











许多考生们也一样,考证的 初动机就是为了摆脱现在的岗位和不满意的薪水,在职场走的更高。但即便有这样的动机,许多人却没有相应的执行力将自己的决定变为现实。

执行力差这件事, 大的坏处是会损害自信。一次计划未能成功执行,往往会导致对于自己能力的怀疑,次数多了之后,就更不敢再制定计划了,“随缘”“佛系”考生,就诞生了。




在ACCA复习上流行一句话,客观题考的是点,主观题考的是面。ACCA考到 后会发现,如何形成这个面才是问题关键所在。而历年高分通过ACCA的那些考生们都有自己的总结归纳法宝。







下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Distinguish between strategic and operational risks, and explain why the secrecy option would be a source

of strategic risk. (10 marks)

(b) Strategic and operational risks
Strategic risks
These arise from the overall strategic positioning of the company in its environment. Some strategic positions give rise to
greater risk exposures than others. Because strategic issues typically affect the whole of an organisation and not just one or
more of its parts, strategic risks can potentially concern very high stakes – they can have very high hazards and high returns.
Because of this, they are managed at board level in an organisation and form. a key part of strategic management.
Operational risks
Operational risks refer to potential losses arising from the normal business operations. Accordingly, they affect the day-to-day
running of operations and business systems in contrast to strategic risks that arise from the organisation’s strategic positioning.
Operational risks are managed at risk management level (not necessarily board level) and can be managed and mitigated by
internal control systems.
The secrecy option would be a strategic risk for the following reasons.
It would radically change the environment that SHC is in by reducing competition. This would radically change SHC’s strategic
fit with its competitive environment. In particular, it would change its ‘five forces’ positioning which would change its risk
It would involve the largest investment programme in the company’s history with new debt substantially changing the
company’s financial structure and making it more vulnerable to short term liquidity problems and monetary pressure (interest
It would change the way that stakeholders view SHC, for better or worse. It is a ‘crisis issue’, certain to polarise opinion either
It will change the economics of the industry thereby radically affecting future cost, revenue and profit forecasts.
There may be retaliatory behaviour by SHC’s close competitor on 25% of the market.
[Tutorial note: similar reasons if relevant and well argued will attract marks]

(ii) Division C is considering a decision to lower its selling price to customers external to the group to $95

per kilogram. If implemented, this decision is expected to increase sales to external customers to

70,000 kilograms.


For BOTH the current selling price of CC of $105 per kilogram and the proposed selling price of $95

per kilogram, prepare a detailed analysis of revenue, costs and net profits of BAG.

Note: in addition, comment on other considerations that should be taken into account before this selling

price change is implemented. (6 marks)



(ii) Deema Co. (4 marks)

(ii) Deema Co
The claim is an event after the balance sheet date. If the accident occurred prior to the year end of 30 September 2007,
the claim gives additional evidence of a year end condition, and thus meets the definition of an adjusting post balance
sheet event. In this case the matter appears to have been properly disclosed in the notes to the financial statements per
IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date and IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. A
provision would only be necessary if the claim was probable to succeed and there is sufficient appropriate evidence that
this is not the case. There is therefore no disagreement, and no limitation on scope.
Therefore the senior is correct to propose an unqualified opinion.
However, it is not necessary for the audit report to contain an emphasis of matter paragraph.
ISA 701 Modifications to the Independent Auditor’s Report states that an emphasis of matter paragraph should be used
to highlight a matter where there is significant uncertainty.
Uncertainties are normally only regarded as significant if they involve a level of concern about the going concern status
of the company or would have an unusually great effect on the financial statements. This is not the case here as there
is enough cash to pay the damages in the unlikely event that the claim goes against Deema Co. This appears to be a
one-off situation with a low risk of the estimate being subject to change and thus there is no significant uncertainty.

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