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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Assess the likely criteria which would need to be satisfied for software to be regarded as ‘quality software’.

(4 marks)

(c) The following are important considerations regarding the quality of the business software:
– The software is error-free as this will improve its reliability. Whilst in practice this might not always be achievable the
directors of SSH must recognise the dangers involved in supplying bespoke software which may prove damaging to their
clients’ businesses with the resulting loss of client goodwill.
– The software should meet quality control standards such as those specified by the ISO (International Standards
– The software must be delivered on time. Late delivery of business software will prove problematic since clients may rely
on updated software to meet new customer needs or to fulfil revised business objectives.
– The software must meet the initial specification of the customer. In meeting the specification SSH will be demonstrating
that the software has been produced correctly with an appropriate focus on the requirements of end users.
– The software must be usable i.e. as well as being able to do what it is supposed to do it is important that it is easy to
– The software should be capable of being updated in the light of future changes that occur in the clients’ requirements.

(b) The CEO of Oceania National Airways (ONA) has already strongly rejected the re-positioning of ONA as a ‘no

frills’ low-cost budget airline.

(i) Explain the key features of a ‘no frills’ low-cost strategy. (4 marks)

(b) (i) A ‘no frills’ strategy combines low price with low perceived benefits of the product or service. It is primarily associated
with commodity goods and services where customers do not discern or value differences in the products or services
offered by competing suppliers. In some circumstances the customer cannot afford the better quality product or service
of a particular supplier. ‘No frills’ strategies are particularly attractive in price-sensitive markets. Within the airline sector,
the term ‘no frills’ is associated with a low cost pricing strategy. In Europe, at the time of writing, easyJet and Ryanair
are the two dominant ‘no frills’ low-cost budget airlines. In Asia, AirAsia and Tiger Airways are examples of ‘no frills’ lowcost
budget carriers. ‘No frills’ strategies usually exist in markets where buyers have high power coupled with low
switching costs and so there is little brand loyalty. It is also prevalent in markets where there are few providers with
similar market shares. As a result of this the cost structure of each provider is similar and new product and service
initiatives are quickly copied. Finally a ‘no frills’ strategy might be pursued by a company entering the market, using thisas a strategy to gain market share before progressing to alternative strategies.

(b) Briefly explain THREE limitations of negotiated transfer prices. (3 marks)

(b) Negotiated transfer prices suffer from the following limitations:
– The transfer price which is the final outcome of negotiations may not be close to the transfer price that would be optimal
for the organisation as a whole since it can be dependent on the negotiating skills and bargaining powers of individual
– They can lead to conflict between divisions which may necessitate the intervention of top management to mediate.
– The measure of divisional profitability can be dependent on the negotiating skills of managers who may have unequal
bargaining power.
– They can be time-consuming for the managers involved, particularly where large numbers of transactions are involved.

(d) Comment on THREE factors other than NPV that the directors of ITL should consider when deciding whether

to manufacture the Snowballer. (3 marks)

(d) Factors that should be considered by the directors of ITL include:
(i) The cash flows are estimated. How accurate they are requires detailed consideration.
(ii) The cost of capital used by the finance director might be inappropriate. For example if the Snowballer proposal is less
risky than other projects undertaken by ITL then a lower cost of capital should be used.
(iii) The rate of inflation may vary from the anticipated rate of 4% per annum.
(iv) How strong is the Olympic brand name? The directors are proposing to pay royalties equivalent to 6% of sales revenue
during the six years of the anticipated life of the project. Should they market the Snowballer themselves?
(v) Would competitors enter the market and what would be the likely effect on sales volumes and selling prices?
N.B: Only three factors were required.

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