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某初中男生体育中考项目中的立定跳远和引体向上不合格,下面是针对该生制定提高这两个项目成绩的运动处方:锻炼目的:(1)增强上肢和下肢力量,达到中考达标成绩;(2)增强体质,发展各项身体素质。运动类型:上下肢力量练习、速度练习、慢跑或游泳运动强度:心率110-125次/min运动时间:每次30-45min运动频率:每周3~4次注意事项:(1)充分做好准备活动,尤其是关节活动;(2)以锻炼后第二天不感到疲劳为宜,可每周适当增加运动量;(3)科学进餐,平衡营养。 (1)上述运动处方存在哪些问题?(2)对你认为需要改进的地方,提出修改建议。


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题某初中男生体育中考项目中的立定跳远和引体向上不合格,下面是针对该生制定提高这两个项目成绩的运动处方:锻炼目的:(1)增强上肢和下肢力量,达到中考达标成绩;(2)增强体质,发展各项身体素质。运动类型:上下肢力量练习、速度练习、慢跑或游泳运动强度:心率110-125次/min运动时间:每次30-45min运动频率:每周3~4次注意事项:(1)充分做好准备活动,尤其是关节活动;(2)以锻炼后第二天不感到疲劳为宜,可每周适当增加运动量;(3)科学进餐,平衡营养。 (1)上述运动处方存在哪些问题?(2)对你认为需要改进的地方,提出修改建议。” 相关考题
考题 问答题课题:公式的使用(选自初中第四册Excel部分)内容:Excel计算公式的使用某教师撰写了如下教学目标:(一)知识与技能(1)掌握相对地址及绝对地址的含义。(2)掌握公式的组成部分。(3)掌握公式的组成及其输入。(4)掌握公式计算及SUM函数。(5)掌握相对地址及绝对地址的引用。(二)情感态度与价值观培养协作精神。要求:(1)根据新课程理念和要求,重新设计教学目标,教学目标要具体、明确、可评价,行为动词使用恰当。(2)确定教学重点和难点。(3)简述本节课你选择的教学方法,并简单陈述理由。(4)结合本节课所提供的内容,说出几种常用的教材处理方法。

考题 单选题在生态系统中,下列各组生物属于生产者的是()。A 光合细菌、酵母菌B 光合细菌、硝化细菌C 乳酸菌、酵母菌D 硝化细菌、乳酸菌

考题 单选题教学《山居秋暝》时,为了引导学生掌握动静结合的写作手法,教师准备列举使用该手法的其他诗词来补充说明。下列作品中的诗句不能作为例子使用的是(),A 李白《独坐敬亭山》B 常建《题破山寺后禅院》C 孟郊《游子吟》D 韦应物《滁州西涧》

考题 单选题替换的快捷键是()。A Ctrl+GB Ctrl+AC Ctrl+HD Ctrl+F

考题 单选题无线局域网遵循的标准是()。A IEEE802.3B IEEE802.4C IEEE802.10D IEEE802.11

考题 单选题Passage2If you come to Australia,leave your naughty habits at the door. If you live here,get back in your box.The Australian government announced in the Federal Budget on Tuesday that it will be slogging smokers top dollar for a pack of ciggies.Right now,they cost on average A$25($18.91)to A$30 for a packet of 20 or 25 cigarettes,which would already seem like highway robbery to anyone living in any other country on earth. Now,the government will be increasing the cost of cigarettes by 12.5%annually for four years. The increase will smack smokers in September each year.If you work off a packet costing AS25 today,by 2020 it will set you back a hefty AS40.So unless you are living in a life of luxury,it is probably going to break the bank. Must be time to read the How to stop smoking book your old neighbor Dave recommended in 2012.If you think you'll just bring the cigarettes in through the duty free back door,think again. The government is reducing the amount of cigarettes you can bring into the county from 50 cigarettes to 25 cigarettes. Not 25 packs,25 individual cigarettes. That's one packet.This price hike will earn the government A$4.7 billion and it will take the tax excise on cigarettes to almost 69% of the average price of a cigarette currently. This is in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization, which advised governments to increase tax by 70% so that it becomes unaffordable.These changes will improve the health of Australians by reducing their exposure to tobacco products and will ensure that tobacco products consumed domestically are fully taxed and comply with Australian regulations. the government noted in the budget papers.This increase will see Australia remaining easily the most expensive place in the world for smokers. In 2015, cigarettes in the city of Melbourne cost 142% more than in New York. Cigarettes in Sydney were 130% more, according to a Deutsche Bank report.Australia already has plain packaging laws, which see cigarettes wrapped in generic mould green color and slapped with a photograph of a dying baby.No more sneaky ciggies for you, casual smoker!According to the new rules and regulations, a packet of cigarettes costing A$40 will cost you_________ by 2020.A A$25B A$40C A$64D A$82

考题 单选题下面是某教师执教《故乡》一课的教学片段。阅读后,按要求答题。师:请同学们自读课文,"这来的便是闰土……可以听见他自己去拣择"这一部分。(生自读课文)师:理解课文内容或是理解课文片段的内容,要注意运用"多角度品析"的方法,要学会从不同的角度,如情节、人物、环境、人物活动、表达方式、描写角度、结构层次、修辞手法、段落大意、表达目的、情感表达等各个方面去进行理解,力求自己有独到的发现,有自己的心得体会。(学生再阅读课文,然后自主、合作学习,发表自己的看法)生:从表达方面来看,这是一个描写段,它给我们一种苍凉之感。生:从人物看,少年闰土的活泼能干、勃勃英气已经荡然无存,在我们面前的,是一幅生活在痛苦中的闰土画像。生:从描写顺序看,由远及近,以此描写身材、脸色、眼睛、头上、身上、手,符合观察习惯,先远望身材,再注视脸面,然后打量全身。生:从表达目的看,这段肖像着重写变化,反映当时农民的苦难。对以上教学片段的分析,不正确的一项是()。A 使学生在感知的基础上能够进行多角度的阅读B 多渠道开发文章内容,多途径质疑、设疑C 使学生从不同层次发现问题D 使学生用不同的方法发现问题

考题 问答题案例:  阅读下面的学生习作,完成下题 。   抓住机遇,成就伟岸  ①人生中会有弯道与挫折,然而正是人生中难以预料的弯道成就了不平凡的人生 。  ②福楼拜曾对莫泊桑说过:天才无非是忍耐 。大写的人又怎能逃脱苦难的磨砺呢?在困境中抓住机遇,迎接挑战,铸就人生的不屈与辉煌,何足畏哉!  ③大漠千里,黄沙漫漫,驼铃悠悠 。你,一个柔韧的奇女子,王嫱,演绎出让人感伤的出塞的神话 。一个江南水乡浸透温婉气息的女子却要在风沙裹蚀下把青丝熬成霜白,枯萎了红颜 。又有谁不可以承受这样的命运 。而你,昭君,只是怀一幽怨的琵琶,留下了夕阳下无语的青冢 。你,变坎坷的人生际遇为华夏史册上为民族和平而牺牲的永世光辉,熠熠生光 。  ④白露横江,水光接天,纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然 。是你啊,旷达的子瞻,泛舟赤壁 。你心中何尝不想至君尧舜上,再使风俗淳?可你逃不了乌台诗案,你选择了黄州,造福一方百姓又何尝不好?羽扇伦巾,谈笑间樯橹灰飞烟灭,那雄姿英发的周瑜,你仰慕他,然而,你终是你,转变人生的轨迹未尝不可?高歌一蓑烟雨任平生岂不快哉?  ⑤沅湘流不尽,屈子怨何消!郑袖的谗言,子兰的徘谤,怀王的昏聩,那儿不是你的容身之所啊,三闾大夫!痛心与失望,如此被排挤,命运多舛,可你依然保存一颗赤子之心!试问,世上还有如你一样的人么?感念朝廷的日益衰败却无力相助 。于是,你,自沉汨罗,多么可歌可泣的举动,《离骚》中句句都是你的一片丹心!  ⑥水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇,西湖美景,三月小雨润如酥,你,范蠡,携西施泛舟西湖,散发扁舟 。何必留恋勾践的高位名利?你深知越王可以共苦,难以同甘,世人谁不留恋名利权位,可你明白飞鸟尽,良弓藏,狡兔死,走狗烹的道理和功高盖主皆殒身的教训 。走吧,陶朱公三置千金,你,写下了最完美的明哲保身的人生准则 。放弃名利,成就了最善的命运 。  ⑦人生中总会有很多充满艰辛的际遇,充满荆棘,扑朔迷离 。可是,我们也总能够变际遇为机遇,抓住机遇,成就伟岸 。  问题: 1 .请从第④⑤段中找出两个错别字,从第③段中找出一处病句,分别改正 。 2 .请结合具体内容对作文进行评析 。

考题 填空题王进喜被称为“()”,邓稼先被誉为中国的“()”,()被称为县委书记的榜样。他们被誉为是“()”。

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about the Situational Approach is NOT true?A Adopt an inductive approach to grammar teaching.B Encourage explanations of the meaning of new items in foreign language.C Focus on language accuracy.D Practice structures and patterns through repetition and substitution activities.

考题 问答题请从第②③段中找出两个错别字改正,并从第④段中找出一处病句并改正。

考题 单选题下列选项中,适合作为《工艺美术欣赏——陶器》一课教学重点的是()。A 陶器的艺术特色B 陶器的制作步骤C 陶器的制坯的方法D 陶器的烧制技艺

考题 单选题A 杠杆仍能平衡B 杠杆不能平衡,右端下沉C 杠杆不能平衡,左端下沉D 无法判断

考题 单选题Passage1In recent years,however,society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked-fail to develop the foundational reading,writing,and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in,let alone contribute to,an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today,in asking schools to leave no child behind,society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards.Every state has them,and,as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for making sure that all students meet them.To be clear,the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process. Forthe foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However, society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound. Assessment and grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of the rank-order distribution) must now be revised to permit the possibility that all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, procedures that permitted (perhaps even encouraged) some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promote hope and continuous effort. In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.The students' mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believe that all students can achieve a certain level of academic success, must bring all of their students to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction, and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards, cooperation and collaboration must come into play. The driving forces must be confidence, optimism, and persistence-for all, not just for some. All students must come to believe that they can succeed at learning if they try. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.Which is meant by the author about the emotional promise of assessment for students?A To reach a minimum level of achievement.B To build up their confidence in success.C To enable them to compete with others.D To help them realize their goals.

考题 单选题When_______, the small factory will make 5 cars a day.A be completedB completingC completedD to be completed

考题 单选题在学到杜甫的《春望》的时候,有同学说“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”这句话是杜甫夸张的写法,哪有人看见花就哭,看见鸟就受惊呢。下列教师评价中,最为贴切的一项是(  )。A 你的理解不正确,下去再好好想想。B 真的吗?再好好考虑考虑。C 诗言志表情,结合当时的社会实际,看看这两句要表达的思想内容是什么呢?这样你还会觉得夸张吗?D 对于同一部作品,每个人都有属于自己的理解,你的理解也是正确的。

考题 单选题A 图中光束①是红光,②是蓝光B 在光盘的透明介质层中,光束①比②传播速度更快C 若光束①②先后通过同一单缝衍射装置,光束①的中央亮纹比②的窄D 若光束①②先后通过同一双缝干涉装置,光束①的条纹宽度比②的宽

考题 单选题—Sarah,would you please give me some more milk?—I'm sorry,but ____ is left.A no oneB noneC everythingD it

考题 单选题护士在给病人进行静脉注射时,常用橡皮管在手腕处扎紧,不久结扎处的静脉就会积血膨大起来,发生这种现象的原因是()。A 在静脉血管内血液由近心端流向远心端B 静脉血管的分布较浅C 静脉血管的管腔大.管壁薄D 静脉血管内有防止血液倒流的静脉瓣

考题 问答题某教师为了检验学生对欧姆定律的掌握情况布置了若干习题,下面是某同学对于其中一题的解答过程:题目:两只电阻,一个标有“10欧,1A”另一个标有“15 欧,0.6 A”把它们串联在电路,允许接入最大电压是多少?解:由欧姆定律可以得到:通过第一个的最大电压为:U1=I1R1=10 V通过第二个的最大电压为:U2=I2R2=9 V所以整个电路通过的最大电压是:U=UI+U2=19 V。问题:(1)简述该习题旨在帮助学生巩固的知识点及其要点。(4分)(2)指出学生解答过程中的错误,分析错误可能产生的原因,给出正确的解法。(6分)

考题 问答题案例:阅读下列教学片段,回答问题。教学目标一般从“知识与技能”“过程与方法”和“情感态度与价值观”三个维度来表述。它主要是站在学生的角度,指向学生的学习,规定了教和学的方向。在课堂教学中,“过程与方法”是区别于传统教学目标的重要方面,该维度的基本目的是让学生了解并亲历学科知识形成的过程,学会发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的方法。下面是陈老师在进行“从因特网获取信息”一节课的教学时,所指定的“过程与方法”的部分目标:(1)学生通过查找“传统节日”的任务活动,初步体验利用搜索引擎查找相关信息的方法。(2)学生通过观看“信息改变世界”视频,感悟信息技术对社会发展的重要性以及对个人未来生活、工作的影响。(3)引导学生利用搜索引擎查找相关信息,提高学生利用搜索引擎检索信息的能力。问题: (1)目标(2)更适用于三维目标中的哪个维度? (2)目标(3)的描述存在什么问题?请尝试着修改目标 (3)使之符合“过程与方法”维度的基本目的。

考题 单选题What can be inferred about Alex from the last paragraph?A The culture camps caused Alex to hate everything about India.B The East India Colorado Heritage Camp led to Alex' s immigration.C Hidden Valley served as a link between Alex' s old world and the new.D The culture camps helped Alex better understand his mixed-race fami

考题 问答题黑人选手在竞赛跑道、篮球场上以及拳击台上的竞技比赛中有明显的优势,在这些项目的竞技决赛中鲜有亚洲人的身影。请选择一个运动项目,说明其竞技能力的决定因素,并说说说针对上述现象的未来发展规划。

考题 问答题如何在数学教学中贯彻抽象与具体相结合的原则?

考题 单选题元代南戏四大传奇不包括()。A 《荆钗记》B 《拜月亭》C 《琵琶记》D 《杀狗记》

考题 单选题名作《梅杜萨之筏》为哪位画家所作?()A 德·拉克洛瓦B 籍里柯C 戈雅D 华托

考题 单选题浪漫主义画作《自由引导人民》表现了历史上的()。A 法国大革命B 法国七月革命C 法国巴黎公社革命D 俄法战争

考题 单选题Passage1One of the world's first videogames,Tetris,has turned thirty years old,and its brand is anything but old school.But what's kept people swiping and clicking to ensure each row of blocks stays aligned and disappears into the virtual world since its development in 1984 Soviet Russia?A combination of new platforms and an attracting psychological appeal.Maya Rogers, the CEO of Blue Planet Software, the sole agent of the Tetris brand, said the protection of the game's core over the last three decades has aided its longevity. As mobile and social become two of the largest sources for gaming these days, Tetris isn't showing any signs of losing its appeal. Currently appearing on over 50 different gaming platforms, from the 1983Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) to smartphones, Tetris is sold on over 425 milion mobile devices. More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook, too. There's something psychologically entrancing about the game, that's kept people hooked through the years.Play a game of Tetris, said Rogers, and satisfy your craving to create order out of chaos.Plus, there's the added quality of playing Tetris and never feeling wholly fulfilled.There's no correct move that you can make,said Neubauer, a loyal player of the game who work as a senior analyst at Saibus Research, an independent research and advisory firm, The quest for the perfect move never ends.Tom Stafford,a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K, says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play.It's a world of perpetually generating uncompleted tasks, he said. As he's said in the past, too, Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle games like Candy Crush saga-the things that keep us puzzling away for hours, days and weeks.Tetris is pure game: there is no benefit to it, nothing to learn, no social or physical consequence,he added.It is almost completely pointless, but keeps us coming back for more.The purpose of Tom Stafford's saying Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle game is_________.A to imply that Teris is out of date and lost popularityB to represent a specific group of attracting puzzle gamesC to suggest that Teris is the inspiration of new gamesD to declare that there are different types of Tetris