



目前,ACCA官方权威认可的教材商有三家,分别为BPP, Kaplan 及 Becker。这三家的教材各有优势:BPP以详细见称,BPP教材是全球ACCA使用最多的版本,通俗易懂,比较适合新老学员自学,国内的ACCA学员在备考时通常以看BPP课本及精简版讲义为主。并且国内基本上所有的高校ACCA专业也是使用的BPP版教材,主要是因为审计署买下了BPP教材在中国的版权,并且比之FTC版教材价格也有优势,每个点都讲解得很细。比较适合刚参加ACCA考试的学员。

当然了,BBP版本的ACCA教材也有美中不足的地方: BPP版本主要适合于英语水平一般的,理解能力稍微弱的或者是初学者等。但由于ACCA教材BPP版本很多的,部分教材有时候讲得也很啰嗦。




下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

2 Benny Korere has been employed as the sales director of Golden Tan plc since 1994. He earns an annual salary of

£32,000 and is provided with a petrol-driven company car which has a CO2 emission rate of 187g/km and had a

list price when new of £22,360. In August 2003, when he was first provided with the car, Benny paid the company

£6,100 towards the capital cost of the car. Golden Tan plc does not pay for any of Benny’s private petrol and he is

also required to pay his employer £18 per month as a condition of being able to use the car for private purposes.

On 1 December 2006 Golden Tan plc notified Benny that he would be made redundant on 28 February 2007. On

that day the company will pay him his final month’s salary together with a payment of £8,000 in lieu of the three

remaining months of his six-month notice period in accordance with his employment contract. In addition the

company will pay him £17,500 in return for agreeing not to work for any of its competitors for the six-month period

ending 31 August 2007.

On receiving notification of his redundancy, Benny immediately contacted Joe Egmont, the managing director of

Summer Glow plc, who offered him a senior management position leading the company’s expansion into Eastern

Europe. Summer Glow plc is one of Golden Tan plc’s competitors and one of the most innovative companies in the

industry, although not all of its strategies have been successful.

Benny has agreed to join Summer Glow plc on 1 September 2007 for an annual salary of £39,000. On the day he

joins the company, Summer Glow plc will grant him an option to purchase 10,000 ordinary shares in the company

for £2·20 per share under an unapproved share option scheme. Benny can exercise the option once he has been

employed for six months but must hold the shares for at least a year before he sells them.

The new job will require Benny to spend a considerable amount of time in London. Summer Glow plc has offered

Benny the exclusive use of a flat that the company purchased on 1 June 2003 for £165,000; the flat is currently

rented out. The flat will be made available from 1 September 2007. The company will pay all of the utility bills

relating to the flat as well as furnishing and maintaining it. Summer Glow plc has also suggested that if Benny would

rather live in a more central part of the city, the company could sell the existing flat and buy a more centrally located

one, of the same value, with the proceeds.

On 15 March 2007 Benny intends to sell 5,800 shares in Mahana plc, a quoted company, for £24,608. His

transactions in the company’s shares have been as follows:

June 1988 Purchased 8,400 shares 6,744

February 1996 Sale of rights nil paid 610

January 2005 Purchased 1,300 shares 2,281

The sale of rights, nil paid, was not treated as a part disposal of Benny’s holding in Mahana plc.

Benny’s shareholding in Mahana plc represents less than 1% of the company’s issued ordinary share capital. He will

not make any other capital disposals in 2006/07.

In addition to his employment income, Benny receives rental income of £4,000 (net of deductible expenses) each

year. He normally submits his tax return in August but he has not yet prepared his return for 2005/06. He expects

to be very busy in December and January and is planning to prepare his tax return in late February 2007.


(a) Calculate Benny’s employment income for 2006/07. (4 marks)



3 Clyde Williams is facing a dilemma. He has successfully built up a small family-owned company, Concrete Solutions

Ltd, manufacturing a range of concrete based products used in making roads, pavements and walkways. The

production technology is very low tech and uses simple wooden moulds into which the concrete is poured. As a

consequence he is able to use low skilled and low cost labour, which would find it difficult to find alternative

employment in a region with high unemployment levels. The company has employed many of its workforce since its

creation in 1996. The company’s products are heavy, bulky and costly to transport. This means its market is limited

to a 30-mile area around the small rural town where the manufacturing facility is located. Its customers are a mix of

private sector building firms and public sector local councils responsible for maintaining roads and pavements. By its

nature much of the demand is seasonal and very price sensitive.

A large international civil engineering company has recently approached Clyde with an opportunity to become a

supplier of concrete blocks used in a sophisticated system for preventing coast and riverbank erosion. The process

involves interlocking blocks being placed on a durable textile base. Recent trends in global warming and pressure in

many countries to build in areas liable to flooding have created a growing international market for the patented erosion

prevention system. Clyde has the opportunity to become the sole UK supplier of the blocks and to be one of a small

number of suppliers able to export the blocks to Europe. To do it he will need to invest a significant amount in CAM

(computer aided manufacturing) technology with a linked investment in the workforce skills needed to operate the

new technology. The net result will be a small increase in the size of the labour force but redundancy for a significant

number of its existing workers either unwilling or unable to adapt to the demands of the new technology. Successful

entry into this new market will reduce his reliance on the seasonal low margin concrete products he currently produces

and significantly improve profitability.

One further complication exists. Concrete Solutions is located in a quiet residential area of its home town. Clyde is

under constant pressure from the local residents and their council representatives to reduce the amount of noise and

dust created in the production process. Any move into making the new blocks will increase the pollution problems

the residents face. There is a possibility of moving the whole manufacturing process to a site on a new industrial estate

being built by the council in a rival town. However closure of the existing site would lead to a loss of jobs in the current

location. Clyde has asked for your help in resolving his dilemma.


(a) Using models where appropriate, advise Clyde on whether he should choose to take advantage of the

opportunity offered by the international company. (12 marks)


SWOT analysis, including his personal liability to manage the strategic change would be useful. There may be a significant
investment in new technology and employee training to make the new blocks. In effect he will be forming a strategic alliance
with the international company and making significant changes to both the value chain and value system. There will be no
need to invest in sales and marketing as this will be the responsibility of its larger partner. As a major strategic option there
is a need to address issues of its suitability, acceptability and feasibility. In terms of suitability the option seems to address
many of the strategic problems attached to his current product range. It is a product that can be sold all year round and into
a much wider geographical market area. It is in terms of acceptability that the dilemma reveals itself and the impact on the
different stakeholders involved – he may find stakeholder mapping and scenario building useful in coming to a decision. As
the owner of the business he needs to assess the risk involved against the likely returns. Feasibility looks reasonably sound– new resources and skills will be needed but affordable and achievable with the support of the partner.

(ii) Can we entertain our clients as a gesture of goodwill or is corporate hospitality ruled out? (3 marks)


For EACH of the three FAQs, explain the threats to objectivity that may arise and the safeguards that should

be available to manage them to an acceptable level.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three questions.

(ii) Corporate hospitality
A partner in an audit firm is obviously in a position to influence the conduct and outcome of an audit. Therefore a
partner being on ‘too friendly’ terms with an audit client creates a familiarity threat. Other members of the audit team
may not exert as much influence on the audit.
A self-interest threat may also be perceived (e.g. if corporate hospitality is provided to keep a prestigious client).
There is no absolute prohibition against corporate hospitality provided:
■ the value attached to such hospitality is ‘insignificant’; and
■ the ‘frequency, nature and cost’ of the hospitality is reasonable.
Thus, flying the directors of an audit client for weekends away could be seen as significant. Similarly, entertaining an
audit client on a regular basis could be seen as unacceptable.
Partners and staff of Boleyn will need to be objective in their assessments of the significance or reasonableness of the
hospitality offered. (Would ‘a reasonable and informed third party’ conclude that the hospitality will or is likely to be
seen to impair your objectivity?)
If they have any doubts they should discuss the matter in the first instance with the audit engagement partner, who
should refer the matter to the ethics partner if in doubt.

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