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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) continuous auditing; (5 marks)

(b) Continuous auditing
Continuous auditing is a methodology that enables independent auditors to give written assurance on a subject matter (e.g.
inventory levels, receivables balances, financial statements) using a series of auditor’s reports issued simultaneously with (or
a short period of time after) the occurrence of events underlying the subject matter. Thus it increases the frequency of
reporting (e.g. may be issued daily, weekly).
Technological development is making increasingly sophisticated information systems available to more entities at a decreasing
cost. This has promoted a more widespread dependence on technology to produce more timely information. This has
increased the demand for timely assurance on the information provided. Auditors have had to respond with highly automated
procedures and audit tools that are integrated with the entity’s systems and controls.
Tutorial note: XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) increases the viability of continuous auditing. It provides a
widely agreed-upon set of descriptors for elements in a business report that can be read and interpreted by computer
systems. It allows an auditor to review data at any stage and determine the origin of the information and the controls that
have been incorporated.
Results of automated audit procedures must be communicated promptly, particularly if anomalies or errors identified require
that follow-up procedures be performed by audit personnel. Secure electronic communication links are therefore essential.
As entities’ reporting has moved from annual and interim reports to the monthly/daily/weekly reporting of key performance
indicators (‘KPIs’)/critical success factors (‘CSFs’), the professional accountant’s assignment has expanded from the audit of
financial statements. For example, to review reports (e.g. on interim financial statements), special purpose reports (e.g. on
the effectiveness of [outsourced] control procedures) to continuous auditing reports.
For continuous audits, auditors’ reports need to be produced automatically and safeguarded against unauthorised changes.
Reports may be ‘evergreen’ (i.e. always available to users and dated at the time of access to the information) or ‘on demand’
(i.e. available when specifically requested and dated at the time of request).
Auditors must be technically proficient to handle any engagement undertaken. For continuous audit assurance engagements
that will require a high level of expertise in various aspects of information technology as well as a sound grasp of the subject
matter being audited.
Continuous audit work requires the frequent or continuous use of audit tools integrated with the client’s systems. For example
embedded audit modules (EAMs) are subroutines that perform. control or audit procedures concurrently with the client’s
normal application processing.

The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:

(i) It focuses on the short-term by identifying costs at the beginning of a product’s life cycle

(ii) It identifies all costs which arise in relation to the product each year and then calculates the product’s profitability on an annual basis

(iii) It accumulates a product’s costs over its whole life time and works out the overall profitability of a product

(iv) It allocates costs to each stage of a product’s life cycle and writes them off at the end of each stage

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A.(i) and (iii)

B.(iii) only

C.(i) and (iv)

D.(ii) only


All of the statements are false except statement (iii).

8 P and Q are in partnership, sharing profits in the ratio 2:1. On 1 July 2004 they admitted P’s son R as a partner. P

guaranteed that R’s profit share would not be less than $25,000 for the six months to 31 December 2004. The profitsharing

arrangements after R’s admission were P 50%, Q 30%, R 20%. The profit for the year ended 31 December

2004 is $240,000, accruing evenly over the year.

What should P’s final profit share be for the year ended 31 December 2004?

A $140,000

B $139,000

C $114,000

D $139,375

80,000 + 60,000 – 1,000 = 139,000

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