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下面小编为大家准备了 国际内部审计师(CIA考试) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

The preferred stockholders are deemed to have the priority ______.

A.to receive dividend payment

B.to elect board of directors

C.to vote on corporate policy

D.all of the above

解析:优先股赋予优先股股东先于普通股股东获得红利收入的权利,但优先股的股东不能参与公司的日常管理,没有选举权和经营决策权。dividend红利。preferred stockholders优先股股东。priority优先权。

听力原文: Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in essence, a method whereby a bank may add its good name and reputation to bills of a borrower, thereby making the bills much more marketable than it would otherwise be. Specifically, the mechanics of the operation typically, work like the following. Suppose that an American exporter sells wheat to a German importer. The terms of the sale are that the German importer will pay for the wheat ninety days after it is shipped. For a variety of reasons, however, the American firm may want its money now, and not want to wait the ninety days. If so, it may issue a draft on its bank ordering the bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the holder of the draft ninety days from now. Along with the draft, the American exporter will send the appropriate documents showing that the wheat has actually been shipped. When the bank receives the draft, together, with the documentation, it stamps "accepted" across the face of it.

27. What are banker's acceptances?

28.Who is the drawee of the draft mentioned in the passage?

29.What should be attached to the draft when it is presented for acceptance?

30.How does the bank accept the draft?


A.They are drafts issued by a bank on another bank.

B.They are a very old form. of commercial credit.

C.They are exchange bills discounted by customers.

D.They are checks cashed through the ATMs.

解析:录音原文提到Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit。

The money a bank uses for lending is borrowed from depositors.



C.Doesn't say

解析:文中的最后一句指出They lend money which they have borrowed from depositors...。

What does the accountant do in recording assets and liabilities according to the stable-monetary-unit concept?

A.He simply adds all the amounts together.

B.He puts the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet objectively.

C.He makes restatement if the value of money depreciates.

D.He records the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet ignoring the change in purchasing power value of the currency.

解析:文章最后一段提到The stable-monetary-unit concept is the accountant's…the changing value of the dollar。统一货币计量单位使得会计在编制资产负债表的时候不用去考虑 通货膨胀和美元贬值的影响。所以D选项符合题意。

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