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更多 “单选题在船舶柴油机的曲柄箱上设置正压传感器,在曲柄箱内压力超过极限值时报警,这种监测方法属于()A 无损检测B 振动监测C 油液监测D 性能参数监测” 相关考题
考题 单选题在往复惯性力较大而连杆大端刚性较小的情况下,四冲程柴油机曲辆销与主轴颈磨损较大的部位在()。A 曲柄销内侧,主轴颈远离曲柄销一侧B 曲柄销外侧,主轴颈近曲柄销一侧C 曲柄销内侧,主轴颈近曲柄销一侧D 曲柄销外侧,主轴颈远离曲柄销一侧


考题 单选题The liquid flowing in the capillary is such that the difference in () readings taken before the capillary and after it is related to the oil viscosity.A pressureB velocityC flow rateD temperature

考题 单选题The latest known details of lights are given in().A gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard PortsB lists the principal harmonic constants for all those ports where they are known,for use for prediction by the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal PredictionC is a comprehensive guide for the yachtsmanD permits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days

考题 单选题下列属于工程船的是什么:()A 供应船B 修理船C 打捞船D 消防船

考题 单选题COSPAS-SARSAT卫星系统由()组成 1)COSPAS/SARSAT卫星 2)INMARSAT卫星和COSPAS/SARSAT卫星 3)岸站和船站 4)406MHZEPIRB和本地用户终端 5)任务控制中心和搜救协调中心 6)网络协调和运行控制中心A 1)3)4)6)B 1)4)5)C 1)3)4)5)6)D 1)4)

考题 单选题下列()不是货物平舱的目的。A 防止船舶横倾B 防止船舶纵倾C 便于在一种货物顶层装载其它货D 以上都是

考题 单选题A partial deck in a hold is called a (an)().A weather deckB orlop deckC shelter deckD main deck

考题 单选题船员责任事故是指船员()造成的机损事故。A 疏于保养、自修质量不良B 监修不力、对所换备件检查不到C 虽已发现事故苗头但无备件更换D 自然磨损、腐蚀

考题 单选题Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?().A A vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steeragewayB A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her enginesC A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with cautionD If a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing,she shall take avoiding action in ample time

考题 单选题根据有关公约规定,沿海国在其设立的毗连区中,行使管制的事项有().A 防止在其领土或领海违反关税,财政,移民B 惩罚在其领土或领海内违反关税,财政,移民C 防止在其领土或领海内违反有关卫生规章及惩罚相应的违法行为D 以上都是

考题 单选题Your kind attention to our ship will be().A much appreciatedB much appreciatingC many appreciatedD many appreciating

考题 单选题强固扣合法适用于壁厚尺寸()的零件裂纹的修复.A 小于8mmB 8~45mmC 大于45mmD 任意尺寸

考题 单选题对于质量分布在同一平面内,轴向长度较小的回转件,其平衡精度用()表示。A FRB eC e×ωD G

考题 单选题With reference to a two ram actuating mechanism, which one of the following statement is false?()A The rams work inside cylindersB The cylinders have glands sealing their open endsC The rams are connected to a cross-headD The cross-head is mounted on the rudder stock

考题 单选题国际船舶医疗指南将有关急救处理的内容编排在第1章,该章书页右上角有(),以便于区别和查找。A 红十字标识B 红色三角标识C 红色“E”标识D 绿色“M”标识

考题 单选题Inspection of a Halon extinguisher involves checking the hose,handle,nozzle,and().A sight glassB weighing the extinguisherC service technicians reportD last date it was charged

考题 单选题对于船长大于()m的油船,通常要求在货油舱内设置两道纵向连续的纵舱壁。A 45B 60C 90D 120

考题 单选题船舶在靠泊操纵中,大角度抵泊时,进港航道方向与泊位方向有较大交角,有的甚至接近(),这时,抵泊过程可能是一个连续转向过程,其轨迹是一弧线,则无法选择抵泊角度,只能根据具体情况进行适当调整。A 30ºB 45ºC 60ºD 90º

考题 单选题A vessel conducting mine clearing operations will show().A three balls in a vertical lineB two balls in a vertical lineC one ball near the foremast and one ball at each fore yardD one diamond near the foremast head and one ball at each fore yard

考题 单选题集装箱提单中的舱面货选择权条款规定,集装箱不论装载在舱面或舱内都视为()。A 舱内积载B 舱面积载C 已经安全积载D 舱面货

考题 单选题两台发电机组1号和2号并联运行,其中1号发电机组的原动柴油机燃油中断,将出现的故障现象是()。 ①1号机组成为发电机组; ②2号机组成为发电机组; ③1号机组会出现逆功率; ④2号机组会出现逆功率; ⑤1号机组将会过载; ⑥2号机组将会过载。A ①③⑤B ②④⑥C ②③⑥D ①④⑤

考题 单选题The number of flashlights required as lifeboat equipment on a seagoing barge is().A noneB oneC twoD three

考题 单选题影响对流换热强弱的是().A 导热系数B 放热系数C 辐射系数D 传热系数

考题 问答题刘XX为某公司的法定代表人,其户籍所在地为B市,公司的主要营业所所在地为A市,该公司在B市购得一艘国内沿海航行船舶(总吨:509;建造年月:1981年2月1日)后,于2003年1月1日持船舶买卖合同和交接文件到A市的船舶登记部门申请办理船舶所有权登记。请问A市的船舶登记部门是否可以为其办理船舶所有权登记?

考题 单选题The knife on an inflatable liferaft will always be located().A in one of the equipment bagsB in a special pocket near the forward entranceC on a cord hanging from the canopyD in a pocket on the first aid kit

考题 单选题进行下列哪项工作时不应带手套()。A 焊接工作B 钻床工作C 凿削工作D 带电作业

考题 单选题Which of the following represents the maximum percent of oxygen by volume required to be achieved by a ship’s inert gas system, prior to the commencement of crude oil tank washing?()A 6%B 8%C 10%D 12%