

2019年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第六章 短文翻译5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。


    A San Francisco fast food restaurant has opened with no waiting staff or cashiers and instead dispenses its meals using a giant vending machine. 

    Customers of Eatsa, in the middle of the city's financial district, order their dishes on iPads, which are prepared by staff in a hidden kitchen and delivered to the fully automated “cubbies”.  

    According to Tim Young, Eatsa's co-founder, the company is reinventing fast food by combining the speed and affordability of fast food with the delicious flavors and nutritious ingredients of premium fast casual. “By developing new technology to automate every aspect of the food experience, we are able to deliver a product with the best qualities of premium fast casual at a price point that is accessible to everyone.” 

    The customers order their food using a virtual cashier, who retains details of previous purchases allowing tailored suggestions. When the food is ready, the dish is delivered to an individual glass door “cubby” which shows personalized graphics allowing the customer to quickly identify their own lunch.





       伊特萨的合资人蒂姆•杨(Tim Young)表示,“快餐食品快速便捷,优质便餐美味营养,通过两者的结合,公司正在彻底改造快餐。通过发展新技术,将用餐体验的每一环节自动化,我们有能力提供价格亲民、质量最好的快餐。



    120 presidents and prime ministers will gather in New York for a UN conference on climate change. It is the first time the subject has brought so many leaders together since the ill-fated Copenhagen summit of 2009. Now, as then, they will assert that reining in global warming is a political priority. Some may commit their governments to policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    According to scientists, cutting carbon-dioxide emission is an essential part of reducing catastrophic risk from climate change. Yet governments are persistently reluctant to provide estimates of how much carbon a policy saves. That may because, in countries where climate change is controversial, it makes more sense to talk about the other benefits a scheme offers rather than its effect on carbon. Or it may be that, in countries which are enthusiastic about renewable energy, pointing out that it may not save that much carbon is seen as unhelpful. Or perhaps governments think climate change is so serious that all measures must be taken, regardless of cost.






    Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population, the factory farming industry also argues that “hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry industry”. In fact,rather than helping the fight against malnutrition in “hungry nations,”the spread of factory farming has, inevitably aggravated the problem.

    Large-scale intensive meat and poultry production is a waste of food resources. This is because more protein has to be fed to animals in the form of vegetable matter than can ever be recovered in the form of meat. Much of the food value is lost in the animal’s process of digestion and cell replacement. Neither, in the case of chicken, can one eat feathers, blood, feet or head. In all, only about 44% of the live animal fits to be eaten as meat.

    This means one has to feed approximately 9-10 times as much food value to the animal than one can consume from the carcass. As a system for feeding the hungry, the effects can prove disastrous. At times of crisis, grain is the food of life.







   Think this way, it’s your inability to resist cheesecake that’s making it tough to fit into your skinny jeans? Well, a new study shows your bacteria may share some of the blame. 

    Because the new study in mice reveals that the response of intestinal microbes to a high-fat diet ends up triggering the release of a hormone that makes mammals feel hungry, causing them to eat even more. The finding is served up in the journal Nature.

    Previous work has shown that the types of bacteria in the gut in diabetic or obese individuals are different from the bacteria in healthy people. But does this bacterial makeup contribute to these disorders? Or is it just a side effect?

    To unravel this mystery, researchers put mice on a high-fat diet. As a result, the animals experienced a buildup of a chemical called acetate (醋酸盐), particularly in the large intestine(肠).


答案解析:      设想一下,你很难穿上紧身牛仔裤是因为你无法抗拒奶酪蛋糕吗?其实,你体内的细菌可能要承担部分责任。


    Quality of life is about more than the size of your pay cheque. It means being able to spend an evening with your family once a week--instead of keeping one parent at home with the kids while the other works, and then exchanging a few words when you switch roles halfway through the day. It means being able to request working hours that allow you to travel when buses are running so you do not have to walk miles to get to work.    

    Those things matter to workers. When someone on a low wage talks about finding a better job, better pay is just  part of the mix. This is why campaigns groups across America are trying to win better conditions--enabling  mployees to address questions of health, safety and life quality, alongside their wage gains. Short-notice rotas, as much as low pay or unsafe conditions, are central to a spate of protests across the US.


答案解析:        生活质量不仅在于薪水高低。有质量的生活意味着每周能和家人共度一晚——而不是一方在家带孩子,另一方在外工作,然后在中午角色互换时说几句话。有质量的生活还意味着在公交运营时间内上下班,而不必步行几英里去上班。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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