


40. What’s the international status of the Great Wall and when was it listed in the list of world cultural heritage?

41. What is the role of the Great Wall in history?

42. Where is Guangzhou Valley? How long is it and what’s character of it?

43. Explain the meaning of the name of JuYongGuan Pass.

44. When was Cloud Terrace built? Please describe it.

45. Please describe Crossing-Street Dagoba.

46. When was Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway built and how long is it?

47. How did they overcome the problems in building of the railway?

48. Say something about ZhanTianYou.

49. How long is the long tunnel of the Badaling railway?

50. Give a brief account of the strategic location and meaning of Badaling. 251. Explain ’Outer town of Juyong’, and ’Key to the north gate’.

52. Why is it called ’ Looking Toward Beijing Rock’?

53. Which are the parapets, buttresses and battlements?

54. What’s the main structure of the BaDaLing Great Wall and what’s the function of them?

55. What and where is beacon tower? Do they have other other names and what’s their function?

56. What’s the way of warning signals sent in Ming Dynasty?

57. How many tiems of renovations took place in Ming?

58. Which section of the Great Wall is the best preserved section now?

59. What was the labor resource to build the Great Wall?

60. Where was the building material of constructing the Great Wall from?

61. How was the construction of the Great Wall managed?

62. Please brief the defense system of the Badaling Great Wall. The Tgurteeb Ming Tombs

63. How many emperors were there in Ming? Who was the first one and where is he buried?

64. Who was the second emperor in Ming? Do you know his story?

65. What is Tumubao incident? Can you brief it?

66. What’s the seizing Gate Upheaval?

67. Where is Emperor Jingtai (Zhu QiYu) buried?

68. Why did ZhuDi chose the place to build his tomb and tell us the begining and the end of construction of the Ming Tombs.

69. Give us a brief account of the Ming Tombs area.

70. Do you know the Legend about selection of the site of Ming Tombs.

71. What’s the definition of Ming Tomb’s world wonders?

72. Where is te Memorial Arch and what’s the character of it?

73. Describe the Big Palace Gate. What Kind of Regulation was there at that time?

74. Please describe the Tablet Houses at the Big Palace Gate.

75. Describe the Scared Way, Stone annimals and statues.

76. When was the Scared Way built? What do they reflect and what’s the character of them?

77. What is LingXing Gate?

78.Who was the master of Changling (Tomb of Longevity)? Please introduce this emperor.

79. What kind of contribution did ZhuDi give to Ming in terms of culture?

80. What did ZhuDi do for expanding external exchanges and trade?

81. Give us a brief introduction of Empress Xu.

82. Describe the Hall of Eminent Favor, ChangLing.

83. Give a brief introduction to the master of DingLing.

84. What kind of emperor was ZhuYiJun?

85. A brief introduction of the empress Xiaoduan buried with Emperor WanLi.

86. A brief introduction of the empress XiaoJing buried with Emperor WanLi.

87. Describe the Soul Tower of DingLing.

88. Describe the Precious City of DingLing.

89. What’s the process of discovering and excavating of the Underground Palace of DingLing.

90. Please brief the structure and layout of the UnderGround Palace of DingLing.

91. What’s the character of the stone door in between the front, middle and rear chambers?

92. What is buried with jade on a ’Gold Well’? What is ’God Well’ and precious soil?

93. What’s the function of ’God Well’ during the construction of the tombs?

94. Say something about the decoration of the Underground Palace of DingLing.

95. Please describe the white marble throne.

96. What are the five glazed offerings?

97. What’s the function of the blue-and-white porcelain jar?

98. Please describe the Coffin platform and conffin.

99. Say something about Si Ling and Qing Ling.

100. Which emperor stared the human sacrifice in Ming Dynasty and who abolished the system? BeiHai Park


下面小编为大家准备了 导游资格 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

干栏式民居主要是下列哪几个民族的住宅形式?( )






聊城的象征——光岳楼是( )代修建的。






导游人员进行导游活动时未佩戴导游证的,旅游行政管理部门( )。






属于湖畔诗社成员的是 ( ) A.宗白华 B.汪静之 C.冯雪峰 D.李金发


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