each other but yet they never really understood each other. The painful reality is that love is just not enough. I"ll admit that there are people who I love and who I still need to better understand. I hope I"ll continue my work to understand them. The willingness to understand is very important. It is not always easy, but healthy love is strengthened by the willingness to understand. Love without understanding will wilt like flowers without water. Our egos are what seem to get in the way of understanding those who we love and care about. Often it is our need to be right that makes what others think and feel so wrong for us. I have certainly been quite guilty of this in some of my relationships. As I have written repeatedly in my books, empathy, is truly the emotional glue that holds all close relationships together. Empathy allows us to slow down and try to walk in the shoes of those we love. The deeper our empathy, the deeper—and healthier—our love. Not all relationships are meant to be. Yet all relationships that are meant to flourish in a healthy way, must stress understanding just as much, if not more, than love.Why are we unable to understand the others sometimesA Because we are caring the others too much.B Because it is quite difficult to understand the others.C Because we believe we are always right.D Because the others have done something wrong.

考题 问答题Practice 1  The greenhouse effect causes trouble by raising the temperature of the planet. The 1 rise is not very much,but the Earth’s ecosystem is very weak,and small changes can have large effects.  It has been believed that this 2 of one degree will happen by the year 2025. This could probably 3 the North American corn belt, which produces much of the world’s grain, 4 to much higher food prices,and even less food for the Third World than they already have. However,it would also mean that some countries which are further north would be able to 5 crops they had never been able to before,although there is less land as you move north from the corn belt.  The other serious worry is that rising sea levels from the melting of the polar ice could 6 flood many countries. A rise in sea levels of one meter,which many expels are 7 by the year 2100 (and some as soon as 2030),would flood 15 percent of Egypt,and 12 percent of Bangladesh. The Maldives in the Indian Ocean would almost 8 disappear. Most of the countries which would suffer most from a rise in sea levels are the poor 9 states,so the islands in the Caribbean,South Pacific,Meditertgiiean and Indian Ocean have formed the Alliance of Small Island States,AOSIS,so they have a 10 voice in international politics and can make the richer developed world listen to their problems.[A] severely      [B] damage     [C] island[D] critical     [E] grow       [F] mainland[G] louder       [H] predicting    [I] rise[J] completely     [K] geometry     [L] actual[M] extending     [N] 1eading     [O] develop

考题 单选题As the population increases and human needs expand, we must take care not to _____ all of our natural resources at once.A eraseB minimizeC maximizeD exhaust

考题 问答题Practice 5  Water is essential for life. Yet many millions of people around the world face water shortages. Many millions of children die every year from water-borne diseases. And drought regularly afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries.  The world needs to respond much better. We need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of hauling water. We must involve leaders of countries in decision-making on water management. We need to make sanitation a priority. This is where progress is lagging most. And we must show that water resources need not be a source of conflict. Instead, they can be a catalyst for cooperation.  Significant gains have been made. But a major effort is still required. Our goal is to meet the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build the foundation for further progress in the years beyond.  This is an urgent matter of human development, and human dignity. Together, we can provide safe, clean water to the entire world’s people. The world’s water resources are our lifeline for survival, and [or sustainable development in the 21st century. Together, we must manage them better.

考题 问答题Practice 12  (1) Whatever its underlying reason, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. (2) This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out necessary buying, excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.

考题 问答题Practice 8  I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you’ve bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.  Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.  That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.  These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land—a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and the next generation must lower its sights. Today I say to you that the challenges we face arc real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America—they will be met.