



到韩国攻读研究生的条件:语言成绩第一是语言能力,韩国研究生分为两种,第一是韩语授课的,需要提交TOPIK成绩,根据专业、申请院校不同需要3级到6级韩语成绩,提供雅思成绩一定会大大增加申请几率的。所以热门专业比如经营学和新闻放送专业是需要韩语6级的。大部分专业达到韩语4级就可以申请,差异还是很大的,所以一定要提前做好规划。第二种是英文授课GSIS课程的,无需韩语成绩,直接用雅思成绩申请,韩国大学有九所大学设立了GSIS课程。本科成绩第二是本科在校成绩,不能有挂科,想申请好学校的话,专业课成绩不能太低,名校保证自己的绩点在3.0以上。如果是想跨专业申请,不要跨度太大,相近专业还有希望。因为研究生和本科不同,属于深造学历,没有前面四年的学习铺垫,就算你能申请成功,恐怕你也会读不下去。因此考虑转专业的学生要谨慎。材料准备第三是材料方面,学习计划书和个人介绍,这是你在学校教授面前的第一印象。因此,学习计划书和个人介绍不容小觑。其他的申请材料也一定要尽量全面、完整,按照要求去准备。材料上建议找专业人士操作,确保万无一失。教授面试第四是面试,研究生和本科生不同,面试不再单纯的只限于你的韩语能力,还要考察你的专业知识。对答如流,自信严谨却又不是风趣,这会增加各位教授对你的好感。绿皮动车韩国留学对申请学生有模拟面试,确保成功申请到OFFER。按照以上四点准备,则会加大你的研究生申请几率。扩展资料:去韩国读研究生,只能读跟本科阶段相类似的专业;如果读传媒类的,建议去中央,毕竟那里是韩国很多年前就以传播业出名的,也出过不少名人;你可以在中国读完语言,只要考过3级,自己向这边的学校申请就可以了。在留学热潮中,对留学生来说,如何选择适合自己的学校和专业最为重要。韩国大学对中国学生实行宽进严出的择生制,不需要参加苛刻的统一入学考试。与韩国人相比,中国留学生反而容易进入名牌大学,读到中意的专业。中国学生赴韩学习,主要集中在电子、汽车、物流、计算机应用、游戏、动漫、国际贸易等专业。除了专业以外,赴韩留学的中国学生在选择学校时,费用和学校实力是主要参考因素。为了让广大的希望赴韩留学的中国学生在选择韩国学校时有的放矢,中国驻韩国大使馆教育处和山东大学韩国学院共同编译了这本《韩国留学指南》。参与编译的作者都在韩国工作多年,对韩国的教育现状和留学政策等十分熟悉,保证了本指南的权威性。相信本指南对志愿留学韩国的学生具有重要的参考价值。韩国留学指南_ 。

下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.左心室等容收缩期延长B.动脉舒张压升高 C.二者都有 D.二者都无

①由于动脉舒张压的高低主要反映外周血管阻力的大小,因此全身小动脉阻力 增高,将导致动脉舒张压升高。由于动脉血压升高,心脏后负荷增大,左室射血速度减慢,等容收缩期延 长。②心动周期缩短,即心率加快时,将导致舒张压升高、脉压降低(收缩压升高不明显)。参阅【2001N09】。

The government has been forced into a humiliating overhaul of employment tribunal fees after the supreme court ruled they were inconsistent with access to justice.The highest UK court came clown in favour of the trade union Unison,which argued that fees of up to$1,200 were preventing workers-especially those on lower incomes-from getting justice.Unison's general secretary,Dave Prentis,said it was a major victory for employees."Unprincipled employers no longer have the upper hand,"he said.The general secretary of the Trades Union Congress,Frances O'Grady,said:"This is a massive win for working people.Too many low-paid workers couldn't afford to uphold their rights at work,even when they have faced harassment or have been sacked unfairly.Tribunal fees have been a bonanza for bad bosses,giving them free rein to mistreat staff.Any fees paid so far should be refunded as soon as possible."Prof Nicole Busby,the acting head of the law school at the University of Strathclyde,said it was"a very good day for access to justice".Business leaders expressed concern about the court ruling.Seamus Nevin,head of employment and Skills Policy at the Institute of Directors,said the judgement"opens the door to a rise in unreasonable or malicious claims".He said:"Since fees were introduced,the government has imposed crude and potentially misleading gender pay reporting requirements,and an immigration skills charge that incentivises recruitment based on place of birth.Both of these could lead to an increase in unjustified claims."Mike Spicer,director of Research at the British Chambers of Commerce,said the ruling would leave"employers concerned about a return to the past,when despite winning the majority of cases,companies would often settle to avoid a costly and lengthy process even when their case was strong".Gillian Guy,the chief executive of Citizens Advice,said:"Employment tribunal fees have been a huge barrier to justice,but they are not the only challenge people face.What your rights are,and how to go about getting compensation without resorting to an employment tribunal remains a very complicated picture,which is why we're calling on the government to create a single fair work authority to make it easier for people to get the rights they're entitled to by clamping down on unlawful business practice."Shoaib Khan.a human rights lawyer,said:"The government has wasted precious public funcls on implementing this unlawful,discriminatory regime,and all fees it has received will have to be refunded,at further public cost.A large amount will also have been spent defending this case all the way to the supreme court.If this cruel scheme was meant to be an additional source of revenue for the government,then ir has proved to be counterproductive in every way."Tim Forer,a partner in the employment law team at the national law firm Blake Morgan,said estimates of how much the government owed ranged from 27m t0 31m.He said the praciicalities of how the government planned to refund people"remain to be seen,and it is nor clear how much it witl cost".

Shoaib K han held that

A.employers no longer had an advantage over employees
B.the ruling could bring about an increase in unjustified laims
C.employment tribunal fees prevented many workers on lower incomes from defending their rights in the workplace.
D.out that the apprenticeship levy did not work well and would deter the government from hitting its 2020 apprenticeship target.
E.believed that apprentices were being treated as cheap labour and not getting quality training on the job.
F.indicated that increased levy flexibility was vital for businesses to fund a wider range of training.
G.companies would tend to settle to avoid going to court like they used to do.
根据题干Shoaib Khan定位到第九段。Khan从“投入回报”的角度分析“劳资审裁处收费”,指出这一制度不仅没有为政府提供额外收入,反而在实施过程中、退款和打官司等后续环节中都耗费了大量的公共资金。D.是对这一观点的概括,a…waste of public money对应首句wasted precious public funds,tremendous也与末句counterproductive in every way(方方面面都未能达到预期效果)强调的“该制度严重浪费公共资金”之意相符。

A.条口 B.飞扬 C.丰隆 D.蠡沟


心悸气短,面白无华,倦怠乏力,唇甲色淡,舌淡白,脉细弱者,所属 的证候是
A.气阴两亏证 B.津血俱亏证
C.精血不足证 D.气血两虚证


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