



ACCA从较早时间在国际上颇具影响力。1904ACCA成立于世界金融中心之一英国,其会员资格得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。至于ACCA与中国的渊源要追溯到1988年,ACCA 9次派高级代表团访问中国的时候。就在那一年,ACCA在上海和北京设立了代表处,两年后ACCA正式进驻中国大陆。较早进入中国,直接结果就是ACCA早期会员已经成为了当今中国的企业财务经理、公司CFO,抑或政府财经部门的高官。这种先发优势的影响力不容小觑。在中国虽然只有CICPA具备签字权,但是并不能否定其他资格认证考试的含金量和权威程度。ACCA早期会员如今在中国手里握着较大发言权,他们认可ACCA代表的含义,这点非常重要。








下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Identify TWO QUALITATIVE benefits that might arise as a consequence of the investment in a new IT system

and explain how you would attempt to assess them. (4 marks)

(c) One of the main qualitative benefits that may arise from an investment in a new IT system by Moffat Ltd is the improved level
of service to its customers in the form. of reduced waiting times which may arise as a consequence of better scheduling of
appointments, inventory management etc. This could be assessed via the introduction of a questionnaire requiring customers
to rate the service that they have received from their recent visit to a location within Moffat Ltd according to specific criteria
such as adherence to appointment times, time taken to service the vehicle, cleanliness of the vehicle, attitude of staff etc.
Alternatively a follow-up telephone call from a centralised customer services department may be made by Moffat Ltd
personnel in order to gather such information.
Another qualitative benefit of the proposed investment may arise in the form. of competitive advantage. Improvements in
customer specific information and service levels may give Moffat Ltd a competitive advantage. Likewise, improved inventory
management may enable costs to be reduced thereby enabling a ‘win-win’ relationship to be enjoyed with its customers.

(c) Discuss the ethical responsibility of the company accountant in ensuring that manipulation of the statement

of cash flows, such as that suggested by the directors, does not occur. (5 marks)

Note: requirements (b) and (c) include 2 professional marks in total for the quality of the discussion.

(c) Companies can give the impression that they are generating more cash than they are, by manipulating cash flow. The way
in which acquisitions, loans and, as in this case, the sale of assets, is shown in the statement of cash flows, can change the
nature of operating cash flow and hence the impression given by the financial statements. The classification of cash flows
can give useful information to users and operating cash flow is a key figure. The role of ethics in the training and professional
lives of accountants is extremely important. Decision-makers expect the financial statements to be true and fair and fairly
represent the underlying transactions.
There is a fine line between deliberate misrepresentation and acceptable presentation of information. Pressures on
management can result in the misrepresentation of information. Financial statements must comply with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the Framework and local legislation. Transparency, and full and accurate disclosure is
important if the financial statements are not to be misleading. Accountants must possess a high degree of professional
integrity and the profession’s reputation depends upon it. Ethics describe a set of moral principles taken as a reference point.
These principles are outside the technical and practical application of accounting and require judgement in their application.
Professional accountancy bodies set out ethical guidelines within which their members operate covering standards of
behaviour, and acceptable practice. These regulations are supported by a number of codes, for example, on corporate
governance which assist accountants in making ethical decisions. The accountant in Warrburt has a responsibility not to mask
the true nature of the statement of cash flow. Showing the sale of assets as an operating cash flow would be misleading if
the nature of the transaction was masked. Users of financial statements would not expect its inclusion in this heading and
could be misled. The potential misrepresentation is unacceptable. The accountant should try and persuade the directors to
follow acceptable accounting principles and comply with accounting standards. There are implications for the truth and
fairness of the financial statements and the accountant should consider his position if the directors insist on the adjustments
by pointing the inaccuracies out to the auditors.

(c) Briefly describe five factors to be taken into account when deciding whether to use recruitment consultants.(5 marks)

(c) An organisation considering the use of external recruitment consultants would make its decision upon the availability, level and appropriateness of expertise available within the host organisation and its likely effectiveness, together with the cost of using consultants set against the cost of using the organisation’s own staff. The organisation should consider the level of expertise required of potential employees and therefore the appropriate knowledge required of the consultants and the need for impartiality or security which may be of particular importance for some organisations. In addition, the views of internal staff as to the likely effect of using outside consultants must be considered, as is the effect the use of consultants might have on the need to develop expertise within the organisation.

3 Mark Howe, Managing Director of Auto Direct, is a victim of his own success. Mark has created an innovative way

of selling cars to the public which takes advantage of the greater freedom given to independent car distributors to

market cars more aggressively within the European Union. This reduces the traditional control and interference of the

automobile manufacturers, some of whom own their distributors. He has opened a number of showrooms in the

London region and by 2004 Auto Direct had 20 outlets in and around London. The concept is deceptively simple;

Mark buys cars from wherever he can source them most cheaply and has access to all of the leading volume car

models. He then concentrates on selling the cars to the public, leaving servicing and repair work to other specialist

garages. He offers a classic high volume/low margin business model.

Mark now wants to develop this business model onto a national and eventually an international basis. His immediate

plans are to grow the number of outlets by 50% each year for the next three years. Such growth will place

considerable strain on the existing organisation and staff. Each showroom has its own management team, sales

personnel and administration. Currently the 20 showrooms are grouped into a Northern and Southern Sales Division

with a small head office team for each division. Auto Direct now employs 250 people.

Mark now needs to communicate the next three-year phase of the company’s ambitious growth plans to staff and is

anxious to get an understanding of staff attitudes towards the company and its growth plans. He is aware that you

are a consultant used to advising firms on the changes associated with rapid growth and the way to generate positive

staff attitudes to change.


(a) Using appropriate strategies for managing change provide Mark with a brief report on how he can best create

a positive staff response to the proposed growth plans. (12 marks)

(a) To: Mark Howe – Managing Director, Auto Direct
Strategies to manage growth
Successfully convincing others in the firm of the need for, and nature of change is sometimes referred to as internal marketing
and in many ways when substantial change is involved may be just as vital as external marketing aimed at the customer.
Classic strategies for managing include participation, education/communication, power/coercion, manipulation and
negotiation. The preferred strategy, or combination of strategies, will be influenced by leadership style. and where on the
continuum from autocratic through to democratic the management style. rests. Participation in the change process sounds an
ideal strategy but may delay implementation of the change, require high trust levels between management and staff and
encounter resistance to proposed change. Education and communication is often argued to be a strategy used in conjunction
with another strategy. Interestingly, many studies point to communication being the key weakness when change is being
implemented. Clearly there are many choices as to how to educate and communicate and choosing the right strategy for the
right situation is by no means easy. The level of change at Auto Direct may be seen as a quantum change in that it affects
all parts of the organisation and you should be aware of the complex linkages between these parts. Power/coercion may be
needed if the change planned needs to be implemented quickly as in crisis situations, when the survival of the organisation
may be at stake. Such an approach may alienate the staff and have a number of unanticipated and unfortunate
consequences. Manipulation, as its name implies, may have many negative consequences and reflects the power of the
management to implement change. Finally, negotiation is a traditional way of seeking to resolve differences between different
groups, each with its own goals and objectives. Again issues of time, trust and resistance may affect the effectiveness of this
Many other change management models are available to help you overcome resistance to change including Lewin’s threestep
change and force field analysis and the Gemini 4Rs framework. The Gemini model aims at the sort of transformation
required by the scope and pace of the proposed growth strategy, where the reframing step communicates the vision, the need
for involvement and measures of successful change and the renewal step aligns the individual’s skills and competences withthe organisation’s needs in order to implement the change strategy.
I trust this overview of strategies for managing change is helpful.

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