

天津市2020年专升本考试即将到来,最近51题库考试学习网收到不少考生对关于专升本考试免试条件的咨询,相信有不少考生都有同样的疑惑,51题库考试学习网根据各大省份陆续公布的考试公告得知,专升本考试是有免试的,那么想要申请卡考试免试到底需要哪些条件呢? 接下来就请跟着51题库考试学习网一起来看一看网络教育专升考试形式的免试申请条件吧!



2. 考试规定计算机类专业以外的学生,获得全国计算机等级考试一级、或一级A、或一级B或以上级别证书者可免考计算机应用基础科目。

3. 考试规定英语专业以外的学生,户籍在少数民族聚居地区的少数民族学生,可免考大学英语科目;民族身份和居住地区的确认以学生本人身份证上的资料为准。如果少数民族学生居住地与民族身份不相符,那么其专业科目一律不能免考。如果本身是英语专业的学生,一律不能免考大学英语。



下面小编为大家准备了 专升本 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的总任务是( )


Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution,called soot,are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them.
Small amounts of soot are safe,but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces.
The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high,more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter,factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower.
Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or,they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad.
Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe.

What happens to some residents who bum too much wood?

A.They could lose their home
B.They pay for the punishmen
C.They get sick from the smok
D.The fire could get out of contro

Scotland provides superb opportunities to enjoy wild and grand scenery which is even more impressive than the postcards suggest.It also offers towns and cities with a rich cultural life,a good mix of accommodation and places to eat and drink.Friendly and welcoming,it is an interesting and colorful all-season destination,where landscapes and the environment,sport and leisure pursuits,heritage and history,culture and cuisine are all part of a rewarding experience.
The best reason for choosing to go on holiday to Scotland is:one of the last places inside the crowded and frenetic European Union where it is possible to be alone isolated countryside.This is not to say that Scotland,like everywhere else,does not have its tourist traps,its crowded roads or its popular beauty spots.But it is relatively easy to escape from them.
It would be a mistake to think that Scotland is merely an extension of England.
Indeed,no attitude is capable of causing greater offence to the Scots.They successfully resisted English attempts at domination for seven hundred years,and many differences between the two countries persist.
Scotland's history,embodied in its castles,battlefields,and ancient links with France,Flanders and Scandinavia,is special.

When you say that Scotland is like England,the Scottish__.

A.feel insulted
B.are offended
C.are amused
D.feel shocked
第三段,人们认为苏格兰不过是英格兰的扩展,这种观点对苏格兰人是莫大的冒犯(Indeed,no attitude is capable of causing greater offence to the Scots)。

在社会发展中起决定作用的是( )


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