军队院校生长军(警)官招生考试 问题列表
问题 单选题He would have played football but he _____ time.A did not haveB does not haveC would not haveD has no

问题 单选题甲烷和乙烯的混合气体100mL,在催化剂的作用下跟氢气充分反应,消耗氢气30mL(气体体积均在相同条件下测定的),则原混合气体中甲烷的体积百分含量是(  ).A 70%B 30%C 50%D 25%

问题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true?A People choose different destinations depending on different interests.B People interested in history can have fun in Colonial Williamsburg.C All the people take vacations only to do nothing but relax themselves.D Not all Americans can afford time and money to go on a vacation.

问题 填空题在体育测试中,我尽力了。____ possible in the PE test.

问题 单选题My sister ______ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.A alwaysB sometimesC hardlyD never

问题 单选题According to the instructions, which of the following is TRUE?A The gasket should be cleaned thoroughly with cold water.B Mild detergent and hot water can best clean the cooker.C Soapy water will often damage the cooker.D Sand can be used to clean the cooker.

问题 单选题构成下列有机物分子中的原子,没有都处于同一平面上的是(  ).A 甲烷B 乙炔C 苯D 乙烯

问题 多选题我国坚定不移地奉行独立自主和平外交政策,这是(  )。A由国际政治格局决定的B由我国走和平发展道路决定的C由我国的社会主义性质和在国际上的地位决定的

问题 单选题You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It ______.A doesn’t allowB isn’t allowedC hasn’t allowedD wasn’t allowed

问题 单选题—______ you come with me to Lang Lang’s piano concert this evening?—I’d love to, but I have to study for my math test.A ShouldB MayC MustD Can

问题 单选题衡量一个国家在国际社会中的地位、作用的重要尺度是(  )。A 国家利益B 国家力量C 国家性质

问题 单选题中国特色社会主义理论体系不包括(  )。A “三个代表”重要思想B 科学发展观C 毛泽东思想

问题 单选题A carefulB generousC meanD close

问题 单选题Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _____ by the judge.A serviceB sentenceC crimeD crisis

问题 单选题—Would you please tell me ______?—Yes. There’s a bank over there.A when can I exchange moneyB where can I exchange moneyC when I can exchange moneyD where I can exchange money