职称英语(卫生) 问题列表
问题 共用题干 Going on a DietA typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay alive. These calories keep your heart___ 1 ___and your lungs breathing. They keep your organs operating___ 2___ and,your brain running. They also keep your body warm. A person___ 3___weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than needed. The only way to lose fat is to ___4 ___the number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic___5___behind going on a diet.Unfortunately,diets don't___6___or most people. They do lose weight but then go ___7___the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to___8___ consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day and how many you ___9___take in. The next step is to add exercise so that you can ___10___the number of cal-onies you can consume per day.Exercise charts can show you how many calories different___11___of exercise can burn.Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can___12___ a big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can ___13___ the stairs instead of the elevator. Find an exer- cise___14___.Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. It's a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are on a diet.___15___clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.9._________A: partlyB: hopefullyC: wiselyD: actually

问题 共用题干 Obesity(肥胖)in the Western WorldObesity is rapidly becoming a new problem of the western world,delegates agreed at the 1 1 th European Conference on the issue in Vienna Wednesday to Saturday.According to statements before the opening of the conference-of 2,000 specialists from more than 50 countries-1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 250 million are obese.Professor Bernhard Ludvik of Vienna General Hospital said:"Obesity is a chronic illness.In Germany, 20 per cent of the people are already affected,but in Japan only one per cent."But he said that there was hope for sufferers thanks to the new scientific discoveries and medication.Professor Friedrich Hopichier of Salzberg said:"We are living in the new age(but)with the metabolism (新陈代谢)of a stone-age man."" I have just been to the United States.It is really terrible.A pizza shop is spnnglng up on every corner.We have been overrun by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization."Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a potential killer.Hopichier said:"Eighty percent of all diabetics are obese,also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressure and fifty per cent with adipose (脂肪的)tissue complaints." " Ten per cent more weight means thirteen per cent more risk of heart disease. Reducing one's weight by ten per cent leads to thirteen per cent lower blood pressure."Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve their financing of preventive programs."Though the health insurance pays for surgery(such as reducing the size of the stomach) when the bodymass index is more than 40.That is equivalent to a weight of 1 1 6 kilograms for a height of 1.70 meters.One should start earlier."Ludvik said that prevention shoald begin in school."Child obesity(fat deposits)correlates(与……相关)with the time which children spend in front of TV sets."The consequences were only apparent later on.No more than fifteen per cent of obese people lived to the average life expectancy for their population group.Hermann Toplak suggested that more money should be spent on______.A:health insuranceB:preventive programsC:state health servicesD:obesity-related surgeries

问题 共用题干 Using HIV Virus to Cure CancerScientists are planning to use human immuno deficiency(免疫缺陷)virus(HIV) , one of mankind's most feared viruses,as a carrier of genes which can fight cancer and a range of diseases that cannot be cured.The experts say HIV has an almost perfect ability to avoid the body's immune(免疫的)defenses, making it ideal for carrying replacement genes into patients'bodies,according to the Observer.A team at the California-based Salk Institute,one of the world's leading research centers on biological sciences,has created a special new breed of HIV and has started negotiations with the U.S.Food and Drug Administration(FDA)to begin clinical gene therapy(治疗)trials this year.The first trials are expected to involve patients suffering from cancers that cannot be cured by surgery although project leader Professor Inder Verma said the HIV technique would have“far wider applications”.The plan remains very likely to cause controversy since it involves making use of a viruswhich has caused more than 22 million deaths around the world in the past two decades.Verma said that the idea of using HIV for a beneficial purpose was“shocking”but the fierce nature of HIV had disappeared by having all six of the potentially deadly genes removed.Illnesses such as various cancers are caused when a gene in a patient's body fails to work properly.In the past two years, breakthroughs in genetics(遗传学)have led gene therapy sci-entists to try and replace the genes that do not function normally.Unfortunately,the body's immune defenses have been known to attack the modified genes and make them lose their effects before they can start their task and progress in the field has been held up by the lack of a suitable carrier.The HIV virus has the ability to escape from,and then destroy,the immune defense cells designed to protect our bodies and this makes it attractive to scientists as a way of secretly conveying replacement genes into patients'bodies.The HIV virus has caused more deaths in developed countries.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

问题 Jack was dismissed.A: fired B:fined C:exhausted D: criticized

问题 共用题干 According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car,attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in discipli-ning children.It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile,defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of re-fusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love .Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble, but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline .These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level.To enforce the rules,parents use a combina- tion of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A: Power strategies are used by a lot of parents because it's very effective way to discipline children.B: Some children may appear to be very self-disciplined but actually very nervous and inse- cure.C: Consistency is very important to any kind of discipline.D: The rules parents set for their children should be age-appropriate.

问题 I'm afraid that your daughter has failed to get through her mid-term exams.A: pass off B: pass away C: pass D: pass out

问题 共用题干 13 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety DisorderSocial anxiety disorder prevents some 15 million Americans from leading normal social and romantic lives,a new survey finds.The disorder leaves many isolated,ashamed and often misdiagnosed. Thirty-six percent of those with social anxiety disorder have symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help,the Anxiety Disorders Association of America reports.“Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense,persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situations,”Jerilyn Ross,the association's president and CEO,said during a teleconference Wednesday.“The condition causes people to avoid common,everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing themselves,”Ross said.Social anxiety disorder can interfere with daily routines and job performance,Ross noted.“It also makes it very difficult for people to develop friends and romantic partnerships,” she said.People with this disorder recognize their fear is excessive and irrational,Ross noted. “But they feel powerless to do anything about it,”she said.Social anxiety disorder can start in the early teens,Dr. Mark H.Pollack,director of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School,said during the teleconference.“This is a disorder that starts affecting people early on,”Pollack said.“The typical age of onset is early adolescence,age 12 or 13,and many individuals report a history of anxiety dating back to earlier childhood.”The disorder also has physical symptoms,including heart palpitations,feelings that their throat will close up,sweating,blushing,faintness,trembling and stammering,Ross said.Among people with the disorder,75 percent said the condition affected their ability to do normal activities. In addition,69 percent said they didn't want people to think they were crazy,and 58 percent said they were embarrassed by their condition,Ross said.However,when the condition is diagnosed and treated,many reported improvement in their lives.In fact,59 percent who were receiving treatment said treatment had a positive effect on their ability to have a romantic relationship.In addition,39 percent who had received treatment said knowing that treatment can be successful aided their decision to get help,Ross noted.Which is NOT true of people with social anxiety disorder?A: They're often isolated and ashamed.B: They find it difficult to make friends.C: They often fail to get timely treatment.D: They tend to judge or criticize other people.

问题 共用题干 InterviewThe importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and broadcast journalist are reflected in several books that have been written on the topic .Most of these books,as well as sev-eral chapters,mainly in,but not limited to,journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts,stress the"how to"aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview,its context,and,implications. Much of the"how to"material is based on personal experiences and general impressions.As we know,in journalism as in other fields,much can be learned from the systematic study of professional practice.Such study brings together evidence from which broad generalized principles can be developed.There is,as has been suggested,a growing body of research literature in journalism and broadcasting,but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview it-self. On the other hand,many general texts as well as numerous research articles on interviewing in fields other than journalism have been written.Many of these books and articles present the theoretical and empirical aspects of the interview as well as the training of the interviewers. Un-happily,this plentiful general literature about interviewing pays little attention to the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons .First,it seems likely that most people in modern Western societies are more familiar,at least in a positive manner,with journalistic interviewing than with any other form of interviewing. Most of us are probably somewhat familiar with the clini- cal interview,such as that conducted by physicians and psychologists.In these situations the pro-fessional person or interviewer is interested in getting information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the person seeking help .Another familiar situation is the job interview.However, very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media,particularly by televi-sion .And yet,we have a vivid acquaintance with the journalistic interview by virtue of our roles as readers,listeners,and viewers.Even so,true understanding of the journalistic interview,es- pecially television interview,requires thoughtful analysis and even study,as this book indicates. The patient is the interviewee in a clinical interview.A:RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

问题 共用题干 Pregnant Women Warned About ACE InhibitorSome of the most commonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE in-hibitors.Doctors have given these drugs to patients for twenty-five years.A government study in the United States found that the use almost doubled between 1995 and 2000.Doctors have known for years that women should not take ACE inhibitors during the last six months of pregnancy.The medicine can injure the baby.ACE inhibitors,though,have been con-sidered safe when taken during the first three months. But a new study has found that women who take these drugs early in their pregnancy still increase the risk of birth disorders. The study shows that,compared to others,their babies were almost three times as likely to be born with major problems .These included problems with the formation of the brain and nervous system and holes in the heart.The researchers say they found no increased risk in women who took other blood pressure medicines during the first three months.Researchers at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee and Boston University did the study.The New England Journal of Medicine published the results. The researchers studied the records of almost thirty thousand births between 1985 and 2000.Two hun-dred nine babies were born to women who took ACE inhibitors during the first three months of their pregnancies.Eighteen of the babies,or almost nine percent,had major disorders.ACE inhibitors are often given to patients with diabetes. But diabetes during pregnancy can result in birth defects.So the study did not include any women known to be diabetic.ACE inhibi- tors suppress a protein called angiotensin-converting enzyme or ACE.This enzyme produces a chemical in the body that makes blood passages narrow.The drugs increase the flow of blood so pressure is reduced.New drugs are tested on pregnant animals to see if they might cause birth defects in humans. But experts say these tests are not always dependable.The United States Food and Drug Adminis- tration helped pay for the study .The F. D.A.says women who might become pregnant should talk with their doctor about other ways to treat high blood pressure. Paragraph 2______A: Effects of ACE and ACE InhibitorsB: Wide Use of ACE InhibitorsC: How to Deal with High Blood Pressure in Pregnant WomenD: Damage to Pregnant Women's Future BabiesE: Suggestions on Stopping the Use of ACE InhibitorsF: Relative Safety for Women During the First Three Months of Pregnancies

问题 共用题干 A Personal Look at Klinefelter Syndrome1 I was diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome (KS)(遗传性细精管发育不全)a little more than a year ago,at the age of 25,in February 1996.Being diagnosed has been a big sigh of relief after a life of frustrations.Throughout my early childhood and adolescence,I was very shy,reserved,and had trouble making friends.I would fly into rages for no apparent reason.My parents knew when I was very young that there was something about me that wasn't right.2 I saw many psychologists , psychiatrists(精神科医生),therapists(临床医学家),and doctors,and their only diagnosis was"learning disabilities".In the seventh grade,I was told by a psychologist that I was stupid and lazy,and I would never amount to anything. After barely graduating from high school,I started out at a local community college.I received an associate degree in business administration,and never once sought special help.I transferred to a small liberal arts college to finish up my bachelor of science degree, and spent an extra year to complete a second degree.Then I started a job as a software engineer for an Internet-based company.I have been using computers for 1 7 years and have learned everything I needed to know on my own.3 To find out my KS diagnosis,I had gone to my general physician for a physical examination.He noticed that my testes(睾丸)were smaller than they should be and sent me for blood work. The karyotype(染色体组型)showed KS , 47 , XXY. After seeing the symptoms of KS and what effects they might have,I found it described me pertectly.But, after getting over the initial shock and dealing with the denial,depression,and anger,I decided that there could be things much worse in life.I decided to take a positive approach.4 There are several types of treatments for KS. I give myself a testosterone(睾丸素) injection once every two weeks.My learning and thought processes have become stronger, and I take greater pleasure in meeting other people and have become more of a leader. Granted,not all of this is due to the increased testosterone level,some of it is from a new confidence level and from maturing.5 I feel that parents who are finding out prior to the birth of their son that he will have KS are very lucky.There is so much they can do to help their child have a great life.I have had almost all of the symptoms at some time in my life,and I've gotten through and done well. The writer was once considered by a psychologist to be_________.A:a great lifeB:relieved and happyC:a life of frustrationsD:a good-for-nothingE:shocked and depressedF:shy and reserved

问题 The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.A:fresh B:hot C:heavy D:windy

问题 She was given a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.A:lessen B:stop C:release D:inflict

问题 共用题干 Deaths Associated with Sugary Soft DrinksSugar-sweetened sodas,sports drinks and fruit drinks may be associated with about 180,000 deaths around the world each year,according to a recent research.Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed throughout the world,and contribute to excess body weight,which increases the risk of developing diabetes,cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. Using data collected as part of the 2010 Global Burden of Diseases Study,the researchers linked intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to 133,,000 diabetes deaths,44,000 deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 6,000 cancer deaths.Seventy-eight percent of these deaths due to over-consuming sugary drinks were in low and middle-income countries,rather than high-income countries."In the U.S.,our research shows that about 25,000 deaths in 2010 were linked to drinking sugar-sweetened beverages,"said Mr. Singh,a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.Of nine world regions,Latin America/Caribbean had the most diabetes deaths(38,000)related to the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in 2010.Japan,one of the countries with lowest per-capita consumption of sugary beverages in the world,had the lowest death rate associated with the consumption of sugary beverages,at about 10 deaths due to per million adults."Because we were focused on deaths due to chronic diseases,our study focused on adults.Future research should assess the amount of sugary beverage consumption in children across the world and how this affects their current and future health,"Singh said.The American Heart Association recommends adults consume no more than 450 calories per week,from sugar-sweetened beverages,based on a 2,000 calorie diet and offers tips to help you make better lifestyle choices and eat healthier.Excess body weight increases the risk of developing diabetes.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

问题 共用题干 Staying Active in Old Age Keeps People MobilePeople over 70 who aren't active are more likely to develop problems walking or climbing stairs within a few years,according to a new study.These findings suggest that it's very important to stay________(1)in old age, study author Dr. Marjolein Visser told Reuters Health."Physical activity in old age is as important_________(2)taking your medications (药物),"Visser noted. "You do not need to join an expensive,fancy sports club with high-tech(高科技的)equipment. Your body will already_______ ( 3 ) from regularwalking."Visser , a Dutch(荷兰的)scholar, explained that________ ( 4 ) active helps prevent people from becoming breathless during simple activities,increase muscle mass and strength,and maintain the balance people need to walk up stairs,for instance.To investigate how important exercise is to older adults,Visser's team interviewed 3,075 men and_________(5)between the ages of 70 and 79,all of whom said they had no problems walking one-quarter of a mile or climbing_________(6).The investigators followed the subjects for 4 1 /2 years,noting who developed problems________(7)and climbing stairs.During the study,34 percent of men and 47________(8)of women said they began to struggle with walking and climbing stairs.People________(9)were inactive were twice as likely to report these problems as people who said they got regular exercise.People who didn't exercise but had active lifestyles appeared to be at a somewhat higher risk of developing__________(10)walking and climbing stairs,relative to people who exercised__________(11).Still,leading an active lifestyle appeared to protect people___________(12)problems better than being generally inactive,the researchers report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics(老年医学)Society.Among people who were inactive,__________(13)who walked even a little bit-such as brisk(轻快的)walking for a little over an hour per week-were at a lower________(14) of mobility(可动性)problems."If you do not like to exercise or you cannot exercise__________(15)of serious health problems or functional limitations,do try to be as active as possible,"Visser advised._________(1) A:young B:new C:still D:active

问题 共用题干 Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly DiabeticsMost old people with so-called type Ⅱ diabetes could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week,according to new medical research results reported in the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske Tidende on Monday.Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the Copenhagen Central Hospital Rigshospitalet's Centerfor Muscle Research showed that physical exercise can boost the body's ability to utilise insulin by 30 percent,the newspaper reported.This is equal to the effect most elderly diabetics get from their insulin medication today,it said.Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type II,all more than 60 years of age,exercise on bicycles six times a week for three months.After the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects'muscles could utilise as a measure for how well their insulin worked.Associate Professor Dr.Flemming Dela of the Muscle Research Center said the tests demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just as high insulin utilisation as the healthy non-exercising persons."This means that the insulin works just as well for both groups.Physical exercise cannot cure people of diabetes,but it can eliminate almost all their symptoms.At the same time it can put off the point at which they have to begin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment,"Dela was quoted as saying.Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas,controlling sugar in the body and used against diabetes.Dela said that to achieve the desired effect diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up a sweat,but that the activity has to be maintained since it wears off after five days without sufficient exercise。Most diabetics realise that they have to watch their diet while remaining unaware of the importance of exercise,Dela added.How could most elderly type Ⅱ diabetics stop taking insulin?A:By taking more salt than usual.B:By taking less salt than usual.C:By doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three times a week.D:By going climbing,swimming or boxing every day.