

2021年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第五章 阅读理解B5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。


A.Time sometimes stops

B.Moving in slow motion

C.We’re tricked by tech

D.Speeding up with age

E.Time doesn\'t fly

F.Time follows mood

G.Lost in music


答案解析:本题所在段落首句就点出了此段的中心句,即“如果当时你觉得时间仿佛静止了,可能因为你的大脑真的就是这么想的”。stand still“站着不动,静止不动”可以对应到A项,其意思是“时间有时会停止”。本段后面还提到the blank with what it thinks should be there"大脑认为存在时间空白”,也是与时间停止的意思相呼应的,因此正确答案是A项。


A.Time sometimes stops

B.Moving in slow motion

C.We’re tricked by tech

D.Speeding up with age

E.Time doesn\'t fly

F.Time follows mood

G.Lost in music


答案解析:本题所在第一句“一句谚语说得好:‘欢乐光阴去如飞”’与E项Time doesn’t fly相联系。G项是迷惑项,虽然本段用极大的篇幅介绍了心理学家詹姆斯·克拉里斯的“听音乐”实验,但是其目的并不是要说明人与音乐的关系,而是想借此实验,证明享受的时光让人产生错觉,似乎过得更慢一些。因此不能选择G项,正确答案是E项。

3、(4)   【阅读理解B】

A.Make up your mind

B.Reclaim life\'s meaning

C.Bid farewell to guilt and regret

D.Give to get

E.Be positive

F.Put yourself in the fun zone

G.Do something new


答案解析:关键信息来自于本段最后一句“Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don’t look back.”一直传递做出决定就不要反复犹豫,即对应选项A. Make up your mind.

4、Barack Obama【阅读理解B】

A.urged China and Russia to take actions to stop the conflict in Syria as the flow of refugee was considered as the biggest in a generation

B.blocked a move supported by the 13 other permanent and none-permanent members of the security council

C.described the fact that the people escaped the fighting as the largest refugee crisis in a generation

D.said that Russia is more like a friend than the United States. and support his regime

E.said Russia and China’s credibility has suffered a lot because their “impotence to stop the war.”

F.reminded Russia and Iran that the tendency is not good for Assad

G.admitted that there is no unanimous agreement of security council on action to end a conflict in Syria


答案解析:定位到最后一句话Barack Obama called on Russia and Syria’s principal regional ally, Iran, to “recognise that the trend lines are not good for Assad”.

5、Ban Ki-moon【阅读理解B】

A.urged China and Russia to take actions to stop the conflict in Syria as the flow of refugee was considered as the biggest in a generation

B.blocked a move supported by the 13 other permanent and none-permanent members of the security council

C.described the fact that the people escaped the fighting as the largest refugee crisis in a generation

D.said that Russia is more like a friend than the United States. and support his regime

E.said Russia and China’s credibility has suffered a lot because their “impotence to stop the war.”

F.reminded Russia and Iran that the tendency is not good for Assad

G.admitted that there is no unanimous agreement of security council on action to end a conflict in Syria


答案解析:定位到第一段第一句话admitted that the UN security council is failing Syria because of big power divisions which have prevented action to end a conflict that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and driven the biggest refugee exodus in a generation.

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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