海船船员考试 问题列表
问题 单选题柴油机采用的“三滤”,是为了防止()。A 腐蚀磨损B 粘着磨损C 磨粒磨损D 疲劳磨损

问题 单选题What is considered a Serious Marine Incident? ()A an allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockB an injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aidC grounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselD None of the above

问题 单选题热带气旋进入中高纬海域后,因冷空气侵入可能演变成()。A 热低压B 锋面气旋C 冷低压D 冷高压

问题 单选题()time will the pilot be available?A whatB WhenC At whatD At when

问题 单选题Which of the following pumps are self-priming, and can deal with liquid from a level below the pump? () (1) reciprocating (2) vane (3) gearA (1)onlyB (1)and(2)C (1),(2)and(3)D (2)and(3)

问题 单选题变浮力液位传感器是由()组成的。A 浮筒和分压器B 浮筒和测量电桥C 浮筒和调压阀D 浮筒和差动变压器

问题 单选题船长的基本职责有:() Ⅰ应确保值班安排足以保证船舶安全 Ⅱ采取有效措施防止疲劳操作 Ⅲ负责船舶经营管理,与货方签订运输合同 Ⅳ遵守船旗国和港口国的法律和规定A Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣB Ⅰ~ⅣC Ⅰ~ⅢD Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

问题 单选题一般情况下安全检查不应于()期间进行A 在港内停泊或作业B 在港内抛锚C 航行D A和C正确

问题 单选题堆焊工艺适于修补零件大面积磨损、腐蚀破坏或修理()的零件。A 裂纹B 断裂C 烧蚀D 超差零件

问题 单选题堆焊工艺适于修补零件大面积磨损、腐蚀破坏或修理()的零件。A 裂纹B 断裂C 烧蚀D 超差零件

问题 单选题堆焊工艺适于修补零件大面积磨损;腐蚀破坏或修理()的零件。A 裂B 断裂C 烧蚀D 超差零件

问题 单选题Which of the following machinery space operations is required to be logged in the Oil Record Book?()A Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanksB Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tankC Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demandD Daily inspection of engine room bilges

问题 单选题会使舵杆承受侧推力的转舵机构是()。A 转叶式B 四缸十字头式C 双缸拨叉式D 双缸双作用摆缸式

问题 单选题In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be().A underwayB using gear which extends more than 50 meters outboardC using a seine of some typeD using gear which restricts her maneuverability

问题 单选题在冰区如何抛“冰锚”()?A 把锚直抛入到碎冰中B 用锚将冰层打碎,然后抛入海底C 将锚链放在挖好的冰槽中,浇水与冰冻结在一起D 以上均不正确