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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Your firm has provided financial advice to the Pholey family for many years and this has sometimes involved your

firm in carrying out transactions on their behalf. The eldest son, Esau, is to take up a position as a senior

government official to a foreign country next month. (4 marks)


Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

action, if any, Dedza should now take.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations

(c) Financial advisor
■ Customer due diligence (CDD) and record-keeping measures apply to designated non-financial businesses and
professions (such as Dedza) who prepare for or carry out certain transactions on behalf of their clients.
■ Esau is a ‘politically exposed person’ (‘PEP’) (i.e. an individual who is to be entrusted with prominent public functions
in a foreign country).
■ Dedza’s business relationships with Pholey therefore involve reputational risks similar to those with Esau. In addition
to performing normal due diligence measures Dedza should:
? have risk management systems to have determined that Esau is a PEP;
? obtain senior partner approval for maintaining business relationships with such customers;
? take reasonable measures to establish the source of wealth and source of funds;
? conduct enhanced ongoing monitoring of the business relationship.
■ Dedza can choose to decline to act for Pholey and/or Esau (if asked).
■ If the business relationship is to be continued senior partner approval should be obtained for any transactions carried
out on Pholey’s behalf in future.
Tutorial note: The Pholey family is not described as an audit client therefore no familiarity threat arises in relation to an
audit (the family may not have any involvement in entities requiring an audit).

(c) (i) Explain how Messier Ltd can assist Galileo with the cost of relocating to the UK and/or provide him with

interest-free loan finance for this purpose without increasing his UK income tax liability; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Relocation costs
Direct assistance
Messier Ltd can bear the cost of certain qualifying relocation costs of Galileo up to a maximum of £8,000 without
increasing his UK income tax liability. Qualifying costs include the legal, professional and other fees in relation to the
purchase of a house, the costs of travelling to the UK and the cost of transporting his belongings. The costs must be
incurred before the end of the tax year following the year of the relocation, i.e. by 5 April 2010.
Assistance in the form. of a loan
Messier Ltd can provide Galileo with an interest-free loan of up to £5,000 without giving rise to any UK income tax.

(c) Explain how the use of activity-based techniques may benefit Taliesin Ltd. (5 marks)

(c) The usefulness of activity-based techniques is accentuated in situations where overheads comprise a significant proportion of
product costs. Manufacturing overheads comprise 30·9% of turnover during the year ended 31 May 2005. Traditional
methods of allocating overheads to products might result in product cost information which is misleading and detrimental to
managerial decision-making. Calculations of product costs are more prone to error in situations where higher levels of
overhead exist. The consequences can prove disastrous as, for example, in the under-pricing or over-pricing of products.
Since Taliesin Ltd is going to confine its activities to its home country it must be prepared to face increased competition and
this increases the need for greater visibility and more accurate product cost information.
At present, Taliesin Ltd offers a range of products which is increasing in number and this may lead to the need for a more
detailed costing system. Traditional absorption systems might well be inadequate as the number of product variants increases.
One would expect that each new product developed is more complex than its predecessors. The company would probably
start with simple Vanilla, then a few basic flavours but as Taliesin Ltd has expanded one would expect it to take longer to
originate and test new products until they are ready to be introduced. It will probably take longer to mix the ingredients for a
run of each product.
These two, development and mixing ingredients, are examples of activities which arise when new products are considered.
If traditional absorption costing and budgeting are used based on machine-time in production then the effect of these activities
would be ignored.
In order to gain a full appreciation of the impact of new product introduction activity-based techniques should be used to
guide Taliesin Ltd into the easiest way to maintain its policy of growth. It may be a better decision to expand abroad or into
new markets at home with the existing products than pursue growth by introducing new products to a dwindling number of
We are not told of the composition of the customer base of Taliesin Ltd. However, one thing we do know is that the scope of
activity-based techniques extends beyond products and services. For example, the application of activity-based costing can
provide vital information that enables management to undertake customer profitability analysis, thereby further improving
management decision-making and operating performance.

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